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Paddy Galore!

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Everything posted by Paddy Galore!

  1. he can still put in for a centre fire tho, if he explains to the feo that he will start off with the rimmies, but may need a centrefire in the future for fox.
  2. OK chaps! new thread After the christmas shoot with the essex crew i've caught the "clay" bug. I was thinking i could do with the practice, so, who else wants to make a fool of themselves at mid norfolk and have a drink after at the ugly bug? Last friday of the month sound ok to you guys? [29th jan] What say you?
  3. I only ever use a patch down the barrel once in a blue moon.
  4. Have a word with wallace and grommit, sure they'll fix you up with something!!
  5. It used to be anyone with a professional qualification or a business in their own right is what i had explained to me when i applied. If it's changed then all the better, i cannot understand why it would be technically easier to obtain an FAC over an SGC..
  6. I think thay's more to do with bias, rfd's and gun smiths aren't allowed to countersign either. RUM OLD LOT i say!
  7. well done mate, still waiting to hear about some my way..
  8. looks a bit like one of those crop sprayers..
  9. or you could add a sec one shot gun on your application list for birds and clays and not bother with sec 2 shotgun.
  10. hi there, your rfd will have to send the gun to another designated rfd, the transfer fees are usually £25 each end to cover their paper work. make sure that your rfd or whoever is posting the gun is a member of the Gun Traders Association, otherwise postage will cost a fortune. your rfd will sort out the paper work your end so all you will have to do is notify the local police of the transaction.
  11. sorry, traded in at N S G, it was a 12g and a bit noisy anyway. I think churchills is fine if your face fits, some people walk out of there with some good deals, just not me!
  12. I'm sure i put a post in here, oh well probably been deleted. Had a similar thing happen to me with a gun shop in dereham, i guess some people just don't need the money . I only deal with norfolk sporting guns now as a result, i always seem to get a result there.
  13. churchills of dereham can be like that sometimes, took a mossberg hushpower in there to trade in against a 22/250. It took them ages to serve me then they had the audacity to offer me a ridiculously low trade in price, i guess some people don't need the money chap. sorry i couldn't help the other day with the blaser by the way, the guy in question is incommunicado.
  14. Managed to aquire an old landrover, reduced price £650..
  15. the stuff in question is called metal spray apparently, i had a winnie 101 done last year to build the bolt back up, cost £75.
  16. This can vary from month to month, and year to year. there was a recent article in the BASC magazine about the changes in licencing laws, ie when the certs used to run for 3 yrs, then were changed to 5 yrs. back to the plot.. my sgc took 2 weeks from application recieved to cert on my door step, my fac took a litttle longer, about 4 weeks. my variation took nearly 2 months due to a massive surge in applications and variations, and i've just had my restrictions lifted which took 1 week from the date of the phone call. this was norfolk constabulary.good job you lot
  17. OOPS! forgot about sound moderators, you'll need them if you're bunny bashing . well done albob..
  18. Got a funny story about pure[ish] alcohol and a tramp from when i worked in a foundry, we used it to mix up the mould paint, set light and it would stop the castings getting scabs, just up the road was the local night shelter, and i had an idea. I'm not posting the rest of it on here tho..
  19. Well thats 2 of us, come on chaps, where are you? was thinking about mid norfolk on a friday late january or drinks in the evening, ugly bug sounds good LC, haven't been there in a while.
  20. usually with metal filings to build up the worn out parts, basically they heat up the affected area, sprinkle their magic powder over it ,[not sure what's in it], which bonds to the action, then it's a long process of grinding, polishing, and re-fitting the parts.
  21. POOR OLD TIDDLES! what ever did he do to you? On a more serious note, i've heard about this too.
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