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Everything posted by bruno22rf

  1. Why do people do stupid things like this when they know of the dangers.I suppose that they would had got a few drinks from their tales of "how we sailed through pirate infested waters" but now that the've come a cropper they want our help.If you play with fire you can get burnt-simple as.I cant see why we should risk any of our soldiers lives on these aged buffoons.
  2. Brutal truth time (in my opinion) -dont touch any remmy/cci/ winnie-stick with RWS or Eley and i can practically garauntee that if you get a miss-fire it will be down to the gun.As for the price -you get what you pay for -any .22lr round is about as cheap as you can get ammo wise.You've bought a decent rifle so why feed it with cheap rounds?
  3. A couple of years ago i picked up 2 pictures of steam engine powered ploughs working in the feilds for £8 from our local charity shop.When i got them home i noticed that they had been signed by Owain Bell (the original artist for the Thomas the Tank engine books) and were painted by him for Fisons head office.An auction house in Oxford valued them at £500+ cos they are unique.
  4. Ironic somehow that the original owner of these medals put his life on the line to allow petty minded camel humpers like this the freedom to spit on his possesions.We can all moan about this till the cows come home but lets face it-the british public have become too diluted and weak to do anything about it-we are the butt end of most euro jokes and will remain so until our sons grow some balls,stand up and do something about it-looking at todays youth i would'nt hold my breath.
  5. Im sure that anyone on this site who was local to your mum would have done it for free-i would have been happy to help but hey ho-easier with hind sight i guess.
  6. Decide whereabouts you are going to kill the bird-follow it with the tip of your barrels till its just shy of the killing spot-mount the gun and swing tru the bird thinking bum-belly-beak then bang.Dont snatch the shot-dont stop swinging till the shot has well gone and ignore any branches as if they were not there.As the light fades you should be o.k. to stand in front of a tree or sometimes even right on the edge of the wood.Wear something over your face as its the most likely thing to spook the birds and finally ENJOY-dont get over worried if you miss a lot as its all experience.Good Luck.
  7. bruno22rf


    Just a thought-IF you had your gun in the car (say you had collected it from a gunshop or whatever and had no safe storage at work)-by throwing a lump of wood into your windscreen would you have been within your rights to shoot as you considered your life to be in danger?
  8. As far as i remember the process is ,as you say, much the same -at the end of the day its an FAC that you're applying for so checks are carried out the same.As to where you can use it-in my experience you are initially granted your FAC to use on a certain piece of land that is ,or has been ,deemed suitable for firearms use by the police.For the first 5 (i think) years you can only use your rifle on land that has been approved by the police after which ,at your first renewal, you are granted an "open" licence that lets you decide if a piece of land is safe.If you are hoping that an FAC airgun is more likely to be granted i think that you will be dissapointed-a .22 is an even bet-you may however be more likely to get a .17 HMR as these seem less prone to ricochet and as such are safer.In summary-Airgun-most expensive./.22 Rimfire -cheapest/.17Hmr-most likely.At the expense of annoying some people i would advise against the airgun-i know that they have their use but a rimmy is just so much better.
  9. Google "Best fittings" for airgun filling probes- i think that Logun only use the one type-about £20-you will of course need a whip and gauge for your tank.
  10. If they were mine i would be looking for about £250 for the Falcon-loads of good pcp's out there and the fact that its left handed could work for or against it.The Rohm i would hope for a little more but it depends on finding someone who wants one-should fetch £300 if in good nick but the market for airguns is difficult to predict at any time.The Falcon would be higher with some kind of warranty but privately they are becoming common in the budget sections as they are no longer made.Good luck with them.
  11. Yep-wychwood Hobgoblin-sex in a can.
  12. If i was the girls boyfriend i'd be happy with a 3 year sentance-less time for me to wait fot him.
  13. Totally agree that Orange are ******* useless.I was with them for 2 years when i started getting txt's from them to say i needed a software upgrade.This became annoying when it got to 3 or 4 times a day-same message.I complained to just about every customer service employee in the third world to no avail and eventually spoke to someone in the U.K. after threatening to sue them for harrassment (i was driving a lot at the time and my manager would TXT me if any changes were needed to my route so i neede to stop and read each TXT)-the company eventually admitted that they had tried everything they could think of -even closing my account and starting another one using the same phone number-but simply could'nt stop the txt's from coming.I'm with Tesco now which is brillant-as for Orange they can ****. off.
  14. Embassy then Rothmans then marlboro with the tip pulled off!-Marlboro use to be so popular that philip morris (the owners) only employed 2 people on their sales team in the UK-made a big cock up with the Zippo lighter deal (something like 30 foils for a Zippo) when they forgot to put "while stocks last" on the advert-cost the company thousands!!
  15. Technically speaking then-you missed the bird with both barrells!!!!
  16. bruno22rf

    HW95 FAC

    I think that the cylinder is a bit small to push the HW95 far over the limit and the recoil would be harsh-I would sell it and buy the 80 as suggested previously-i spoke to the importers (Hull Cartridge) a while ago about this and i seem to remember that just putting the original spring back in will give you 18 lbsft and be as sweet as a nut.I also seem to remember that the springs are less than £20 all in.
  17. I can see the potential minefield if anyone was caught protecting rabbits to increase their numbers and then shoot them as they are pests.On the other hand bunnies are not much of a problem on some of my land where cattle are the main source of income so in theory i could see a farmer could make money by encouraging a healthy rabbit population and then charging to shoot-many people pay to shoot pigeons so we know that a market exists in some areas.
  18. Dear BB-i would indeed love to spend more money on shells and shoot more bunnies but mixy keeps killing them and numbers are never sufficient to really warrant shooting many.I am also aware of the type of forum this is-simply didnt realise that only certain topics are open to discussion.
  19. Off slightly on a tangent but with regards to mixy-would hanging those pet flea collars (cut into strips) over the holes do anything to prevent this horrid discease from speading so quickly?
  20. If you've set the wires correctly and they're not catching then either the rabbits are'nt feeding there at the moment (cos of the weather) or there's not as many as reported (people ,like some farmers, seem to consider 3 rabbits a plague!)
  21. bruno22rf

    Please sign

    Hi Malc-i know so much cos i had mine just over 4 years ago-an experience not to be missed.
  22. bruno22rf

    Please sign

    She might have a common tissue type (no offence meant) in which case the wait is frustrating.Assure her that when her turn comes not to worry-its less painfull than a decent headache and turnaround time is about 4 days.Side effects of modern drugs are minimal and the improvement in health is amazing.Give her my best wishes and i hope the phone rings soon.
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