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Everything posted by Dougy

  1. It sounds like they are trying to be a bit of a smart bottom, and a pain in one, ask them to define fullbore, as against small bore, or quarter bore, I thought that 22 cal was small bore, up to 6mm, 1/4 bore and anything over 0.30 (7.62) was fullbore. I would of thought that anyone with an open ticket for any CF would be suitable
  2. Go for a Block Build, a little more expensive but long term more secure & less maintenance, also will add more value to the price of the property "IF" you ever want to sell. Plus you wont be resticted to the size that sheds are built in make it as big as you can without planning permision
  3. some people have mentioned Steve Kershaw in this thread with regards to using an adapter, I am sure if Steve was to choose between an adapter or having the rifle cut, threaded and reproofed i am sure 100% what his decision would be. Oh ! i almost forgot my qualifications, English CSE F Art CSE C Metal Work CSE F Sport CSE A Needlework CSE A+
  4. tel you what, she was a fit bit of stuff in her days Specially in the Dracula films, she could have sucked on my blood any time
  5. Dougy

    I Won

    some folk have all the luck I hope you spend it on something worth while Oh and enjoy your herbal tablets Ive never won anything in my life
  6. How about other forms of public transport, Yes plenty of mobile,s left on trains too many to even count, But Mountain bikes, walking sticks ? Crutches ? Oh and cant forget, white sticks for the visually impaired or even Blind (I kept one in my car in case i have and accident) wheel chairs??? how some passengers get off the train beats me sometimes
  7. best advice is to get out and check using some wallpaper set up on some board or something
  8. Cheers Jonsey1 Thanks for that, didnt want it any way :( will have to be quicker nxt time
  9. i cant believe some folk actually get to have a kip in work time, i have sacked staff for that in the past !!! some folk have a cushy job.
  10. I do 4 on 4 off perm nights 12hr shifts and hate it, its 4 days takenout of your life, i am not fit to do anything but vegitate for about 1.5- 2hrs when i get home in the morning, before i go to bed. Yes i would love to do a normal day job, Its no good for your health either.
  11. If your thinking of going into gamekeeping this will most probably be a good conversation point with the FEO, while your at it i would suggest that if you have land to use a rimfire on put in for your FAC at the same time.(Ask while they are there you have nothing to loose and it may just make your day) I know you allready have your appointment but if you dont mind waiting another few weeks then you will most likley be granted both, assuming you have permission. It will save you some money and will get you on the FAC ladder sooner rather than later. Best of luck and dont worry they are coming to arrest you Oh posted a day too late. allways been abit slow. So i take it it went well, see nothing to worry about
  12. I was the one behind the camara, and to be honest it was rather dark, its not a bad size Boar as far as medals go i would say a tin foil maybe or possibly a brass It was the biggest one shot in our group though, so lets just say it was monstrous i think if you put the 2 i shot together it wouldnt have been any were near the weight of Munglers
  13. now dont be silly, you had your laces tied together, It was definatly 600 ish, no were near 700
  14. give "dunkfield" a PM he has one i am sure
  15. I have to agree with your choice, You are applying for what i was adviced to go for and so far i have no regrets, just recently i have a slot for another 22.250 but may change that if i feel the need. You will have 22lr 17hmr for vermin and the 22Cf for fox and vermin, if you get 17 for fox then fine but but at the moment i dont but will have a chat with FLO and see if they will revert back to what it was on my ticket before renewal ; fox and vermin. I will see. Oh and dont forget to put down a mod for each Firearm , and while your at it why not put in for FAC air rifle you can always do a 1 for 1 later if you decide to
  16. Trust me on this one, expecting to bring back a Boar is one thing OK! Expecting to eat it when i get back home, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dream on Wake up get dressed down to the breakfast table Wild Boar Smoked,Pickled,Boiled,Fried,Roast OK but rather have dried bread 2 weeks old with sticky chicken croutons on. Dinner time out in the jungle with the beaters, you can have Wild Boar stew with dried out bread and bones,nice oh and home brewed eye pickling juice made from the local dont know what. lovley but dont expect to stay awake long on your peg if you drink too much. then there dinner, now whats the choice Roast beef, yorky pud, roast taties, nice fresh garden peas, carrots, roast parsnips topped with nice bisto gravy NO ! you get Wild boar stew and Bread for main followed by a funny swiss roll type thing with chocolate and pepper filling for pud Oh and dont expect birds custard on this, they think custard something thats come out of an absess Do i want to bring back some wild boar i would rather have tripe and onions when i get home thanks But joking apart they did there best to look after us and did a good job
