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  1. I have a 1" and a 30mm ring mount pair both 14mm high (top of rail to bottom of tube) both steel. Is either any good? (I shoot No1 in 22 flavour and previously a M77/22)
  2. Well, guess who might have just got lucky? Hang slack.
  3. To save my fingers (arthritis) by typing unnecessarily, did you get it?
  4. The best shot that I have ever seen was down to 'balled' shot. A mate and I were stood in the middle of Milltown Airfield when he up and shot a grey partridge. He paced it out at 45 where we found two wings a few inches apart. Nothing else.
  5. Yep again. I half expected some form of negative reply to my post which is why I tried not to be too positive - but to no avail. I think you've nailed it. Found the below article which although it doesn't relate directly to over bored barrels, it does explain what can (NOT necessarily will) happen and may be of interest to the 410 guys - or not: Microsoft Word - 'Blown' Patterns and 'Balled Shot' - pdfMachine from Broadgun Software, http://pdfmachine.com, a great PDF writer utility!
  6. Get out of bed the wrong side, again? So is my Maxus.
  7. Yep, perhaps just to add except where back/over boring rears its ugly head.
  8. This piece - called, 'Oh something or other' - immediately sprang to mind,
  9. It wasn't a 2 bore but a 2" which I inherited and was by Patstone which may just help provided we do not have a simple coincidence or a slip of the pen.
  10. “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” Relax and go shooting.
  11. Pro Chrono - just the basic and forget all the gubbins unless you really need them. Mine is 20+ years old and still good to go.
  12. Think I'm going to stay on the beach. Never mind a great white, getting swallowed by a humpback whale (BBC News) would render me a gibbering wreck for life.
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