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Everything posted by bruno22rf

  1. O.K.-so i know this is sad but does anybody know if the Logun pro mk.2 has been reviewd in any of the airgun rags and if so which edition or when-even the carbine is welcome-thanks in advance.
  2. Dont the police justify the use of speed cameras as a means of slowing down traffic-surely the motorist coming the other way was doing the same?
  3. We have a Baxi Bermuda that was fitted in 1974-serviced every 2 years for £50 cash and seems to work fine.When the housing association took control of some of the houses on our road they converted them all to the new condenser type boilers-3 of the 10 have failed this winter and the houses have needed oil filled radiators brought in as a tempory measure.When the new condensors were being fitted i got the plumbers to save me the best back boiler and fire front to use as spares-these are now in my garage.Sometimes i think i,m a diddy.
  4. The shop has the right to attept a repair if the gun is not new.This repair ,however, must be of satisfactory quality and safe-it must also not devalue the goods and must be completed in a reasonable time.Dont go in all guns blazing as most shops these days are aware of their resposibility towards customers-keep us informed.
  5. bruno22rf


    If you must use 2 piece mounts then you would be best to pop a couple of pieces of plastic padding under the scope at the rear mount-cut up 12g cartridge cases seem good.This should help compensate for the droop.Using the arrestor pin option is up to you-you may as well do it while you are putting the scope on cos you,ll end up doing it sooner or later.The 90 is a model that i,ve never tried and the gas-ram may be less harsh on firing-I,ve not seen many other HW,s in constant use that dont use a one piece mount and arrestor pins as well.
  6. Join the Air Arms owners forum and ask what the "sweet spot" is for your rifle-this is the best pressure to charge to to give you the most consistency over the most shots-its a good forum and loads of good guys on there.
  7. bruno22rf

    Bumped my car

    1/Take it to quick fit or whoever has a price promise and find out the problem and cost of repair-2/Ring your nearest alternative big tyre/exhaust centre that also has a price promise and tell them that you need such and such doing and that the first garage has quoted you-quote minus about 20%-they have to beat the quote.3/Ring the first garage back and tell therm that garage no.2 has quoted cheaper-they in turn have to beat the price-simples.The whole process should only take 10 minutes and can save you a fortune-I had Formula 1 tyre and exhaust centre change the rear discs and pads on my Shogun last year for less then i could buy the parts on Ebay.Only downside is that some of tge high street quick fit types dont get involved in anything other than basic repairs-but its well worth a try.
  8. bruno22rf


    They?-have you bought a 2-piece mount for a HW90?-this gun (as most HW,s do in fact) has a "droop" barrel and would be best with a dedicated one piece designed for the gun-dont forget the arrestor pin as well-good luck-let us know how you both get on with it.
  9. What sort of time you thinking of eating tommorow?-i can bring a bottle of wild water.....
  10. Shoot one for me mate-i watched a pair last year visiting a ducks nest in a hospital garden and while one distracted the mother the other would snatch a chick-this went on daily until all the chicks were gone-i hate the blighters.
  11. I would recomend that you save until a PCP comes within your price range-i,m not going to go down the "PCP,s are more accurate" route cos that will just open up a whole new can of worms.I will ,however, state that a PCP is EASIER to shoot accuratly and will get you more succes in the early days and boost your confidence.If you keep your eyes out for an Air Arms S200 with a tank you should,nt be to far short with the funds at your disposal and you wont lose much money when you sell it on-they are also ambidextrous (despite what many ads on guntrader might indicate) so you can shoot whichever way you feel is best.Added to this they are dammed accurate and you will need to spend a whole heap of money to outshoot them by any large margin-in fact i,m willing to wager that in the time you own it you will never be capable of using its full potential.Try as many as you can and dont be rushed into anything-but my advice is defo hang out for the PCP.Good luck and keep us posted.
  12. bruno22rf


    Fishereman Mike 1/ you dont need Microchipping to see people breaking the law with dogs on a daily basis-where my mother lives in yorkshire you can see the men in the feilds chasing hares and dear on most weekends-the police do nothing.2/The only people who would suffer would be those who go to the trouble and expense of a licence e.t.c. and for what?-it woulkd just be another form of taxation that would benefit no-one.3/Like it or not-the English have developed apathy into an art form. I,m as disgusted as the next man about the whole affair concerning these poor creatures but i,m also a realist and as such i i have to live with the fact that the chits (im sorry i cant use the words i want to) who did this will never be punished sufficiently for this crime.
  13. Just come out of Hospital where i had ample oportunity to read the 2 most popular Airgun mags on sale.Am i alone in thinking that there has rarely been so much bullplop printed in one place?Try as they might they never seem to find fault with any gun they test-is this,i wonder, because they are paid by the makers/importers? Im still wondering why one test on the R10 was telling how he was getting 5-shot one hole groups at 30 yards and was thus going to try at 40 yards?-surely if the pellets are all going thru the same hole at 30 yards then the only thing to stop them doing so at 40 woukd be the wind?-which is totally beyond the control of the gun.I think that these "articles" are written by guys who have trained to be polititions as well-they can talk for paragraphs and say nothing-one article actually included a paragraph by the author explaining that he wasnt going to beat around the bush-think i,ll buy Viz in future.
  14. bruno22rf

    which one

    Keep an eye out for an Air Arms TX200-try before you buy cos they are quite heavy but are capable of competing with most standard springers on the market today.If you are lucky you might pick up an early FALCON PCP with a pump included-well worth waiting for one to come along and quite often found in Guntrader or Gunstar.£300 spent wisely could buy you a good gun but be carefull-you can allways ask on this forum for advice.Dont be afraid to buy from a dealer far away- if you try a gun locally but find one cheaper miles away-you are covered by the distance selling law which states that you can return an item for a full refund if, for any reason, you change your mind-ring consumer direct to clarify if you are unsure.Try as many guns as you can before taking the plunge-my last word of advice would be that you cant go far wrong with anything made by Air Arms.
  15. bruno22rf


