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Everything posted by jimdfish

  1. jimdfish


    my young lad has lemonade pockets but champagne ideas. when out beating he continually approaches the guns. as the guns pay 600 quid a day mininmum i believe that you should not approach them and ask them personal questions ie what do you do? what do others think? jim p.s he will become a barrister so he will rub shoulders eventually but when he gets back from a day out he regales me with stories of the nobs he has rubbed along with. LV Mungler et al. honey to the bees
  2. Henry, I think it is self explanatory but explain the under arm lob please. How high, how many etc and does it really work? JDF
  3. if some of the replies on this, a most emotive of subjects did not mention the colour of peoples skin, i could take it seriously. the misconception that all muslims are brown and therefore brown = bad is very bad indeed. you know who you are.
  4. i wont even start about my lost shoot then. but i know what you mean. jdf
  5. dumplings and stew are winter food? crikey, better tell her then. all year round grubbage for the fish. winter equals mince and tatties served in hollowed out crusty cob followed by cored apples with raisins and cinnamon and custard its like eating armadillos with angels breast for pudding jdf
  6. Hugh has a new series starting Thursday called "gone fishing". Its all about fish. As the name suggests. Fish I tells ya jimDfish P.S not about me, other fish
  7. Absolutuely great idea. Well done NTTF. In a fortnight my young lad is in sporting gun showing his fellow school mates how to clean a pheasant. The headmistress will not let him name the school though anywhere in the article. ery anti. Jim
  8. during autumn watch, which is set on martimere I shoot his geese. The gunshots are never on the programme though. Strange that JDF
  9. If you want you can try distillation by freezer. freeze as cold as possible, water freezes leaving concentrated alcohol in a very obvious seperation one side will be white and crystalline, like ice {which it is} and the coloured portion will be super strength wine, beer, whatever. Jim
  10. "Extreme muslim terrorists are SCUM, that's all they want to do is injure or kill people in the name of a religion, I have no time for them at all, Christians, Roman Catholics, Sihks, Buddits, Mormans and the majority of other religion don't kill anyone ulness it's a conflict like war" quoterd from SW Hunters post. No.1 the worfd Jihad means holy war and they believe they are at war with us. No.2 All of the religions named barring the mormons have killed i the name of religion. Christians(remember the crusades) and Roman Catholics are the same religion by the way, thats why RC's carry a cross and worsip Jesus Christ, hence the word Christian. The Provisional Irish republican Army were Roman Catholic and I seem to remember they were a bit cheeky with the bombing of innocents not so long ago. Seikh's are a warrior caste who frequently blow each other up and murder one another in the name of religion. It is becoming like an advert for the NF on here. cartridge talks about mistaking them for deer and shooting them!! imagine for a second if your firearems officer saw these posts. Even if you escaped a charge of inciting racial hatred ( which I doubt as the documentary eviddence is really quite conclusive ) you will be lucky to be reissued a license. As for fuel for the fire for anti's keep it up lads. Why not strive to fulfil a stereotype we have been trying to dispel for years. Go rednecks.Whoooo.
  11. 3 ft Lb 70 quid. Berettaman, take notice, this guy can tell a good joke JDF
  12. I thought it was against regulations to wear your uniform in public except when on ceremonial or active duty! Jim P.S I wish my barmaid were Australian
  13. jimdfish


    makes you proud. imagine being that brave. thats why we will never die. 633 jim saltues you jdf
  14. the bit at the front that covers the engine thingy seems to be a bit flappy. that cant be safe can it?
  15. I have a staffie called "the mop" and she ain't no devil dog. She is frightened of, in no particular order, fireworks guns fishing rods the pub cat all other cats a ****zu and a westie who live down the road didgeridoos metal doors (open or shut) pigeons if they stand their ground. Give her a tree though and shes away. she has killed more hanging tree branches than any dog in history. Jim
  16. I aman ardent suuporter of a much tighter immigration policy. I really am. I do however feel this thread a thinly veiled excuse to attack muslims. The majority of muslims are believe it or not peaceful people. when the IRA were bombing the mainland did we vent our anger at catholics in general? Did we rail at the building of new cathoilc churches? The people in the main whio believe we are upsetting muslims by celebrating christmas are white liberals. If you speak to muslims, jews hindus seikhs etc they are as puzzled why local councils would want to ban christmas as we are. As with any group there are radical idiots who are too blinkered to see the bigger picture. These people should be actively pursued and imprisoned or expelled from the country forthwith. I firmly believe that if you dont like it here you should leave The biggest threat to British identity is perpetrated by white middle class individuals who believe they are the voice of minority groups.
  17. Didnt Britain invade almost every country on the Earth at one time or another, steal their wealth and lay claim to their lands? I think I remember reading something about it at school. Did anyone in Britain actually vote for the present government who allowed this influx of immigrants. I am sure glad no-one on here voted labour.Right lads? Jim P.S one day i will post pictures of my nieces and nephews. If the colour of their skin or religion offends we can meet up and have a frank discusion about it in the car park
  18. "We're the Sweeney love and we aint had our diner" "get yah trousers, you're nicked!" Top stuff! Isnt that the theme tune to the bill? Jim
  19. What has been your favourite survey this month on pigeonwatch? JDF
  20. Here is a genuine e-mail (spam) from the angling times which I received today "As a keen angler, here's your unforgettable chance from Angling Times to take off with three friends on a luxury ballooning holiday in the spectacular Swiss Alps. This amazing holiday for four includes flights and 7 nights of five star luxury at the legendary Gstaad Palace Hotel plus hot air balloon flights over the breathtaking Alpine scenery - courtesy of Virgin Balloon Flights". Can anyone tell me what has being a keen angler got to do with ballooning? The last bastion is alas, being bombarded by advertising dogflop. Is nothing sacred JDF
  21. No too bad humour with tbis post please. My apprentice is as keen as mustad with work and shooting, i mean really keen. He does suffer however with teenage acne, the type that leaves scars. I was blessed fortunately with a few spots as a kid, bu the one's i did knocked my confidence. He is such a good kid and therefore the qusetion is Apart from abrasive treatments does any members know of a way to reduce or minimise his plaugey face? JDF P.S pizza jokes, while funny are not altogether appreciated
  22. definetely a green parrot JDF
  23. I have just been sat, watching the fishing on discovery when a green parrot flew head on into my patio windows. I know it is a green parrot because it is now nursing a headache in the tree at the bottom of my garden. Really quite freaky. It is made all the freakier because I live in Stockport. I dont think that parrots are native to Stockport. Jim
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