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Vince Green

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Everything posted by Vince Green

  1. An average three bed semi round here is a million If we did what you suggest, within a year some people would be skint and back in debt and others would be mega rich again
  2. I think its an absolute disgrace that up to 20 flights a day are arriving from New York . 30-40 from Madrid and Barcelona into Heathrow and people just come through unchecked and get allowed onto the Picadilly line into London willy nilly. no checks nothing. Straight into trains loaded (overloaded?) with commutors What ever happened to FO and PO we don't want you? no they are not, staggeringly, they get sent to a reception centre
  3. Why? Nissan bought them all back didn't they? My mate got full market value back on his from Nissan . And they lent him another vehicle for several weeks. I think they behaved remarkably honourably considering his was about seven years old.. I'm told, although I don't have any personal experience to draw on that ISUZU score the best on everything except interior trim. Another mate of mine is about 18 months into a Ranger, he loves it except he says the fuel consumption is a killer He is putting about £100 -150 a week in his and its peeing him off
  4. There is no such thing as money, it doesn't really exist. The idea that a piece of paper is worth twenty quid or a house is worth two hundred grand only works as long as every body believes it. As soon as people start to have doubts it all falls apart. Its all monopoly money these days
  5. Vince Green


    Yes I know of 3 possibly 4. Two otherwise healthy members of East Barnet Club and one former work colleague. Another friend I have known since I was 16 died suddenly last week but cause was not stated on the notification. Reporting mechanisms simple as that
  6. That's why more landlords insist on full credit checks and references. Some of the companies doing these checks go into every last detail but a lot of otherwise good tenants fail the checks not through any fault but just because the job market is so tough. Let me give you an example, one of my tenants works for the NHS but he is on contract. A perfect tenant, never been a problem or had any complaints, more important, never been even a day in arrears. I know however that if he was applying now the screening company I use at present would have never passed him. A single dad working on contract with debts and ccjs from when his wife walked out. No chance, but he has rebuilt his life and he's as good as gold. If I drop dead and he has to move out of the flat he is going to be in the poop because he will find it very hard to get another tenancy
  7. Yes but a lot of the countries around the world people can rent with security, they can't here. The pressure now for credit checks is so high that you have to have a five star rating to rent or to buy. People on contracts, self employed, poor credit history increasingly can do either
  8. Its a good business move too, if it works on the virus the prospects for the future of the drug is massive. I don't think they have "dropped" their patent rights, I think they will have suspended them. They would have trouble getting all the investors to agree to just waving goodbye to their life savings.
  9. Ethanol is common alcohol, any distiller can make it, that's what we drink
  10. https://www.binlabour.com/2020/04/boris-icu-publicity-stunt-says.html another oxygen thief made to eat her words
  11. When I was active in the trade unions the militants (as they were known then) would slowly infiltrate committees by putting forward candidates one by one over time who appeared out of thin air as far as that branch was concerned but actually were activists from another branch or another union. It always struck me at the time there was a lot of planning going on behind the scenes because things like that don't happen by chance
  12. Airlines will be first, Governments have a massive motivation to shield the banks by creative accounting. Italy's banks have been bust for many years but they have been kept afloat with smoke and mirrors. Whats going to happen now? Can Italy still maintain the pretence? If Italy goes down the EU banking system will go with it, not straight away but like a mud slide
  13. My Property/Landlords forums are predicting a seven to ten year slump in the market. The initial result of the lockdown will be a lot of houses coming on the market from people who have been forced to sell up. Plus lots of tenants being evicted for arrears. That will cause a big drop in prices and a fall in confidence that will last years before it heals. Seven years is always quoted as the boom/bust cycle for these things so it seems feasible. Just to give you some idea of how serious the financial downturn is already, I was just checking this about an hour ago. Bloomburg's Global Stocks indicator is down 18% since the start of the year, and its still going down. That's not insignificant, that's a crash already House building projects are already mothballed All the evidence is that the majority of people prefer to live in towns rather than the country. They regard the country as a less desirable place to live. That's why property prices and rents are higher in towns. Country properties are much harder to sell and much slower to find tenants when renting out
  14. I knew it wouldn't be long www.express.co.uk/news/uk/1267400/labour-party-news-keir-starmer-jeremy-corbyn-john-mcdonnell-long-bailey-momentum https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/1267400/labour-party-news-keir-starmer-jeremy-corbyn-john-mcdonnell-long-bailey-momentum
  15. I'm not getting out, that's the whole point which you don't seem to get
  16. No but if you go down with the virus in about ten days time how would you feel about him then? would you wonder? Halve the queue and you have the risk
  17. That's exactly right but I'm London born and I can't afford to buy a house in Chelsea, there is no real difference. That's exactly right but I'm London born and I can't afford to buy a house in Chelsea, there is no real difference.
  18. There is a difference between having a BBQ and going out specially to buy one
  19. I completely agree with you but the big word is IF. Shoving in a few treats with your essentials is quite alright, perfectly understandable in these times, but queuing up specifically to buy garden furniture or flat pack stuff or BBQ charcoal is not entering into the spirit. Somebody I know made a 40 mile round trip to buy a bike this week, essential? He thinks so.
  20. I don't see anything wrong with police checking people's trollies, my son was queuing up this morning at B&M to buy cat and dog food but people were coming out with all sorts. The idea is you only venture out for essentials, and then infrequently. Everybody seems to have a reason why they are special and the rules don't apply to them
  21. Twenty years??? its three generations at least. But not all Cornish qualify as "inbreds" its the ones who are anti everything and everybody that's not Cornish. My mate Pete reckons his car starts running funny as soon as he goes east over the Tamar and he is not joking
  22. Actually its not so much the caravan owners because the caravan parks have closed in Cornwall. Its the hated second home owners that the "Inbreds" despise with a vengeance anyway and will happily believe any tale of their deviousness without question.
  23. The word from Cornwall is that people are trying to sneak through on the B roads
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