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Everything posted by mikky

  1. got expelled from boarding school went back home to kenya had a year bimbling around in the bush,came home and went in the merchant navy qualified as a radio officer did a couple of years at sea and then went back to kenya did some game control for a few years,came back and got married in 81 and still happily married today mikky
  2. not yet,but i need to think about it,the fella i work with has been left a house,when his mother was alive she changed the will and left him everything,when she died all hell as broken loose,rest of the family are accusing him of getting her to change the will while she was on medication......bank accounts frozen...looks like he will have to share it out at least 4 different ways,thousands of pounds in solicitors fees, i would hate for all that to happen when im gone
  3. american eagle...my semi auto ruger only jammed if i didnt keep it clean
  4. i pop up when you log in mikky
  5. could send Marlene round with a rolling pin mikky
  6. hiya pete...sorry to hear you have been stitched up....... mikky
  7. remember..red to red and blue to pieces
  8. just got back from a pshycological profile session,i will be ok as long as i keep wearing this straight jacket and dont go anywhere near sharp objects
  9. my neighbors alsation barked continously...fed it 2 bars of laxative chocolate,didnt stop the barking but it was funny watching him cleaning up diarrohea for the next 3 days
  10. take it to the range and put a few rounds through it
  11. sorry to hear that,its hard enough to get a foot in the door,trust someone and then get shafted...plus side it will now make him more wary and it wont happen again,stay where he is and it will work out..... i got shafted for 100k by my cousin.....buisness adventure that went south...cost him his marraige and his son overdosed and died..karma is a bitch..what goes round..comes round mikky
  12. someone once said...you will never find a sinking ship full of athiests
  13. good on ya mate......its not for me though...when i was getting married the vicar said....i havnt seen you in church before...i said i had never seen him down the boozer..... mikky
  14. flynny it was a privelige to be there if you fancy a pint i dont mind coming over to midd one night mikky
  15. does anyone know if the roof bars fit both saloon and estates,been given a set but after fully adjusting they are still about an inch short,they are genuine ford bars and look identical to the ones in the handbook,these came off an estate and i have a saloon cheers mikky
  16. if you are anywhere near Newgale between the 10th -17th aug,call in for a drink if you google ...Pinch Cottage..in Newgale thats where we are staying...cant miss it,its a bungalow right next to the beach mikky mikky
  17. Just got back from Lee Rigbys funeral ..good turnout..sad waste of a young life mikky
  18. sorry to hear your sad news,hope your aunt is recovering ok mikky
  19. onto anglesey go to treaddur bay and then onto the lighthouse,great views from the top of the cliffs,off anglesey turn right and head up to lake padarn on the a4086 and llanberis onto capel curig and then betsy coed...from there you can head home or go south
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