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Ozzy Fudd

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Everything posted by Ozzy Fudd

  1. thats far from what i was getting at. as i said i speak german (although very rusty), learnt spanish and latin to a lesser degree as well, and have dabbled with russian and irish too, i am far from lazy when it comes to languages. its great saying that we should make an effort to learn another language, but two points. firstly, with the state our education system is supposedly in, would it not be better raising standards across the board with maths/science/english before worrying about foreign languaues. but secondly, and mainly really as someone else has already pointed out, china looks to be the next big economic power so - apart from choosing which european language to teach kids, bearing in mind that the eu has ALOT of different languages and i doubt they could learn every single one - in reality what use is spanish/portuguese unless youre going on holiday, or russian unless you want to buy a few ak's, or german if you want to understand what the nazi's are saying in old ww2 films?? if we had to pick a language, id go for mandarin
  2. i learnt german at school, did a bit of latin and spanish as well. but i think you answered your own question when you said The Germans learn English as a second and quite often leave school fluent in French also. The French learn English,as do the Portugese,Swedes,Dutch and many other European countries if they all learn english then theres no dire need for us to learn french, etc. bearing in mind a lot of the main developed/financial leading countries speak mainly english as a first language (australia, usa, canada, uk) then it makes more sense for the rest to learn english
  3. i thought we all agreed this was a complete no no?
  4. keep it out of view, but dont leave it in door pockets - one of my friends was stopped for speeding, he had a knife in the passenger door pocket of the car. the policeman got smart with him for speeding, he got smart back, then the cop noticed the knife... as for machetes, etc, again leave them in the boot/back of the landrover, out of sight, and preferably in a bag with a camo net or few decoys. itll make it easier to argue your case if its found by saying it was there for building a hide (and that your possibly on the way to build one now to have it ready for the next days shooting...) than simply just forgetting to take it out/i always keep it there
  5. Ozzy Fudd


    contrary to popular opinion, i got close to marrying a girl a few years back. one night we were out my friends asked me when we were goingto get married, i said in front of her the earliest would be february 2008. now i admit im partial to blondes, so it took her a few day's of puzling before she finally turned round and asked me "why february 2008?" my answer of "because its a leap year so you can buy your own ring and ask me" was possibly one of the many reasons that relationship didnt work
  6. i have a 6-24 mag scope on mine, for night shooting i dial it down to 9 or 10, for day time i usually keep it up around 18-20; my reasoning is i used a 3-9 on my .22lr and regularly used it up to 140 yards, im hoping to be using the hmr at more than double that range, hence a higher scope
  7. not if its one of the ones that measures the height of the tee (golf pole/flag) i picked one up a couple of years ago on ebay for about £3, can still get them just remember it relies on you knowing the height of something, no use in a bare open field
  8. i think this is the important bit guys - reasonable excuse it doesnt say anything in here about it being slipped or not, so technically i could be breaking the law when i walk through town and along public roads with my 22lr or 17hmr in a slip with ammo in my pocket, on the way to some of the local places i shoot on. HOWEVER as it says reasonable excuse, im reading that to mean as long i have a reason to have the gun and ammo with me (ie im walking to somewhere i have permission to shoot on) then im not breaking the law, and woe betide any cop that gives me hassle for it!
  9. heres a better song name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>"> name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="480" height="385"> :lol: glad you got out in one piece
  10. wee tip for you, soak it overnight in salt water in the fridge, softens it up a bit and gets rid of some of the strong taste id leave it 2 or 3 days at most
  11. i didnt think there was such a thing as a time and place for someone to be sick over your shopping you sure it wasnt the fact they were totally scundered by it?? anyway what age of girl are we talking? a 7 yr old that ate too many sweets? a pregnant 16 yr old? or a drunk 22 yr old? (if it was the last one you really missed an opportunity... ) come on look on the bright side, she could have **** all over you :no:
  12. sometimes i love this place - big rough tough hunters, spending our spare time covered in blood, guts and ****, yet a girl throwing up turns our stomachs
  13. cant see a thing here, thick(ish) fog all over the place, wonder if its dust...
  14. shotgun + solid slugs + bull = horns failing that, try this - http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/GENUINE-WESTERN-DISP...=item439be7c4ed
  15. yeah, i suppose they would limit you a bit, unlike my 10/22 :lol:
  16. easy enough with a .22lr... nice going
  17. dont forget a big golf umbrella over the back seats for shooting in the rain
  18. got a pint earlier on for two that were gutted and skinned and soaked overnight, im building up my customer base... :good:
  19. understand you now tbh im still in two minds over it. i dont think these sort of courses should be seen as a "if you dont have it you know nothing and wont get a gun" situation, but i believe they could be useful for new and inexperienced shooters to show they know the basics if they dont have access to a mentor. i count myself lucky that i had firearms experience before i got my own licence (and even then i had alot to learn, and still do), but some people ive met have left me shuddering that they got a gun. i would see these courses like the weapons handling training i went through (and then taught) when i was a cadet - the basic do's and dont's for people with no experience. its not going to turn you into an expert hunter/marksman/tracker but itll give you a basic knowledge to work on
  20. still waiting on mine arriving, could have done with it last night, oh well
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