    You can introduce legislation till the cows come home-who, in their right mind, thinks that the subhuman scum capable of doing such a thing would go to the bother of Microchipping or licencing the dogs?-The only people to suffer would be the legitimate owners who care for their animals.Lets start the new year as we mean to go on-we just need to bend over and take it from all the bleeding heart do gooder yoghurt knitting liberal ******** who run this country.,
  16. Connect the dogs lead to their collar by a thin piece of string-they will only snap it if they are pulling hard i.e. if a fox is nearby-should produce the desired rersult.
  17. Ive experienced exactly the same attitude from a gunshop selling a particular SxS black powder shotgun-I rang and asked for pictures no less than 5 times and were promised them within hours each time i called.I still hav,nt got the pictures over a month on-took my trade elsewhere in the end.
  18. Keep an eye on Guntrader and Gunstar-the trader is advertising a couple of scoped BSA Mercurys and a HW99 in your price range-the Mercury may be getting on a bit but they were a very good gun and easy to shoot well with.You can allways make a dealer an offer on a gun slightly over your price limit-you might get lucky if the guns been hanging around a while-keep an eye out for TX200,s and Original 45,s as well -both underated and sometimes priced accordingly.Dont be afraid to buy blind over the phone from a dealer because you are covered by the "distance selling law"-you can return the gun and get a full refund if ,for any reason, you dont like the gun.Dont rush in and you should be o.k.
  19. Whenever i buy an Airgun from a shop some distance away i end up paying my local RFD £25 for the pleasure of recieving it-in some cases this adds considerably to the cost of the gun itself.Would it be feasable to set up a network thru this forum whereby a member could collect the gun and post it on?-the gun could be paid for over the phone via credit/debit card or even a cheque and then the gun could be collected by a local member of the scheme and (having been paid for postage charges in advance)then posted on recorded delivery-any thoughts?
  20. Honestly?-any Baikal S/S hammergun-i,ve got a 16g and its like a third arm to me-i,ve never found anything that fits so well-if anyones got one going cheap.......
  21. She claimed her first victim today with a pigeon making the mistake of jay walking in tbe snow in the field at the bottom of our garden(yes i have shooting pewrmission!)a good 40 yard shot that i took ages over before finally pulling the trigger-i knew that it would most likely be a clean kill or complete miss as the bird had its head down feeding-eventually,with the bird side on, the Logun "plopped" and i was rewarded by a light crack as the pellet hit home-couple of flaps and it was game over.Its turning out to be one of the best airguns i,ve used (and i,ve had a few over the last 33 years!).Im waiting to hear back on some new land thats supposed to be riddled with rabbits-with any luck spring is gonna be busy.
  22. I live on a road called "DEMORAM"-several hundred years ago a body was found here with no signs of how the man died-the locals put it down to the Devil and the place became known as the Demonic Fields-over the years thgis has become Demoram.Fields with the name "MIDDEN" are the ones to look for-these were where the human waste was spread.Anything withg the word Manor means Farm-some field names hav,nt changed for hundreds of years.
  23. The D70 is getting a bit long in the tooth by now allthough Nikons are generally built to last a lifetime.The main drawback is that at only 6 mega pixels its been outclassed by even some moderen compacts-have a look in the shops for new year deals-i can highly recommend the Fujifilm top end models-not true slr,s but take some beating for quality and value-you,re not paying for the name which saves you a fair bit.The D70 also will only take dedicated digital lenses whereas its bigger (and somewhat dearer)brother the D90 will accept a wide range of earlier autofocus lenses which can be bought relativly cheaply.Dont be tempted to spend a fortune on a camera thinking it will take better pictures as most modern units will outperform the user all day long-its the nut behind the shutter release that makes a good picture-my daughter studied photography for 2 years and her best shots were taken with a cheap second hand Fuji bought from this very forum.
  24. Im feeding it with Crossman Premiers at the moment-my local dealer doesnt stock pellet lube so i,ve ordered some from tinternet.The pellets certainly look well made and the premier was the dogs doodah,s when they first came out.
  25. I must admit to being a little worried about the gun after i fired 2 rounds into the air last night and the gun suprised me with a rather comic plop noise on firing.All my fears ,however, were gone when i tried her this afternoon in the garden.It took 6 shots to zero the scope with numbers 7 & 8 producing a ragged one hole group at about 25 yards.With the last 2 rounds in the cylinder i decided to test its effect on a Heinz bean tin (i allways use these as a type of benchmark)I was certain that i heard both shots hit tin but the can didnt move so i walked to the end of the garden to see what was going on (thinking that perhaps i had just skimmed the can)-i was somewhat suprised to see 2 holes clean thru both sides of the can!Am i pleased or what? Considering what i paid for the gun (£400 for the gun-immaculate+scope -silencer and filling kit)i,m well chuffed.
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