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Everything posted by bruno22rf

  1. 2 things spring to mind here-if you zero your rifle ,say, leaning on a fence and then lay down and use a bipod or even move your hold your point of impact will shift so make sure that you zero in the same stance as you will be shooting (i would even consider zeroing the gun where you are going to be shooting the rabbits from until you are totally confident of your outfit).The next possible cause is "buck fever"-a common problem that affects many new shots (and plenty of old ones as well).As you are finally about to take the shot you get excited and become unsteady until you rush the shot and miss-relax-once you are in position wait even if a target presesnts itself-follow the target thru the scope for as long as you can (2-3 minutes at least) and concentrate on breathing slow and deep.Try to imagine that the rabbits head is a golf ball and you are just going to show your mates that you can put a hole in it-stay completly emotionless and still as you ease the shot off and dont lift your head for 3-4 seconds.As for walking up to pigeons-in your dreams!-while you are guessing which tree they are in they are counting your eyelashes-you need to roost shoot them or find a sitty tree to hide underneath, concealment and patience are needed to deal with most of our feathered foe.Keep at it and you will soon be telling us about bunny no.1-best of luck-bruno.
  2. Try-from web page-TOOLS-INTERNET OPTIONS-ADVANCED-RESET.Give that a go if this happens again and stay off those dodgy sites!
  3. Hi-Ramsbottom's sold hundreds of these at £39.99 in a blister pack-if its unfired/immaculate then its probably worth about £35 with the accesories.
  4. NO WAY-the difference between nitro powder and black in terms of pressure characteristics are enomous and this kind of trick could possibly blow up in your face.Did the dealer make it quite clear that it was not proofed 4 nitro?
  5. Mods-please accept my apologies if this kind of thread is not allowed.Recently bought some car seat covers from the Bay from a company called COVERALL.After 2 weeks the printed emblem fell off and the company are refusing to answer emails or even the phone after i had first called them to inform them of the problem.They are still trading so i know that they are there.Bustards.
  6. thanks for the replies,guys,i will give my local dive centre a call and see what they say-if its only around £25 to blast and test and ive allready got the gauge/whip then i could say a few quid.
  7. Ive got 4 shotguns and a rifle in a gun cabinet as i have previously described-bin there like that for nearly 15 years-no signs of any cracking(and no signs of rust either)
  8. Hi-just picked up a large (looks like a 12ltr. diving bottle from my local tip for £5-its just the tank itself with nothing but a thread at the top.How can i tell if its going to be any good for charging airguns?and if its the right type then how much will a full pressure test cost?Amoung many marks around the neck are-WP207Bar & TP323Bar.Hope someone can help cos the manager tells me they get loads of these that are sold on for scrap for a fiver-thanks in advance.
  9. Why pig about?most rimmy users know that you simply cant beat Eley extras or RWS -its worth waiting for your local dealer to re-stock.
  10. Had my rimfire about 15 years and i pull a small bit of rag through it with WD40 on it once a year-things still more accurate than i will ever be.
  11. I use a rimfire for pigeons quite often-if you've got decoy shy birds in your area you'll find that they are much more likely to land in amoungst decoys if placed about 90-100 yards out-shot 43 last sunday where my shotgun using buddy 1/2 mile away only managed 7-worth a thought?
  12. If you are really concerned by condensation in your cabinet try the following.Insulate the cabinet from the floor by placing a plastic sheet underneath-this will stop water vapour forming on the base.Next you need to line the cabinet inside with polystyrene tiles once you have fixed it to the wall(a few on the wall behind it will help as well).The tiles can be fixed to most surfaces with blobs of silicone (not the type that melts it ).Once you've done this you need to look on the Bay for caravan dehumidifiers-for about £15 you can buy the ones that are permanently filled and simply need plugging in to the mains about once a month for the internal heater to dry them out-one of these will be sufficient to keep your guns bone dry when hung up inside.
  13. i used to meet david jason quite often when walking my mates dog (he lives just outside Aylesbury)-such a charming and quiet man away from t.v. cameras and a million miles from del boy.Allways had time to chat if he was outside and spent hours talking about his motorbike.Only fools is a testiment to quality that our writers can produce and will make me laugh till the day i die.
  14. these things were common when i were a lad-used to come with different colour tails on and were made, i think ,by milbro.Shooting them thru a rifled barrell is perhaps the quickest way to ruin your gun cos they are made of steel-nuff said.
  15. crows are'nt generally hard to bring down and the 7.5 's that you mention will do the trick at a medium range.If theres a really large flock then the chances are that the're Rooks as crows only gather in large flocks when the weather turns bad-generally they remain solitary.The biggest problem i think you'll find is that the things are so ruddy smart-the crows in particular.If you can get inside buildings and the birds are using a few key routes to gain access then you might be better off with a decent airgun.If you can pin them to one specific spot then you might be lucky and have a good day or two but they learn real quick.Decoys outside might work but they have to be good as crows have superb eyesight and because of this your hide/camouflage will need to be perfect-it might even be worth trying to find a position where you can shoot with the sun behind you as crows seem to be affected by the sun quite badly.I have found that ,once in a while, you find a situation where corvids become less wary than normal and behave like kamikaze's-if you get such an opportunity then make the most of it and show no quarter-such times are few and far between.As for range-35 yards max in my opinion with at least 1/2 choke -good luck.
  16. I'm with cranfeild on this one-if they simply are'nt returning then how can you be doing anything wrong?.There is so much food about at the moment that few feilds will hold their attention once they are put off.Do you know where the nearest roost is?-if you can get under it you might be in for a better time.
  17. wipe tabasco sauce over the putty?
  18. sold mine about 2 months ago and "upgraded" to a much newer 3.5 shogun-big mistake.These jeeps will pull the biggest caravans from standstill with no throttle!-brilliant cars but very under-rated.good luck with the sale -you must be gutted to have to see it go-bruno.
  19. No warranty is not a problem-the makers warranty is pathetic compared to your consumer rights and is just a bonus.Call trading standards and they will tell you exactly how to proceed with the repair of your gun-the HW100 is not a cheap disposable item and should last a "reasonable time"-15 months is NOT reasonable and you have the Sale of goods act behind you.No matter what the supplier tells you he IS responsible for any fault that has occured unless he can prove that you have mis-used the gun.Please ring trading standards and listen to their advice. :blink:
  20. My god-are'nt those knives on such a high shelf that, should they fall, they might harm someone?- i would suggest putting a fence around the area and posting a gaurd.
  21. bruno22rf

