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Ozzy Fudd

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Everything posted by Ozzy Fudd

  1. BNP theme anyone?? name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>"> name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="480" height="385"> and this definitely has to be for labour name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>"> name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="480" height="385">
  2. just spent 3 hours in the pub and didnt have a single drink then again i was working making up for it now though, gonna be a long weekend, no time for shooting
  3. whats wrong with studying history?! and yes, we did convince the ancient history teacher to let us watch gladiator. and we used to always watch apocalypse now and platoon when sitting in the crew room at raf woodvale before going flying, just topass the time, obviousley...
  4. cheers, looks like ill be trying a different colour filter for the foxes, just incase
  5. looks quite real to me when he's busting the clays too tired to bother searching it on the web to be sure tho
  6. was out doing a bit of lamping tonight (foxes), had a torch with a heavy red filter. didnt see any foxes but plenty of rabbits, which are illegal to lamp here now the funny thing, which has got me thinking, is that the rabbits seemed to be quite easily spooked by the red light. we counted about 15 of them altogether, only two of them didnt seem overly concerned, one adult and one youngish one, the rest bolted as soon as the lamp was on them. so if the red filter is scaring the rabbits off, would it be doing the same for foxes? or am i worrying too much, as the rabbits likely to just be skittish because theres young about at the mo? ps should say that a month or two ago any rabbits we happened to catch in the beam werent worried at all about it
  7. i use these - http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Leather-Shooting-Glo...ce#ht_586wt_939 green leather shooting gloves. not the warmest admittedly (esp when wet) but take alot of punishment and arent too bulky to get in the way when loading .22lr mags, etc
  8. stupid question, but if youre shooting over ponds (even if its only pheasants) should you not be using steel anyway? i think thats what the NI law is now (unless i read it wrong)
  9. it depends if its stretched on a lambeg drum or not and no al, they never stop talking, even when theyre giving you the silent treatment they still keep talking, is it any wonder i went out with a latvian for 18 months (tho the fact she had big knockers might have helped the decision... )
  10. im surprised at so many people saying northern/southern irish, its evident that youve never had one of them whinging in your ear all day long
  11. it depends on the type of ammo used, i was doing something similar lately and remington targets gave just over 60 yards as the best zero good shooting
  12. i said mid/south armagh, it was a couple of miles south of m'hill
  13. flaming hot monster munch and dorito's chilli heat wave
  14. you do realise were talking about markethill here mate? :lol:
  15. they say restraining order, i say playing hard to get...
  16. nope, no deer in the area, no hares around there either. the more i think about it the more i think it was to do with drugs, they defo seemed to be searching for something, with all the dif no's of guys in the jeep and all the phone calls the driver was making
  17. thats the difference, if youve had them for years and a have reasons for them then it shouldnt be a problem to get a young driver insured, plenty of companys will accept a written declaration confirming it is your car and will happily insure the young driver. however, 5 mins after posting in this thread earlier i had the other side of the coin. self employed plumber, had a work van for years, his wife has had a car in her name for years, and he suddenly just decided to buy a small vw golf as a run around "to save using the van all the time" last week. as a complete coincidence, his 20 yr old son had just passed his test 3 weeks ago, and although his son would only be in this new car "once in a blue moon" it was imperative that he got him insured on it believe me once youve had hundred of people "just deciding" to buy a second car for no real reason, a few weeks after a young driver has passed their test, it wears very thin - people say im cynical, i probably am, but when a big part of your job is trying to work out the lies from the truth what else can you be?? people always say insurance companies try to wriggle out of paying out on claims, they forget to add the part that people are always trying to swindle money out of insurance companies. and heres the other thing. if i did insure a car under these circumstances and an accident happened, and the company got suspicious, do you think i just sit there going "oh well, **** happens". nope. i get the client on the phone either whinging that theyve been caught and spinning more lies, or going mad and making threats. i then have the insurance company on the phone, demanding written explanations of what happened, copies of the original paperwork (which ALWAYS declares who the main driver is), then i have my own directors on my back wanting to know why i didnt pick up on this, then i end up with solicitors on the phone, sometimes from the insurance company but usually the client, wanting to know exactly what happened (and usually trying to trip me up into saying something incorrectly that can be used to say it was MY FAULT). and thats before the case goes to court.... now, after explaining all that, is it any wonder that when i have a 40 yr old house wife on the phone, who "just happened" to buy a wee vauxhall corsa last week, after driving under her husbands name for 20 years and never needing her own car, and who's 17 yr old son passed his test lately and must go on the policy, no matter what, even though he'll only be in the car "once or twice a month" and its solely for her to get to the shops every thursday, i get a distinct urge to throttle the stupid ****ers with my tie?
  18. always wondered why we dont have flash cards with pro hunting info in it. was quite surprised lately, when i picked my new 17hmr up there was a load of american hunting leaflets in the box, saying how much hunting there puts into the economy annually, giving statistics on conservation, etc. seems to me theyre designed to be carried hunting with you, so if you ran into an anti youd have the info on hand...
  19. i was told recently it was the ulster accent, the proper one (like you hear on utv), not the culchie talk of the border or the belfast "do yer knees in big lad" twang
  20. :blink: but youre right, they wouldnt have been driving around in a metallic blue/chrome ford maverick with scottish plates, these guys defo didnt look like spec forces, plus they would have lifted off as soon as they saw us about :blink: pscould be dealers, ill be up there a good bit more from now on (rabbit season) so we'll see what happens ps al those are usually gyppo's you have over at the hares, not my lot :(
  21. everything that can be said has been said i reckon (although stuartp, just to pull one of your earlier posts, insurance companies do ask how many miles a year the car will be driven, and we go into great detail when a young driver is mentioned - but then if i remember right you dont have a car, so how would you know??) so we know (as statistics prove) young male drivers are more likely to have a crash, due to lack of experience/feeling of invincibility/being a general knobhead it all affects it. but one thing that everyone is forgetting here is that insurance works as a pool - everyone pays their money into it and all the claims that happen are covered by the money pooled in. now the thing is everyones premiums are worked out according to the risk of them having an accident, again backed up by statictics, and also no claims bonus is taken into consideration. if insurance prives for young drivers went down, but they were still having accidents at the rate they usually do, that money would have to come from somewhere else - namely everyone else who didnt have an accident!! last time i saw figures nearly 90% of all money paid into car insurance was paid back out in claims - not bad considering insurance companies have to pay overheads the same as everyone else, ie, staff costs (you think i sit here for free? feels like it tho...) rates, rent, electric, etc. as has been stated insurance companies arent too worried about a young drivers own car, theyre more worried about the claim that will be put in when he smashes into a £40,000 bmw and all the occupants claim whiplash. incidentally i could also argue that the reason insurance premiums are so high is due to garages, solicitors, claims handlers, etc, claiming extortionate amounts for services provided after an accident - that money has to come from somewhere!
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