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Another pocket watch resto.

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I recently found a Bentima pocket watch of ebay. Bentima were linked with Oris. I found the watch listed at £17 starting bid. I left it till the last min and dropped a bid on it. By jingo I won :o


It arrived on Monday morning whilst I was a work, and Monday evening about 10:20 I started to look it over. I noticed a few visible issues prefty much straight away. The hands were not matching, infact they didn't even belong to that watch. The crystal was missing. In the movement there were 2 screw missing that hold the movement in the case! So I took the bezel off, remkved the stem, and dropped the movement out of the case! It was swimming with oil. Dirty black sticky oil. So I had to completely dismantle the watch. As I seperated the plates and removed the wheels and barrel, I notices the wheel that powers the pinion was OUT of it's mount. I had to re secure this. The screw had came undone after years of use. Then I also noticed the clutch housing was loose too. That again needed re securing.


With all the issies addressed and a clean of the parts I started the assembly process. It took around 40 mins to assemble, with a drop of oil on each pivot point. The most tedious part is lining up the wheels do the plates can be secured together. But after all the work was done I gave it a wind, and away it went. I now put a matching pair of hands on and beed a crystal, but am very happy with it.

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Smashing job your Lordship :good:


I used to repair watches as a hobby, Had all the tools including a cleaning/drying machine but had to pack in due to arthritis in my hands, I started dropping the drivers and tweezers in to the movements!! :unhappy:

I still swap cells and replace crystals occasionally but nothing more involved..



I've collected watches for 40 years and have a few (Around 2,500 in total!)..

Here's some of them (Much less than half!) ..



John :)


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Smashing job your Lordship :good:


I used to repair watches as a hobby, Had all the tools including a cleaning/drying machine but had to pack in due to arthritis in my hands, I started dropping the drivers and tweezers in to the movements!! :unhappy:


I still swap cells and replace crystals occasionally but nothing more involved..


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I've collected watches for 40 years and have a few (Around 2,500 in total!)..


Here's some of them (Much less than half!) ..





John :)



Wow, that is some collection!!

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Smashing job your Lordship :good:


I used to repair watches as a hobby, Had all the tools including a cleaning/drying machine but had to pack in due to arthritis in my hands, I started dropping the drivers and tweezers in to the movements!! :unhappy:


I still swap cells and replace crystals occasionally but nothing more involved..


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I've collected watches for 40 years and have a few (Around 2,500 in total!)..


Here's some of them (Much less than half!) ..





John :)


thats some collection , do they all work ?.



well done on your watch lg , it looks very impressive mate :good:

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My collection is also on the increase! I now have about 14 pocket watches in differing state of repair, trench watch, Clocks, about 10 wrist watches. Infact just yesterday I took another gander in BHF charity shop and found a nice ladies watch. Thought SWMBO would like it. Ordinarily she is a pain to buy for. But not this time! £3.99 for a watch that looks like it's been worn perhaps once. Lovely mother of pearl dial, 3 gems at the 6,9,12 positions and a date sub dial at the 3. Bezel encrusted with gems too and 2 blue gems at each of the 3,6,9,12 positions. I did a little research on the watch when I got home! Turns out it is an Ingersoll Gems watch. Apparently they were retailed for between £400- £500 when new. It is diamonds and saphires :o


Only needs a battery and I will check the gasket when I remove the case back.


I need some oils and grease now to crack on with another watch I am servicing.

Edited by Lord Geordie
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My collection is also on the increase! I now have about 14 pocket watches in differing state of repair, trench watch, Clocks, about 10 wrist watches. Infact just yesterday I took another gander in BHF charity shop and found a nice ladies watch. Thought SWMBO would like it. Ordinarily she is a pain to buy for. But not this time! £3.99 for a watch that looks like it's been worn perhaps once. Lovely mother of pearl dial, 3 gems at the 6,9,12 positions and a date sub dial at the 3. Bezel encrusted with gems too and 2 blue gems at each of the 3,6,9,12 positions. I did a little research on the watch when I got home! Turns out it is an Ingersoll Gems watch. Apparently they were retailed for between £400- £500 when new. It is diamonds and saphires :o


Only needs a battery and I will check the gasket when I remove the case back.


I need some oils and grease now to crack on with another watch I am servicing.



Well done on buying something that the better half likes!!, My missus has over a hundred watches, Mostly good quality and a few vintage solid gold beauties and her fave is.... A £5 watch from the local market!! :yes::/



John :)

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