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Ozzy Fudd

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Everything posted by Ozzy Fudd

  1. oooh thats eviiiil! having said that, i thought of similar earlier, however i was going to say it was to do with the plane crash that killed the polish president, make it a bit more believeable
  2. found her, barbara bach playing anya amasova in the spy who loved me...
  3. get a cheap rubber stock extension on ebay
  4. nice one, not really into pistols myself but ill probly get one at some point in the future
  5. but thats the thing harnser, you have a hundred years experience between you, but i thought this was really about people with no experience??
  6. just a quick heads up, if anyone has flights cancelled your travel insurance company may try to get out of paying... make sure you check the policy wording, it should have a list of exclusions, if volcanic activity isnt listed in there then you can argue it...
  7. http://uk.news.yahoo.com/5/20100415/tuk-uk...om-45dbed5.html just had someone on the phone in work telling me this, didnt believe it so looked it up....
  8. only when the strings havnt gone too loose and saggy with age...
  9. though theres one who's name i cant remember, she was russian (?) and i think she was in octo***** but work filter wont let me look it up
  10. i used to think the same, but have started to come to a different conclusion. last year i saw several foxes in an area over run with rabbits, the farmers told me leave them be so i did, i reckoned they were taking a few out but not clearing them all. then tonight i was out lamping i spent 20 mins trying to call a fox in. it kept out about 150 yards in the field beside the one i was in, had the crosshairs bang in the middle of the eyes a few times but couldnt get a100% positive id, so had to leave it. when i walked down and checked the field i saw 4 or 5 young rabbits bouncing about, 5 mins after the fox was in it
  11. probably a scope problem, try to leave the magnification at a set amount
  12. man fridge? sod the fridge, wheres the row of optics?!
  13. shopping again?! now i really am worried
  14. i didnt think you had to keep it covered in a public place, just unloaded then again we dont know the full story, for all we know he could have been patrolling around the place looking for trouble...
  15. i cant really add anything to what everyone else has said, but for a 1st gun id get a 22lr (preferably bolt action as a semi will make you tear your hair out til you know how to handle it ). imo theres not much point asking everyone what type of gun to get, its the same as asking what type of car you should get, personal preference comes into it. most people seem to like cz 17hmrs, i fired one around christmas and it did the job but felt a bit light to me. when i bought mine i got a marlin 917v, when i lifted it in the shop it just felt right and i paid for it there and then - tbh when i got home i couldnt even remember if it was a marlin or a savage til i started looking up pics on google good luck anyway
  16. i dont think breastman meant they would be teaching long range shooting, i think what he meant is that some people can get a centrefire rifle with very little experience, so in his opinion they should have to do a course like this if they cant get mentored i do agree to a certain extent, i know one person who has a centrefire, the only experience he had of rifles was of a .22lr. when he applied for the centrefire i had to explain about twist rates, bipods, holdover, range estimation, even breathing techniques for accurate shooting. sometimes i shudder at some of the things he does, but he's one of these people who knows best and doesnt listen to anyone else
  17. and the vid of the guy shooting a rabbit by mistake when trying to shoot a deer
  18. nope, just silver ones, but i did learn alot about the priviliges of rank
  19. i dont care about crashing, i just dont like the bit that comes before it when you know youre gonna crash and cant do anything about it :yes:
  20. no, thats why i memorised a ballistics chart (poi for 40 yards, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140) - were being quite pedantic today mc, is that a dummy i see sailing over my head?? when my 10/22 was zeroed at 80 yards it was 2.5 inches high at 40 yards, dropped about 3.5 inches at 100 yards, 8.5 inches at 120 yards and 15 inches at 140 yards. considering how difficult it is to tell the difference (accurately) between 120 yards and 140 yards (which is a difference of 6.5 inches) thats one hell of a miss if i dont have the range spot on as i usually try for headshots now if i remember right the op said his range finding skills are terrible, whats simpler than pressing a button on a range finder and having an instant range? especially if (like me) you have an open licence, and could end up anywhere also i dont know what you mean about carrying a load of kit about, the range finder i have is an older model, and a bit bulkier than the newer ones admittedly, but smaller than an average sized pair of binoculars and fits easily into the side pocket on a pair of trousers. as for carrying graphs about, would you ever wise the head up, if you cant remember 6 simple sets of numbers (40 = +2.5, 60 = +2, 80 = 0, 100 = -3.5, 120 = -8.5 and 140 = -15) then what bloody chance have you got of remembering what size a rabbits head looks at through the scope at different ranges :yes: as i previousley said i used my 10/22 for long range shooting, now ive got the 17hmr itll mostly be close stuff (under 60 yards) so wont need a range finder for that, but if the op only has the one rifle theres no point limiting himself to close ranges due to not being able to work out correct drop and range!!
  21. i used to love flying, spent years in the air cadets at school, earned my solo gliding wings and clocked up a few dozen hours on all types of powered air craft, learnt how to do alot of aerobatics from an ex harrier pilot at woodvale too. had a couple of mishaps (straps coming undone when i was flying inverted, and having a very hard landing in a glider) but they never worried me at the time. last few years however ive found myself getting more and more nervous. i used to love it when the plane hit a bit of turbulance, now any small tremor and i start bricking it. flying ryan air definitely didnt help - i swear the plane nearly crashed coming into land in latvia january 09
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