  17. Dont skimp on these, i was recomended some cheaper version than i think "butler creek" and the pin broke, as it happened it was the bottom swivel not the top, or the rifle would have been dumped on the floor at the time. So i recomend uncle mikes not had an issue with these and i have a rifle weighing nearly 13lb hanging on one quite often Edit;just checked mine are uncle mikes quick release
  18. No that a definate !!! going through customs with a dairylee triangle will get you sent to a croatian prison for 50 years and hard labour so expect something a little harsher trying to bring back a 200lb lump of stinky pig trust me i know from experience (empty 30.06 cases in my coat nearly got me a public flogging 3 years ago)
  19. Stu, maybe a bit on the boring side to have all normal people on the trip, i personaly thing you need some people that are sub-normal to take the micky out of, whether they understand or not (it made me happy anyway) but i must admit i had to get out of the room before i went a bit OTT (10 out of 10 for a little self control) as mungler said we had a good time, and up for next year, Stu you would have wet youself i promise As for those going later i really wish you the best of luck
  20. Thanks Mr Mungler, My guts were still in pain for all the laughing Sunday night, A pity you didnt manage to shuv the loo paper back through the whole on the dispenser. Its a pity some people in the world are complete plonkers, next time i go i will take some rope a bell a large flashing light sign posts with arrows saying "BOAR THIS WAY" and a spot on the Boar saying shoot here, oh! and training Boar to sit on command while a shot is taken. But really if such plonkers did not go then we wouldnt of had such a laugh at there expense. anyway thanks whoever you were your names seem to have slipped my mind oh dear, And no i wont be getting a pink hat here's mine well just ONE of my 2, i also shot a fox that we were told to shoot, there was no photo, possible a bann if i had of done. The boar's i shot were running allot faster than Mungs and a smaller target, oh and mine were in fact allot further away, the one possibly 600 yards away, cant be exact because i forgot to take my range finder, and i got poked in the eye with a twig moments before a fantasic week end thanks for the company, to all
  21. sounds simalar to one we have round Staffs, Andrea, very nice lady I had a visit 2 weeks ago for my renewal but it was a dog handler drafted in to help with the back log. It turned out he new my Mum from her boarding kennels, he takes his dogs there. He came round at 12.25 and eventually left at 15.00, great chap very freindly and helpfull and i actually ended up with another rifle on my ticket that i didnt ask for on my application I only got it back last week, i was supprised it only took 2 weeks which for the comments i was getting from Stafford i was expecting longer, good job really as i need it for thursday as i,m going Boar shooting in Croatia and it ran out on the 7th of November
  22. Dougy

    KOI pond

    NIce looking pond i like the idea with the window. My mums got a fairly large Koi pond and not long changed the filter to a Nexus, apparantly allot les hasle to keep clean as far as the filters are concerned, and it seems to be clearer than before Are you heating it PS before you fill it try and borrow a water meter you will then have a better idea of the gross capacity inc filters, better for times you need to treat the fish
  23. just thinking that myself. And being asked why it wont work. I would definatly advice that the poster to read the instructions and get himself some PPE before he looses his trigger finger hand
  24. As stated, allot of previous threads on this subject, I personaly will always reccomend what boot has been good for me over the last 30 odd years, i am now on my 3rd pair and only replaced due to sole ware, i could of had them re-soled but i think that 10 years use is bloody good value for money. They are "Skarpa" 1st & 2nd pair were "Manta Attak" £120.ish, my last pair i cant recall the name RRP £185, but all were a 4 season walking boot very good in just about any weather you will encounter anywere thats only about £18 a year for warm, dry, comfortable feet.
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