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Everything posted by greylag

  1. I take it all back.NRW have today issued the new licences which are quite good and easy to understand.
  2. At least Natural England have a license out there,their equivalent in Wales have at the moment not put any license out at all saying there would be a delay.They are frightened to death that WJ will come after them again if there is any discrepancy at all . r
  3. You obviously have a huge gripe with BASC as every time you have the opportunity you winge about their treatment of you.If they provide all the details you are asking for perhaps you can have a one to one discussion and stop blocking up every thread that mentions BASC with your moaning.
  4. Well done everyone,it just shows with a strong approach we can beat these bullies.Lets hope a similar approach to the general license challenge on NRW.
  5. Same people having a chip,it gets pretty monotonous.Thanks to BASC and other organisations game bird release this year will not be challenged after wild Justice stepped back from fast tracking,all thanks to the three organisations who grasp the metal and confronted the bullies.
  6. Well done,they are one of three organisations taking them on.BASC have also asked to be registered as an interested party against wild Justice who are asking for a judicial review of the general license issued by NRW.Wild justice are at this moment attempting to raise £42000 for the fight against NRW.through crowd funding.
  7. Unfortunately this is another case with WJ,it is the release of game birds,the case against NRW is a completely different fight.They are opening themselves to a few different judicial reviews.,but with the amount of money they are getting given to them Leigh Day are more than happy to take the money,these are the same firm of solicitors that brought the cases against British Soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan .They are only in it for the money they can make and Wild Justice supporters are only to pleased to give it to them.Chris Packham,Mark Avery and Ruth ...... can't remember her name are the drivers of these judicial reviews and you don't see them putting their money up front.
  8. Wild Justice are already going after Natural Resources Wales on the general licence asking for £42,500 to fight their case in court.At a time when the whole country is under stress they want the Welsh Government to fight in court when all their resources should be taken up fighting caronavirus.They care little for the general well being of people they are more concerned in lining the pockets of their solicitors Leigh Day.
  9. If there were game on the shelves now,never mind what it was shot with people would stock up .😀
  10. Wild Justice are still pushing for their £ 40,000 to fight NRW about the general licence when most people are more concerned about slightly larger issues.Packham and his other two chums,and of coarse their wonderful legal team LeighDay.
  11. Going around in circles.Enough is enough.No real answers.
  12. I have often wondered this,5 pounds from everyone who owns a certificate.We would blow them out of the water,and just think of the money spent on the super high bird shoots etc.
  13. On Wild Justice Twitter page they are asking for the crowd funding but also are talking about the ramifications this challenge could have for the forthcoming fight with NR and Scottish Nature.They will always go for the weakest first and with the current emergencies in the country the last thing the Welsh government need is to divert resources to fight an expensive court case.
  14. Wild Justice is asking for 42,000 pounds to fight Natural Resources Wales in court,about general licences in Wales.NRW have already said they are confident th licences are legal but that won't stop these self appointed vigilantes from going after them.They will go after NRW because the Welsh government is very weak and has been in the pockets of these people for some years.We have already lost pheasant shooting on ground owned by government and have lost rooks off the reissued licences.They must be stopped because with these deplorable people fighting us we are likely to lose all shooting in Wales a strong fight must be put together.
  15. All WJ,s fights in court are funded by Joe public.
  16. What on earth are you talking about.Giving up a pastime you have done for many years just to change your shot,in fact you have been shooting steel for years and because you are dissatisfied with the performance of BASC you are packing in shooting.You will regret it for years,sat at home festering .So if you are stopping shooting will this also mean you will stop contributing to this forum.
  17. Totally agree.Some people will not admit that without the right people fighting our corner we will loose everything we hold dear. All the organisations have their members requirements to heart .
  18. This is fast becoming a bash BASC site.I would sooner be with them than without them and never mind what organisation you support we would be in a sorry state without them.Look at the upcoming fight about pheasant release.Four of our organisations are getting together to fight Wild Justice in court.Without them we are all lost.Just single fighters in the wilderness.
  19. Biodegradable wads are available now and with the R,D departments of the cartridge manufacturers working toward other alternatives we can all be seen to be doing the right thing.
  20. Move with the times.I argued for lead for years but have accepted that it has had its day and as a wildfowler have taken the alternatives to heart.
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