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Everything posted by bruno22rf

  1. bruno22rf


    Are the clay shooters going to refuse to take part?-We are always being told that we should stand together so lets start now.
  2. I say NO-who wants her sacked because they have genuinely been hurt by her comments and who wants to get revenge for all the "coloured" comment farce? This has to stop somewhere so lets show our true colours and rise above it all-most of us left the playground many years ago-lets not go back there.
  3. Use that exact model at work-not really impressed with it for a couple of reasons-there is no warning that the battery is about to die,it can be working away then suddenly stops+Its easy to catch your finger on the reverse button when using the drill+ the casing is starting to split and the battery is a real pain to remove(charges quick though).I would go for a Makita.
  4. bruno22rf


    In off topic search (top right of page) "this real" and search down-easy to find.
  5. Tinky Winky BFG?-You need to read his autobiography to know what he has been thru.Apart from being unable to get paid work due to being type cast he cannot even live a normal life because he is recognised wherever he goes.Whilst the other three have gone on to form Little Mix Tinky Winky still works mainly for charity and BT-as a a voluntary customer service adviser.
  6. If I pay for postage would you mail it?
  7. A BSA lightning (Turkish Delight) or £25 more for a near new HW97-is there any question which is best?really?
  8. Best bet would be to buy an S200 and see if you can whittle away at the stock until its the same as the one you already have-then,if it IS a B2 stock you can buy the rest of the gun quite cheaply.Dont forget to recycle the stock that you are left with by putting it thru a Chipper-feed the woodchips to your local Woodpeckers.
  9. Surely as a public,and reasonably censored,forum,if someone asks for other peoples experience of an individual or company then anyone who has dealt with said persons is welcome to "spill the beans" regarding their experience? It is up to the OP to then decide,taking into account (or disregarding) any knowledge shared.Isn't this one of the benefits of forums such as this?
  10. I used to love Muffin the Mule but it ended up in court.
  11. Can anyone get a good group with your 35?-if they can then I dont think that changing your gun is the answer.If not then there's loads on Guntrader inc a nice HW97(scoped) for £225.
  12. Earlier this year our neighbour came round to find my other half stretching backwards out of the window trying to clear the glass "Christine" she shouted "Have you got a strap on?"
  13. Resting a gun ON a workmate and clamping the thing IN are as different as chalk and cheese (excluding Asda's "chosen by you" cheddar obviously).Also,unless you have total control and confidence in your equipment-adjusting to point of impact after firing just one shot is a dubious practice at best.BTW-nothing personal in the fool post-just a generic description.
  14. Might work for a bolt action or semi auto rimfire but fixing a recoiling Airgun to a workmate is the work of a fool.Imagine trying to keep the workmate still whilst trying to cock the gun,never mind when the thing jumps with the recoil.Follow mongrels advice and you wont be far wrong.
  15. Post a picture and most likely someone can identify it-but building a gun when you only have a stock is a tall,and most likely expensive,order.If you buy the parts new(if you can get them)then the gun is going to cost you way more than buying one new/used.
  16. Tend to agree with most on here-it was same old same old but then what else was on over christmas?-to my mind the biggest loads of ceeerap was the David Jason thing-what a painfull excuse for entertainment that was defo the worst year ever and hard to justify paying the licence fee.
  17. "It looks fine now, but I'd be genuinely interested in seeing it in 6 months time after it's had a bit of friction, weathering and general bashing about. Just to see whether the finish lasts or is chipped away/peels away." I agree-my mrs has suffered terribly after 6 months of the same treatment.
  18. bruno22rf

    Miami vice

    I have a soft spot for this televisual delight but would have to be a contortionist to take a picture of it-is this a wind up?
  19. When aiming for the "N" key-allow a little more windage-you're shooting a little left
  20. As its a Baikal i'm guessing that the 28" is full choke?-if the 28" is all you can get you might consider a little work with a hacksaw.
  21. Find yourself an AA S200 in good nick and you wont lose very much(if any)when you sell it on.They are ugly but are ridiculously accurate and easy to use.
  22. Par boil your spuds and then roast them in goose/duck fat.Carrot and swede mixed together and mashed is easy and tasty-buy the best sprouts available (cheap ones can be bitter)and boil em or par boil and roast.Dont forget to do stuffing balls/cranberry sauce and ,if you can,roast a handfull of Shallots.All about timing m8 (mind you,its easy for me as my other half used to be a Chef under the roux brothers)
  23. 132500 French soldiers KIA plus 107000 members of the resistance not enough casualties for you? Add the 79000 innocent civilians if you need more-nothing personal but its not really grounds for humour is it?
  24. Have you bin kicking the little critters to death? :look:
  25. Radiator is about £35+ Cam belt kit around £30+ water pump around £20 Im guessing about £20 for the head gasket so its gonna be about £120 with postage.Skimming the head will be about £50 if you know anyone in the engineering business but not likely to be over the ton if you dont.If we say just over £200 for all parts and machining then its just labour-you can fit the radiator yourself and save a few quid-its not rocker science.Pretty sure that any spanner man could do this job in a day so if you offered £250 cash-no paperwork then I think you might get the job done for just under £500.I defo would not pay more than that.
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