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Everything posted by bruno22rf

  1. Get yourself down to your nearest recycling center (used to be called "dumps") and see how many nice bikes they have-our local one normally has about 10 decent bikes that just need a few pence spent on them-my entire family has bikes from this source and they were all £15 each.I.ve got a Carrera Vulcan (hand made Alluminium)that just needed the brake cables oiling-for less than £20- its worth more as scrap!!
  2. Anti-Bacterial hand wash and a Range finder? Where have all the men gone? And as for a rangefinder-I can see the point if you have a rifle capable of killing over ,say,70 yards but with an Airgun?really? Travel light and with the bare essentials my friend.
  3. The cz511 is a good gun and ultra reliable for not much money.Think carefully,however,cos some of them only fire subsonic rounds and you might want to use HV at some point.
  4. Jesus H...this forum is getting more and more like a group of bullies everyday.The guy needs advice but mostly gets insulted by those who should know better.If you are concerned about doing the job properly chunk53 then seek help from a local shooter-if,on the other hand,you fancy being ridiculed by a bunch of berks just post on here.
  5. The HW80, as manufactured, produces around 18ft/lb out of the box-the spring is changed to comply with our laws.Simple enough ,i would imagine,to get your licence then order a standard spring from Hull Cartridge?
  6. Try youtube-normally loads of stuff like this-just put in "stripping the air arms s410" and you should find something.
  7. Alpha Mule-no apology needed sir-well said and seconded.Tasteless remark not worth the time it took to read it.
  8. Bin a keen motorcyclist for over 30 years but was embarrassed today to be associated with the clan in any shape or form.Remembrance Sunday is NOT the time to thrash your gaily painted rice burner around the countryside.TWO MINUTES is all the decent people of this world ask of you.....is that too much???
  9. Many years back I was out pigeon shooting with a Navy Arms 12 gauge muzzle loader.Mid afternoon the fog came down and visibility dropped to about 30 yards so we moved to a small copse in the hope of catching a few if they came in to sit out the fog.A large group of over a hundred came in and for some reason (doubt they could see me)they spooked and I heard the clatter of wings as they pitched into one of the trees just outside the copse.Being determined to get a shot I wandered off in search of them and was soon face to face with the majority of the flock smothering a small tree (looked quite comical).Carefully lining up the nearest bird I let them have both barrels as quickly as I could pull the triggers and was deafened by the report of the gun and the sound of panic stricken wings.Picked up 12 with only a couple needing finishing off.Had worse days!
  10. Without wishing to be piggy in the middle UKPoacher-would'nt tresspass be enough if a stranger arrives,uninvited,onto your property and is reluctant to leave? Personally I always say the same thing-"If you're selling I dont want it-If you're giving it away iv'e already got it"
  11. I seem to have spent years finding the ultimate wild bird food-sunflower seed hearts.Everything devours them and flocks of Greenfinches and Goldfinches were everyday visitors.Then next door got 2 cats that killed just about all of them in a space of a couple of months-including the Male from a pair of Blackcaps-after huge row with neighbours I dont feed the birds anymore.
  12. To those who give-I salute you.Saved my life on 2 separate occasions
  13. Thats not unusual m8-after checking availability i,ve often had the item in my hand less than an hour later!!!(mind you I do live 5 miles away from them :lol: )
  14. With regards to noise-the .17 hummer we use with a moderator is as loud as the .22 without-one shot clears the fields for quite a while and makes the .22 much more useful on most occasions.As regards the sub/hv matter -I seem to recall that the impact point of the 2 is about the same shortly after 100 yards as the hv loses speed more rapidly than the sub.The sub is more than capable of killing bunnies at 200 yards and its the accuracy that matters the most-therefore shooting at a more realistic 100 yards I would invest in a milldot scope and learn the hold over required to achieve vertical zero beyond your normal zero point.In my experience subs are far more accurate than hv rounds(with the exception of RWS hv rounds)and coupled with the ability to be silent makes them virtually perfect for the .22 rifle-almost a marriage made in heaven (unlike most others).
  15. Is this a public college we are talking about here?-as in owned by your council?-as far as I am aware most councils would insist on registered pest controllers doing such work.
  16. Get your hands on a chrono-or gunshops usually charge about a fiver to check it + your nearest Airgun club (or one of its members) would have one-put your location on your headings and you might get lucky and find someone on this site who would let you use theirs for a minute.
  17. Not one Crayfish that I have caught has asked to see my license.
  18. Mate of mine used to shoot pigeons around his barns with one of these-really nice to shoot with,I seem to recall,and the sights were a wonderful example of the quality that BSA were once capable of.Chambers gun spares still stock some spares for these and the parts diagram might be of some use to you.If it were mine I would consider having the metalwork re-blued and the stock cleaned and treated-look after her -that there's a piece of history.
  19. Casting slugs for a Rimfire?-Why?-I'm intrigued. :look:
  20. Air Arms S200 with the AA moderator-ugly to look at but pick one up and try it-stupidly accurate and power enough for any Airgun quarry.
  21. Oh dear me,Mr underdog,you do seem intent on proving your point.Not shot clays since i was 18 (long time ago)-Navy Arms muzzle loader for a few years till it became unsuitable for the pigeon control work that I took on,Have owned most calibers at some time or another-All my shooting is pest control with pigeons being the major quarry but I do Rabbit clearance if asked,odd fox but never gone looking for them unless a landowner asks.Currently shooting about 3k acres regularly with more on request as and when I am needed.Lost over a thousand acres last week because I just could'nt cover it anymore due to heart failure but have first dibs on much more in Northants.Gladly admit to wounding the odd bird when decoying-lost my right eye a couple of years back so still getting used to shooting left handed which has'nt helped-at the moment i.m only taking birds that are "easy" and using more open chokes-not ideal but seems to work well enough.
  22. Just a quick reply,underdog,regarding my usage of a shotgun-34 years with a 12,give or take a few months-with an airgun-just over 36 years including several as an instructor.Hope that clears things up.
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