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novice cushie shooter

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Everything posted by novice cushie shooter

  1. Yanks are doing my head in with stupid shouts. Mcilroy....stop it!!
  2. In terms of sport tho there are always coaches and participants willing to push boundaries in search of legal enhancing drugs. Drugs are not a class problem as you rightly said i also have seen city high fliers,professional footballers and company directors all abusing drugs. Just because its not policed or enforced correctly doesnt make it ok.
  3. 4wd your logic is lost to me. I agree alcohol has terrible misuse and terrible sociable impacts that a lot of peiple to understand but look at drugs and the bigger picture. It goes beyond and above the dealer. It wreaks lives and families.
  4. I concur, fall from being the best heavyweight in the world is probably what i was meaning.
  5. I cant remember which fight it was but he was ringside and was getting interviewed live and he was twitching all over the shop. Eyes rolling all over the place too. Should be given a life ban. Recreational or performance enhancing it makes no odds both are banned and illegal. Very sad fall from grace
  6. Linares was different class and a very good sportsman. Crolla never recovered from the wobbble in the 6th but was honrst about this. Rematch will go the same way as linares technicaly better. Dont think crolla has power to hurt him. Best fight i have seen in a while. Now aj v klitchko anyone.....
  7. Well done chris. Effort and hard work pays off!! Arran for me with a few bottles of the arran blonde.
  8. I use contacts solely for shooting fishing and biking. I wouldnt say im suited to using them but given the weather in Scotland it's easier than misting wet glasses. Still quite interested in some responses.
  9. Well done callum johnston commonwealth champ.
  10. Hopefully crolla will win tonight. Good win for benn jr against a durable opponent. Not so keen on the gent on just now fighting johnston
  11. I have. Cant mind make tho. Will post some pics to you later if you like?
  12. Seen it on ssn. Fury a joke sooner somone kicks his *** the better...if he is ever fit enough.
  13. There are always syndicate spaces available but they may not be well connected enough to find them, most are word of mouth with the odd one on here or facebook pages. Mark robson has good shooting available for pigeon but its very hard to get on land to shoot them so i agree there to an extent, i have tried a host of local farms without stepping on folks toes who are already on the ground to no avail. Those that have the perm are reluctant to share quite rightly so.
  14. Production supervisor for a pharma manufacturer
  15. For me smith is one of the most improved boxers of the last year. Agree 100% about the judging bias but you have to only look at the scorecards from sats fight to see how muvh a lottery it is
  16. Thanks for all the replies. All kinda makes sense tbh.
  17. I understand that but whats the purpose or is it just to suit his needs?
  18. I do not mean to be ignorant but whats the difference between square and round? Are they requested by order or is it just whatever bailer the farmer he has he uses?
  19. Newco, oldco liquidated,simples. Both sets of fans are an embarrassment with their antics on saturday.
  20. If you enjoyed the show make sure you head over and watch the follow up Video... Where myself & Jodie expand on points touched on in the show! Including cooking, culling, poaching, trophy hunting & Anti Hate #JodieGoesHunting
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