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About Libertyandlivelihood

  • Birthday 11/01/1983

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  • Interests
    Shooting, hunting and drinking Cider!!!

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  1. Do you still have this for sale, just starting to look around as a first time buyer of thermal.
  2. Considering buying a 2010 L200 Warrior, 140k miles. What should I look out for when considering this please? Thanks
  3. Enjoy.....such a nice area, usually visit once or twice a year and do Poldhu Cove, Church Cove, Kynance Cove.....
  4. About 30 mins from Fairford you will find 'Francis Lovel & Co' in Witney. Have used a few times and always great service and a lot of knowledge.
  5. Hey, anyone here got the sept/oct 2017 basc magazine and have a problem with pages. Mine gets to pg10 then jumps to pg27-42 then back to pg27. missing pg11-pg26. Am I missing the best pages ever??
  6. I dropped you a message earlier through Gun Watch.
  7. How much of each did you use and how did you make it please....i got a few to use and no one wants them! Cheers
  8. Will have a closer look at the fruit tomorrow, don't appear to have the sort of veins that show on Google images and the green gooseberry. Cheers all.
  9. Never heard of a black gooseberry till now, there are green hairy gooseberries also, these red/black ones are not furry and feel similar to grapes.
  10. Help from the experts needed! Just took on an allotment and has many fruits on it but can't identify this one, any help please?
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