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new to the flock

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About new to the flock

  • Birthday 14/01/1964

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  • Interests
    My Faimly, Hunting, Dogs, Horses

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  1. Lovely to see her coming on! Keep on with the updates.
  2. Who has been out ferreting with purse or long nets......post up some pictures I am missing it! Same goes for Crayfishing who has been out lets see some pictures. NTTF
  3. Lovely Weims WalkedUp! .......... mind you I am a little biased as we have two of them as well.
  4. 2 Days of ice and wind, then 2 days digging out both farms. March is always a treat!😆
  5. So stuck inside with said storm blowing. Was out this morning running a couple of the dogs and collecting maple and walnut sap before things go too south. Will be going in and out for barn chores but that is it for the next day or so. I figure I am going to be going stir crazy so lets see some photos of folks out ferreting, hawking, beach fishing, spear fishing, piking, perching, carping, crayfishing, lobster pots, snaring, deer stalking whatever! If its an outside country pursuit put up a picture. Show Trix and I what we have been missing these covid years. NTTF
  6. Wondering if anyone still gets this? NTTF
  7. Absolutely cracking looking Bitch! Lovely ground to be working. I miss ferreting and running dogs over there!
  8. We have Rattlesnakes here that are similar to your Adders. Having worked in Vets offices and seen dogs come in with snake bites I "snake brake" my dogs to sight, sound and scent. When watching them you can tell when they have scented one as they make an arc out and around it.
  9. This is a very interesting read on dew claws and has me re evaluating removal on all dogs. https://www.secrethavenkennel.com/resources/DewClawExplanation.pdf
  10. Having had more than most, I can honestly say it never gets easier.....and it should not. They give us so many good days through their lives and one really bad one at the end. Welsh1 so glad you chose to support him on his final journey I am sure it meant everything to him. ..... and yes I cry everytime I have to say Good Bye. Keep his memories close, they will bring a smile to you at the most unexpected times. NTTF
  11. By the time you pay ebay, import duties and exchange they would be very expensive decoys.
  12. Flat black it will be then. Thanks all.
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