    any ideas

    without wishing to sound harsh-if he can afford to spend 35k+ on a gun he is comfortable enough financially to pay for legal advice?
  22. If you bought the gun new then return it to the retailer and tell them that you want the gun repaired or replaced.You may need to emphasise that you are not interested in any 1 year warranty that thay might try to hide behind but that under the sale of goods act the rifle is not fit for purpose as it has'nt lasted a "reasonable" period of time.Dont be fobbed off as many people are, the dealer is legally obliged to fix it free of charge unless he can prove neglect.
  23. shot my longest range rabbit, airgun wise, with one of these (mine was a 335 "s") about 20 years ago-so accurate that it was boring! dont see many about now so could be a wise investment for the future?
  24. I use the same response every time the **** bang on my door-"if you're selling it -i dont want it and if its for free then ive allready got one-now leave my property or i will charge you an entrance fee"-works a treat.By the way- a warning-if you ever sign up for anything at the door believing that you have a 14 day cooling off period then be warned that the **** have a way around it-if you show an interest with the caller he will say that you need to speak to his manager who is a couple of doors away (the other guy is doing the same thing with any interested party)-he will then call the other salesman over-if you agree to this then you are no longer protected by the cold calling regulations as you are deemed to have invited the second salesman onto your property-if you then sign a contract you will be legally obliged to honour it-you have been warned!
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