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Paddy Galore!

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Everything posted by Paddy Galore!

  1. HI there, only certain types of pistol were banned, you can still buy the imitation pistols, they have those disposable small Co2 cylinders and run at about 2ft/lbs. some target pistols were affected by the ban and i think all the brocock pistols.
  2. Excellent idea mate, i've got to hand it to you. don't think i could cope with 20000 acres tho. only have 2 permissions so i thought i'd treat them to something decent, one of them is my father, but the other chap took a big chance taking me on. I'm well chuffed, this has worked out really well, never know, i might get the farm nextdoor, if only for the fact that he might get a £50 bottle of scotch too..
  3. all those in favour of high lodge on the 28th say aye. aye!
  4. Thanks for that . just secured my shooting rights for another year and got an invite to one of his "days" very exclusive... it's a wonder what a good bottle of single malt will do! one problem tho, i might have to borrow a posh gun.
  5. no difference really had some eley vip's and they kill better than clear pigeon, apparently they're a soft load and not too fast but i thought they were fine.
  6. i had an s310 with the same problem, didn't need to strip it down at all cos it was visible when the mag was removed. just need a very tiny screw driver from what i remember. the spring is fixed to an arm which is lifted by a cam which in turn is connected to the bolt action. shouldn't worry about emptying the air out either, i know you'll need to cock the action but you can use the safety catch on the trigger to stop accidental discharge
  7. Practice, practice, practice... personally i've never bothered with mill dots or illuminated reticules but this is only personal preference. try zeroing the scope at say 35yds, and using target boards at set distances see where the pellets hit, this will tell you where to aim at. get the best scope you can possibly afford with as much light transferance and you wont need an IR scope.
  8. spoke to firearms dept today and they confirmed that to take a sec1 shotgun clay shooting then it needs to be on your ticket. not to worry tho as i've just got to send my licence in and they'll amend it for clay shooting aswell no problem..
  9. dont feel daft mate its a perfectly viable question. the problems we have as a shooting community are only made worse by an ignorant public and a heavy handed police force. just be sure you've got letters of permission with you so as you can prove your intentions for carrying your firearm on a public highway.
  10. raleigh runabout puch maxi gilera thing cb100 yamaha fsie suzuki gt250 gt380 gt500 honda cb250 dream 250superdreamx 4 cb400 cb500 cd185 benli called marley[ the harley] rd 200 rd250lc rd350lc Z750 Z650 Z1000 streetfighter[ spent thousands on this puppy] XL250 SP370 BMW R75/6 EX POLICE ZEPHYR 1100 GSXR750 slabside ZIR DRAG BIKE XJ900 [nearly converted to a trike but i came to my senses just in time] CAGIVA WMX 500 [ still got this one] think that's it
  11. hog roast/ bbq or something how about a sweepstake?
  12. OK mate thanks, just to verify, i had a 17hmr , 22/250 and another shotgun which i told them i was going to use on new land. this had just been surveyed[ i checked this out with FLO] and the land details were submitted on my application form. SORRY for borrowing this thread, but some very useful advice, thanks again, gram.
  13. sorry to go off thread a bit here, but, how hard is it to get an open ticket?
  14. written permission has to be sent to our local fac department(closed ticket),as they will not entertain verbal or no permission letter..hence my written permission words and this can vary by area comment.so i`m covering my area and his. Maybe they did send written confirmation afterall then, i havent got a letter from the land owner tho, can i get in bother for this then?
  15. yep, you can carry a gun on a public highway, if this were not the case, then how would you possibly get it out of the shop where you bought it? just keep it in a slip and carry any written permissions with you for proof if you get stopped.
  16. I'm gonna check with my FLO tomorrow about this, i'm sure you can take them clay shooting as the land will already be cleared for this, but dont quote me on it ok, maybe different regions have different ideas about sec 1 shotguns and apply restrictions accordingly. I'll find out tomorrow....
  17. Pretty sure he doesn't need a written permission if you're with him. Just to be on the safe side why don't you ask farmer for him? He can always speak to flo and notify them to be sure, when i got my last permission i just told my flo and gave him the land owners details, job done! Got my variation through for the land no problem.
  18. yep! 10 sounds good, give me a chance to find it, ive just thought tho, this is my first outing with you guys, whats the secret call sign/ handshake?lol
  19. so, monday the 28th december then? what time? do they still do a fry up?
  20. a mate of mine made a cannon years ago, they let it off on the range and the bang rattled the windows of every house within a 3 mile radius! had a 2" bore but they weren't sure how much powder to use, the police came round awhile later but they managed to blame it on the RAF as a sonic boom.. imagine hitting a deer with that puppy. sip it with a straw? nah, i'll get my spoon..
  21. Actually, i was thinking about starting up a shoot. on my main permission there's about 80 acres of water meadow, 40 acres of hay meadow, surrounded on the east side by at least 30 acres of woodland, the owner is getting on a bit now and it takes too much effort to sort everything out. He mentioned in passing about his shoot last time we spoke but by then it was too late due to foxes and crows. Most of the gear is there, how much can one expect to earn from a good shoot, and how many birds makes a good shoot?
  22. Benelli montefeltro, are you doing this on purpose? this is the second time i've come across you bad mouthing other members in less than a week. have a word with yourself and calm down please. some people are genuinely interested in this, if you are so anti then may i suggest you don't read anymore threads, at least that way you won't get so wound up.
  23. well, got a choice between benelli m3, or franchi spas 12. as its christmas can we have fancy dress? be worth a laugh!
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