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Everything posted by geordieh

  1. Now you are showing your ignorance you cannot walk into Walmart at 17 show your driving licence and walk out with a gun you have to have a background check and be 18 and 21 for a handgun(federal law)
  2. Now you are showing your ignorance you cannot walk into Walmart at 17 show your driving licence and walk out with a gun you have to have a background check and be 18 with people like you about we will lose all our guns
  3. Ah that's why they are fat we let them have knives and forks funny my handgun has never escaped from my house or cabinet and gone on a people shooting spree anser2 do you really believe this happens and you are calling the Americans stupid.Pot annd kettle mate
  4. Read the question chaps he is asking about the 527 they are 15 mm
  5. A 30mm tube will not let any more light in than a 25mm tube it just means you can adjust them more
  6. Aim range mat as new used twice £75 posted
  7. Shotgun cheek raiser mechanism £40 posted
  8. Penn 45 GLS LEFT HANDED lever drag boat reel as new never had any line on it.Heavy duty will take 475 yards of 30 lb mono £65 POSTED
  9. Paramatic star drag reel as new and unused with box and instructions £45 posted
  10. I never take my bolts out at home so when I go shooting my bolt is in my rifle
  11. You really are a bitter individual aren't you
  12. If I was Cameron I would be offering wee Jimmy and the Scottish people a one off referendum winner takes all,If they decide to stay with the Union devolution goes, hollyrood house goes,the Barnet formula goes and they are governed from Westminster.If they choose independence and want to try their luck with the EU they take their share of the debt with them.The EU would not let them use the pound sterling they would have to use the euro.Now if they really wanted independence give the vote to England too.
  13. I have had 3-4 speeding and 1 not wearing a seatbelt over the years never been mentioned.I know 2 people been in prison for violence both got shotgun certs and 1 with open FAC.
  14. Don't be daft the EU is a nightmare and one the people wanted out of glad we will soon be out of it
  15. That will teach you. Moral of the story, stay away from France LOL
  16. You don't get that either do you that is exactly why they "sacrificed all"
  17. anser 2 you make I laugh as they say in Wiltshire, talk about politicians putting their own spin on things of course the remainiacs were honest, truthful and honourable throughout the whole campaign.You have to get it into your pretty little head the people have decided, lets move on but as i said "You do make I laugh" I just get this image of you stood there with your face screwed up stamping your feet in a temper tantrum
  18. Sorry mate what planet are you living on it will be difficult for companies in the Uk for a few years as it is coming out of the EU you lot coming out of the Union at the same time you would not be able to survive you would have to start paying prescription charges, no grants from the EU, benefits would have to be reduced massively.Monday morning I would be saying to the Scottish Numpty Party right what date would you like your referendum pick a date, any date,You will pay for it all if you say no and decide you are going to stay you will get exactly the same money per head of population that the rest of the country get and no more independence referendums ever.Holyrood house is demolished and Westminster rules ok if you don't like it vote to leave you can use the euro with out being in it.
  19. geordieh

    Calais Migrants

    Stop all benefits, every thing, food accommodation and money, that will stop the majority as soon as they realise that this is not the land of milk and honey.They will then want to get to other European countries
  20. The Prime Minister is elected by the Conservative Party not the public
  21. geordieh


    Not nine but from a mate and it came from a Scotsman This is what has happened on our first day of FREEDOM:- A Prime Minister resigned. The £ plummeted. The FTSE 100 lost significant ground. But then the £ rallied past February levels, and the FTSE closed on a weekly high: 2.4% up on last Friday, its best performance in 4 months. President Obama decided we wouldn't be at the 'back of the queue' after all and that our 'special relationship' was still strong. The French President confirmed the Le Touquet agreement would stay in place. The President of the European Commission stated Brexit negations would be 'orderly' and stressed the UK would continue to be a 'close partner' of the EU. A big bank denied reports it would shift 2,000 staff overseas. The CBI, vehemently anti-Brexit during the referendum campaign, stated British business was resilient and would adapt. Several countries outside the EU stated they wished to begin bi-lateral trade talks with the UK immediately. If this was the predicted apocalypse, well, it was a very British one. It was all over by teatime.
  22. Got a milky vixen few nights ago after she had killed 21 chickens, got the dog fox last night, out later looking for the cubs we think they are behind the fence in some solar panels so will take the terrier out and have a look.Last night I watched the dog fox jump through the electric fence 8 strands just before dark then run past two alpacas which were bought to deter the foxes so that was a waste of money.
  23. Portapet dog box for sale will hold 2 x Labradors £85
  24. Schmidt and bender sunshade for 56mm scope in excellent condition £40 posted
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