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Paddy Galore!

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Everything posted by Paddy Galore!

  1. when filling out the section on which guns you wish to aquire you're best bet is 22lr[x2, 1 bolt action, 1 semi auto] 17hmr for small vermin, also if the feo will allow it try and get a centre fire on there aswell, something like a 223/243, for fox and small species of deer . don't forget to mention your fac air rifle in a specified calibre. Don't worry about the section for guns that you already own as this is for renewals. you will need expanding ammunition if you are shooting vermin so put that on your list too. you will also need to list ammo requirements, i suggest 1000 22lr kept, 500 purchased. 500 17hmr kept, 250 purchased. 200 centre fire kept, 100 purchased. you dont need to list air rifle ammunition.the FEO may not grant you all this in the first instance, but you will get the majority of it. Good luck.
  2. COOL! i've had cheese induced weird dreams, the best one was i dreamt i was rodney trotter, and dell boy and me had to catch the bus into town to sell some acid, except i dropped all mine on the way. tripping on cheese! WEIRD
  3. I've noticed a lot more birds in our garden, the wife puts all the usual stuff out. I have noticed a woodpecker digging up the lawn round our yew tree, i'm going to the local bait shop tomorrow for meal worms and maggots if the weather doesn't turn.
  4. unless anyone nearby can shoot or trap it for you, try a bowl of diesel near the pen, foxes dont like the smell.
  5. It's a winchester mod70, originally a coyote light, had a problem with the stock so BWM changed it for a stealth model after a bit of haggling, this has a straighter comb which helps reduce the flip. I've only just got it screw cut with a T8 mod and haven't tried it since, so i'm hoping this will cure the rest of the problems.
  6. yep! personally i think they're way overpriced, my 22/250 cost the same.
  7. Surprising! sako quality control issue. having owned both of these, i have to say i preffer the sako hunter, palm swell, cheek swell, castoff, and nice chequering. all sadly missing from the cz.
  8. this is exactly what i was told after i bought the winnie 22/250! Dagnamit.
  9. depends, if you want something that actually fits you well then get a sako or anschutz. if you can put up with the cz's plank of a stock then save yourself some dosh mate.
  10. i've got a 22/250 and among the problems withit are muzzle flip, and muzzle flash, it seems to me that there's a bit too much powder in there for its own good. I don't regret buying the gun, but i wish i'd stuck to my guns [so to speak] with the FEO and insisted on a 243, which is a much more capable rifle.
  11. Have to agree with the above post, when the strikes were in full swing the post office took on loads of agency staff, i bet the majority of these weren't thoroughly vetted.
  12. NO, not saying that at all, just happened to be in the same shop, got chatting, he was bragging about his air rifle, [ the scumbag shot my daughter's guineapig, but we couldn't prove it] when i mentioned my fac. No threats were made, but if he maybe thought twice about paying us another visit then that's his problem. And if i did threaten him, i certainly wouldn't be telling you lot about it on here now would i?
  13. a class 1 engineering, or a fletton should do the trick.
  14. or one of ME's special truffles!
  15. how about another meet up? missed the worlds end meet, went to the essex christmas clay shoot. How about mid norfolk? who wants to go?
  16. I know a couple of gun smiths that use super glue... it's not a bodge, it works just fine. I've even done it on one of my old guns and it worked a treat, couldn't see the join at all..
  17. I can honestly say from personal experience its a living nightmare. Although i've seen one of them since we moved, had a chat, talked about bikes, guns and stuff, he went a bit pale when i showed him my fac and what was listed on it.
  18. hi, 1, the ejection problem is a pain in the butt, but i'd still buy the quad again 2, don't know 3, see No1 all in all i'm very happy with it, it fits much better than a cz, the action seems much smoother too although it is no more accurate, just personal preference as i've never used a finnfire. When i bought mine it was in 22lr, the 17hmr barrel came later and has stayed on ever since, as i'm using a cz 22lr also, i havent felt the need to change barrels. I might purchase another sako action in the future to fit the old 22 barrel as i dont really like the feel of the cz. I was warned off anschutz by my local rfd, he explained that there are problems with the firing pin mechanism breaking.
  19. the only reason i joined PW initially was to buy a gun, i stayed cos its a lot of fun, also some interesting views and information on here. I hope i don't talk too much tripe! But seriously, some of the info on here is well worth reading, probably saved more than a few licences in the process. the chap i bought the gun from only had a few more posts than me, we were both a bit wary but i can honestly say i'm quite happy with the purchase so THANKYOU JIM727!
  20. Paddy Galore!


    Well, i don't have a prayer list, but my thoughts are with you, cherish every moment..
  21. that seems the easiest way, a lot less hassle. I did notice tho, back in 2007 i had a major op, it was surprising to see quite a few people in the ward were quite keen to get "reaquainted" with God.
  22. a frind of mine owns a gun shop in norwich, he sold one a while back, apparently its on its way back, dont know what model. if you like i can ask him tomorrow and get back to you.
  23. unfotunately yes you will, the 1st rfd will charge for the transfer and postage, the 2nd will just charge for the transfer, bit of a ****** really, £25 just to fill in a form and the registry.wher are you getting it sent to?
  24. true religion only becomes flawed by the people that follow it.
  25. Not quite that simple babby, you are a product of your environment aswell, also "GOD" doesn't necessarily "make" you do everything you do, according to the bible we are given free will, that means we have a choice. Just because God knows what you'll do doesn't mean that he made you do it. You bad boy! lol
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