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Everything posted by jimdfish

  1. a good pigeon feed supplier will sort it out for you. Search google and there is bound to be one near you JDF
  2. Pigeons love aniseed if yuo can get it. We used to bring the birds in with it after racing. Jim
  3. Do YOU want buy a trap pipmoff? Send me a mail about your requirements, size of land, spread of birds then we can work out which trap is best for you which spring assembly and stand you want it on and which blades you want on it and then we could talk about a price. There are for the uninitiated alot of combos on these trappy things and prive is variant on all these. Do drop me a line ol' bean and we can talk Jim P.s all traps will be less than 100 of your english pounds. This may increase with P&P though if necessary
  4. well hes not getting one. The prices for the traps are negotiable. If you buy the all at once the price will be considerably cheaper. If I have breeched the rules I will apologise to the mods only. A clay pigeon trap is not the sort of thing you would buy on impulse. You probably have a good idea that you want one. Therefore I do not feel it is unreasonable in any context for the prospective purchaser to PM me to discuss further his requirements types of birds, budgets etc and we would hopefully be able to come to a mutually beneficial conclusion. JDF
  5. If anyone is interested in purchasing the traps and would like to discuss prices please PM me and we can discuss prices. Jim
  6. Due to the ignorance of townies buying up country houses then objecting to the sound of guns on ONE sunday a month I am closing my shoot down and therefore have some traps for sale 3x fairey doubles with stands 1x fairey single 1x bowman double on sled stand 2x lightweight doubles 2x rabbit traps We have spare springs for all of the above. The faireys espescially are heavy duty and so would need to be bought by someone fairly local. I will throw in a box of clays with the above as well JDF
  7. jimdfish


    The best w=thing about it is if you read thae article on the left hand side in beige box is a quote from the boiler saying " I am in no way a violent person". You bloody well are. youre a nutter Geddit a nutter oh well JDF
  8. jimdfish


    Look at the BBC website under testicle attack. JDF
  9. Good man Bernie. For too long we have had the sanctimonious posts, Is that legal, we dont need your type, that sort of thing. Moderators moderate. This holier than thou attitude by certain posters is ruining the site. Now can I have a free knife. Please. JimDfish P.S By the way I once shot my gat gun when i was 7 on the local rec grounds and it had a big sign up saying no shooting. I feel better now, a weight is lifted. Now that we are brothers confessors can In have a freee knife?
  10. Drop us a mail please Derek. Jim
  11. jimdfish


    Im covered in them. Big black celtic and tribal ******* apart from a particularily fine copy of picasso's Don Quixote ( my personal hero ) on my forearm. Who else has got has got a character froma 17th Century novel as a tattoo. I got free drinks in Spain and when I was in hospital all of the very attractive Spanish nurses all wanted to see it. Tattoos, helping the fish meet women and get rubberised for free. Stick that on your pasty boring and unadorned skin losers. Hahahhaha Jim P.S Have you heard the joke about the woman who goes to tattooist and asks for a butterfly in a very private place? very funny but much too rude to print
  12. Apparently they are looking very closely at the circle of his friends. Ah well, he got out of a hole last time, he can do it again. Jim P.S didnt he do the advert for chocolate fingers?
  13. Hi Dazza, I only took pictures of the DTL stand this time but I have some work to do on the clubhouse next I will take more. If you are interested google Teggs nose and look at some of the pictures. My club abuts teggs nose country park. The walkers love us, haha JDF
  14. This by the way is may clay pigeon shoot in Macclesfield. Unfortunately it wa a bit muggy so you really cant take in the real beauty of the place. JDF
  15. I am with Cranners and Teal on this. There are just too many inane questions and comments. The " oh i wish i lived nearer, and if only you had asked last week crew" along with the predictable " if you filled in your profile it might help" brigade are ruining the site. Just the other day there was a brand new S200 for sale, 3 days old and the inevitable "pics please" flooded in. IT WAS A THREE DAY OLD S200 FOR GODS SAKE. What else would it possibly look like. If people just want to increase the number of their posts then do it constructively instead. JDF P.S why are people who do not even posess a shotgun licence asking silly questions i.e stock length, choke, heel to comb and that mularkey when they could not buy it if they wanted to. YOU know who you are.
  16. quite possibly the prettiest shoot venue in the world.
  17. jimdfish

    Big Brother

    Big ********. Nuff said Jim
  18. cheers G That was what I was beginning to think after not being able to trace the maker. Lovely little gun though Jim
  19. I travel to Scotland by train on a regular basis. I take my gun, no probs. Walk on like you do it everyday. You only look dodgy if you act dodgy. JDF
  20. I have recently purchased a hammer gun for rabbiting and the like.It is manufactured by a firm called Smallwood and they were based in Shrewsbury. Any more info would be appreciated. JDF
  21. i think you have to put your toilet paper in a bin in the bathroom rather than flushing. Dirty devils. Jim
  22. I know its brutal and disturbing in a way but I quite like them. Whenever i can I either watch them on telly or go to the ring. 'ole. If you ever see a matador leave the stadium afterwards and is swamped by people you will understand that bullfighting is not going anywhere for some time. Interestingly there is to be a fight in Portugal soon where two matadors will fight twin bulls in the ring at the same time. Very rare are fighting bull twins apparently. The fish
  23. my name was given as a reference for a SGC. the chap from GMP phoned to check the applicants details and we got talking. The GMP use land registry files to check out permission so as long as you have the necessary from the farmer the section one is yours( as long as they know you). He even went as far to recommend the sako quad so I would have all the bases covered. he is one top geezer and no mistake. anyone lucky ebough to have the GMP as their FLO's are lucky baskets indeed. one pleased fish. jimDfish P.S no silly ammo restrictions, they are realists and topper most toper blokes to boot
  24. Getting a license for extraction is extremely difficult indeed. The licenses are granted if and only is there are no white claws in the river system. You will have to wait until the WC's die off before you can take signals from the water, although taking them from the water would in all likelihood stop the WC's dying out. To summarize then, taking the signals out may help to preserce the WC's, You cannot however remove the signals until the signals have killed off the WC's Only then is it deemed to be allowable to extract the signals from the river system. Yor local branch of the EA will not be able to help obtain you license, that been said if you are granted a license then the EA will tell you of the hotspots. jimDfish
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