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Everything posted by Dougy

  1. If you were to use target amo for live quarry you will get allot of runners, some folk do use "A" max i have in the past, they do fragment. not designed to though as much as bullets designed for the shooting of live targets, ie hollow points or Ballistic tips or spitzers. I personaly would never use anything other than bullets intended for live shooting due to not killing effectivly.
  2. Dekers i dont think you understood what i was tying to say, or maybe the way i put it across. baring in mind it was developed in the early 1900's allot of things have developed since then You can reduce the barrel ware down considerably by not using fast powders. These as i am sure you are aware burn allot hotter than the slower powder's. There doesnt have to be loss of velocity, for example you can achieve simalar velocities (3800fps)using 37.5grn of RL12 or 39grn of H380 behind a 50grn bullet but the H380 is a slower burning powder powder and according to facts you will have less throat erosion by using the slower powder. Throat erosion and cracking from heat are i would imagine are the 2 mains problems. Barrel ware will also be reduced on a match custom barrel due to the higher quality finish internaly.
  3. Just be aware, once you have given your HMR a good cleaning be prepared to put a fair few through to get it back onto the Zero.If thats not the case then your lucky.
  4. 22.250 being barrel burners can nowadays can be avoided dramaticly. it doesnt have to be shooting at silly hot loads. The steel used in the making of barrels has improved greatly over the years so has the powder and primers. its very likely the the average shooter will get years of use from using a 22.250 the use of slow burning powders,not heating the barrel through firing too many too quickly,keeping velocity to a sensible speed and keeping the barrel clean will prolong barrel life.
  5. nice going Pav Re glare;; try putting some insulation tape accross the bottom 1/2 -3/4 inch of the scope. i had the same problem went down the extended sunshade road. The tape sorted it out, oh ! and its a hell of allot cheaper wont cost you to try.
  6. Heard just before christmas, brother's girl freinds brother had a bump on his bike: 2 broken ankles broken leg i think aswell broken pelvis broken wrists fractured skull (only slight)but a problem with a bleed on the brain plus other minor injuries, broken ribs resulting in a punctured lung. Ok not all people are mad on bikes and it will not always be the bike rider's at fault in a RTA. But to obviously intend on breaking the speed limits i think you deserve some of the comments. sorry
  7. So if i dont use a rifle for some time and have to sell due to not using it often enough, who on here will lend me there's when i need one for Boar shooting, Anyone???
  8. At the moment i would say Pick up, i say at the moment as they are still on comercial tax, you can chuck as muck poop in the back as you like and still have a reasonable standard of shall we say smell in the rest of the vehicle. You should get the MPG your after You should get a 2year old Hilux for that price
  9. I should of checked the area well before i took the photo, it should not have been left in there, i must have forgot to put it away when i used it last, a good job i didnt get a visit :yp: Its a "Ultra short action doubled barrel shovel gun" i find it very usefull it close quarter's Yes its the Herald 8 with boiler
  10. yep same here nice and warm just got in from the pub had a couple of beers, chucked a few cases in my new tumbler, i can just hear it humming away upstairs, then probably have forty in a bit
  11. Ok then what shooting related presents has santa (or the Mrs) left you under the tree Me ! a case tumbler
  12. Naaa Na Na Na Naaaa I started mine first I just commented directly after a freind of mine had his visit for a variation. in the morning
  13. A price increase from £10 a year to £30 is a bit of a jump dont you think thats if its true of course. Yes i agree. but its the way in which these laws are inforced, say for example you dont use a certian rifle for whatever reason for say a couple of years,is it then seen by the FLO to be an excessive rifle in your collection therefore no longer needed ? 1 less rifle it may be someone who cant afford to go stalking as often as they would like, for whatever reason if the laws are enforced to get the amount of rifles owned by shooters down then i think its a law we would not like to be enforced. Its only speculation at the moment, we will have to wait and see.
  14. The problem may be as post above, what is considered to be "lack" of use The FLO in question was not 1 that i have had dealings with personaly, but the comments were made, and came from somewere. I agree with your views with regards to "how many rounds" are considered to be fair reason. There is allot of speculation at the moment, we will have to wait and see what comes in the new year.
  15. Just heard that there is a possible increase in the near future for FAC. £90 for 3 years Also tightning up on the usage of weapons, ie;Use it or loose it !!! this has come from FLO in staffs this morning just visited a mate who put in for a variation for 257 and 30 cal. Is there any truth in this? does anyone know
  16. I was another reloading in -2 outside temperature, Like you i decided to do it indoors even though i have heating in my concrete block shed. It was taking far too long to get to a decent temperature, so did my weighing in the warm, then back in the shed to seat the bullets. The freezing conditions are bound to affect the scales Plus you would of had a build up of condensation as they went into the warm house.
  17. Dougy

    They've got me too

    so much for the chip and pin. More secure !!! my rear end, never had this kind of trouble with cash. I dont know what it is but each time i use an ATM i always try and pull it of the wall before i use it. You see i'll get arrested for trying to damage property
  18. If you look on your application you will see there is an area to be filled in asking if the guns are kept at the same address,
  19. Take it like a man !!! your are employed, being paid to work by your employer, i assume he pays you. Oh !!! and Sick days costs this country millions of pounds a year, 1/2 pay or not. Just book another weekend off, simple.
  20. Dont you know anyone local who could resize some of your brass, that could narrow the problem down quite a bit . But my little experience would force me to check the dies to see if they are actually F/L dies and not neck sizing only. I have used both and the problems you have seem to be consistant with neck sizing only
  21. i had a simalar problem with mine (30.06) i polished the guide on the mag and it has improved it
  22. I have met some rite plonkers doing these so called Degrees, Funny or what, just a cop out from hard work if you ask me, get out and get a job, some young chap stopping at a B&B in Ireland whilst fishing was doing a degree in "Banking" i had to ask him twice what it was his degree was in We never had owt for nowt in our day.
  23. 308 or 30.06 are more than suitable a decent size bullet not going too fast, so less meat damage and more than enough to do the job on anything in the UK My choice was 30.06 and more than happy with the results, With the 30 cal you can choose from 110 grain to 240 grain i think its the calibre with the widest choice of bullets available of course as long as its shoots them.
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