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Everything posted by yates

  1. England(more in hope than confidence), France and Ireland
  2. Just checked him. Very funny i agree, that's two then as i forgot about Alex Salmon
  3. Can't comment on your personal situation. If you have found someone and are prepared to look after her children good luck to you all. But why should should the state provide benefits. Your partner and her ex should provide for all the kids needs, if you are prepared to help good on you, but all tax payers should not be forced to subsise other peoples kids. People should not be allowed to have kids until they can prove that they can afford them and be able to emotionally support them. Victor Meldrew moment over now.
  4. Give over Billie there are plenty of funny Scottish comedians........................................erm.......................................................................................................................................................erm..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................erm................struggling..............erm
  5. You are not a failure, you have an addiction, it is exceptionally difficult to refrain from doing something that you have enjoyed and done for years. Your starting point must be that you really want to quit. You have already done it once so you have the strength to do it again. I like you used to smoke 40 plus cigarettes a day, i used to love smoking to the extent that i would not eat or drink if it got in the way of my cigarettes. I knew i should stop, ignored the warnings, and very selfishly ignored the concerns of my family. I tried the chamix, inhalators and nicorette patches over a two year period with no success. Even being diagnosed with a benign tumor in my throat did not stop me. I was lucky as i met someone who pointed out that my addiction my totally selfish. It was pointed out very bluntly how the effect of my death would affect my family. I have three kids, the youngest being ten. Was it fair to them to slowly kill myself. How would my absensce affect their lives. A harsh lesson but a no brainer really. My last cigarette was 16th September 2010, the first six months of quitting were easy but even now i still get the urge to have the odd drag. I can resist and feel totally relieved later that i did not give in. Like you my health deteriorated but improved since refraing, i now walk up hills without stopping to catch my breath, sex life has improved(won't explain further), the tumor hasn't grown and is stable. I can't believe how bad i must have smelled as the smokers i know stink awful. Frenchie i hope my experience helps you to quit, good luck- Tim. Remember, think of your family.ps I hope that you'll be making the video's for many more years to come.
  6. In no particular order- Traditional Sunday lunch(has to have Yorkshires' every time, can't stand these people who only have them with beef), home cooked curries(madras hot) home cooked chilli and paella. Have to admit it's a real advantage having a girlfriend who's a brilliant cook.
  7. My daughter,s suggestion is Oscar. My girlfriends suggestion is jerry
  8. Ritchie10 i hope you're not calling me a poacher The problem isn't the dogs it is some of the people that own them and what they encourage the dogs to do. My friend lost 11 sheep from a flock of twenty, over half of his investment lost to someone's warped pastime but i accept that there are are good and bad in all walks of life
  9. I've got to agree somewhat with dazsl's comments. Where i live the ***** that go badger baiting all seem to have these bull/mastif/lurcher/collie crosses. Sheep, deer carcasses are regularly found in the area. These dogs are used to hunt and run down their prey. Killing for killings sake, animals are killed for fun, not poached for food. Even a lama has been found slaughtered. I can understand using a lurcher to hunt for rabbits, but what purpose does an over muscular mastif/lucher cross serve other to chase down and kill larger animals.
  10. You'll be able to invest in a few more "artistic" calendars now
  11. I totally agree with all comments so far, badgers spread TB the infects cattle, so their numbers need to be controlled. The sad thing is that some members of the public seem to think all people who hunt or shot game have the same moral attitude as low life badger baiters
  12. Did you get written permission from the squirrel to use his/her image for the shot?
  13. Thanks for the advice, all greatly appreciated- Tim
  14. My 10 month old black lab is driving me to dispare. I cannot stop him running to other dogs. On his own he sits, returns to command and is generally very obediant. As soon as another dog appears he runs straight off and ignores all attempts to stop him. Any ideas or tips would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance-Tim
  15. yates

    Miami vice

    The 80's were great musically. U2(when they used to good), Big Country, The Alarm. But then again on seconds thoughts there was Culture Club, Marilyn, Duran Duran, Spandau Ballet, so things weren't that good after all.
  16. Damn, you.ve blown my cover Mike. I thought that the list i posted was probably the worst selection of party songs ever but i've just remembered 'Superman' by Black Lace. My real top five would include- Rock the Casbah-The Clash(THe best band ever) Nice n Sleezy-The Stranglers Sweet Child o mine-Guns and Roses Thin Lizzy-Waiting for an Alibi Hazel OConnor-Will you(end of evening slowie
  17. 1. Agadoo- Black lace 2. The birdy song- Tweets 3. Fandabidozi- Krankies 4. Jake the peg- Rolf Harris 5. I wish I could fly- Orville Enjoy
  18. Quality stuff, i used to do similar things when i was younger!! No,i didn't i would not have had the balls to do most of those things
  19. I agree totally. They should be able to shoot anyone wearing traccy bottoms and a hoodie. Even better shoot anyone who speaks 'gangsta'
  20. yates


    Hope it clears up mate, it would be terrible the lower piece of your urinary tract had to be amputated :o
  21. Can someone remind me what shooting is? Not had the wand out for ten months now
  22. At the age of 20 i left home to move into the nurses accomadation at my local hospital. Being one of two blokes living with twenty women was one of the best times of my life. Stayed there for two years and recieved one hell of an education.
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