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Paddy Galore!

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Everything posted by Paddy Galore!

  1. for cartridges i use either 30g or 32g6's, usually do the trick.. As for roost shooting, the bag can vary from zilch up!
  2. earth leak then? he's losing some volts somewhere.. was a big enough battery fitted? how many amp/hours?
  3. might just be down to the time of year, cold weather, heater on, lights on, etc. this can exagerate the problem, have your alternator checked as it also sounds like there's not enough charge going back to the battery. A good battery will recoup most of its latent charge over a short period of time, hence it starts after about an hour. It sounds to me that your alternator isn't producing enough charge to run the engine and charge the battery at the same time.
  4. hi, seems to be happening a lot. cold weather can drain a battery, you may want to check all your leads and give them a clean and a tweak just incase you have an earth leak some where. it doesn't matter if the motor is new, sometimes they come out of the factory like it. hope this helps, gram.
  5. check the earth straps are tightened, also might be some crud in the alternator, so if you can check the brushes, can you strip and clean this? does the solenoid dis-engage fully when started? also check leads from the starter motor, has it had some heavy off road use? intermittent electrical faults can be nigh on impossible to find but check and clean everything you can reach.
  6. i have a winnie mod 70 in 22/250, seems ok, only a synthetic stock model tho, how do they compare in price? i seem to remember browning being a tad dearer. seem to be getting on fine with the winnie tho, no problems to report, nice rifle.
  7. Gimp suit "backless" leather chaps
  8. nice one, my missus made ours from stuff in the garden, surprising how spendy these are in the shops, there's a garden centre near my folks place who've been driving round the area looking for holly bushes to strip bare, there's quite a few "naked" holly bushes round aylsham now..
  9. i thought we were automatically granted a game licence when applying for shotgun cert, correct me if i'm wrong tho...
  10. they quite rightly prefer you to have a steel cabinet, a few years back you might have gotten away with putting the gun in the stairs cupboard out of sight but i wouldn't try it now. and i'm pretty sure that you cant give your spare keys to anyone else regardless of their certificate. they're your guns, not your friend's. by giving him your keys you are technically giving him access to your guns.. there is some speculation on gun storage, but unless you have a dedicated gun room then a cabinet is best/ safest..
  11. thats a hell of a lot of crows! the only ones i seem to see are too close to the road, dagnamit!
  12. whats this about garyb? dont like bikers? tad inflamatory dont you think?
  13. yep you can shoot vermin on sundays, just mind you dont annoy the neighbours tho.
  14. oh god NO! yuck!! cant beat porridge and syrup, followed by pancakes! and their coffee's quite good. The cat tried to maul me again, i think he's bi-polar, might book him in for some anger management / electric shock therapy. I suppose i could've given him the squirrel, just dont fancy getting it out from behind the sofa after he's finished with it!
  15. best i could do mate, the high point of an otherwise uneventful day.. rained off and on today, so didn't fancy a long drive to risk getting wet.
  16. I ran over a squirrel on the way to mcdonalds for breakfast, does that count? the little fella did an amazing back flip of my rear tyre, 10/10 for that !
  17. just seen it on my home page, big show tonight, seen a few already! anyone else watching?
  18. depends on how deep the "mush" was, no tread dont help lol.
  19. Mine was fairly simple, i spoke with my FEO who asked for the same thing [letter], and he would sort out the paper work. so it was a fairly informal letter just asking for an open certificate with a few other restrictions lifted.
  20. foxes are vermin, just a bit bigger thats all, that's why some forces recommend centrefire, they do at least deserve to be shot with something more capable at range.
  21. ***! .17hmr ammo is NOT the same as .22 lr, you must keep them clean as copper deposits left in the barrel if left can corrode the metal.
  22. 22/250 gives a lot of muzzle flip. 223 is much easier to get on with, just as capable for fox . Wish i had one! lol
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