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Everything posted by Dougy

  1. Dougy

    rapid 7 problem

    It shouldnt need to go back to the shop but to keep you happy then do so, Some people turn them all the way in then encounter the problem you had, there is more to increasing the power than just turning a screw, and to be honest with you it will not be worth the agro you may end up being in, Glad i was some help
  2. Dougy

    rapid 7 problem

    try unscrewing the nut behind the hammer, it sounds like its too far forward, 1/2 a turn should do it. if that doesnt cure it then your trigger sear may be worn Mk 1 could be over 15 years old
  3. Aye up Paul, not sure if you were aware the field not far from me that we shot on some time ago, there was Mr plod chatting to some shooters on there last week, i can only assume a complaint had been made by the home owners. By the sound of it though requesting for the use of moderated guns you may allready know
  4. Henry cant you get one of your mates to knock something up, just a bit of box steel and heavy wire mesh cant be that hard, scrounge an old tow from some were
  5. Aye up Mr Frenchieboy, I would imagine the cost of DSC1 would be in the region of £200 give or take a few £ (traveling expences, time ect.) with that amount its a fair way towards a rifle, from your previous posts i get the feeling you love your 222, and would imagine you would miss it once you sell it, even though to fund another. If you can i am sure you want to avoid taking the DSC i dont blame you one bit, You seem a decent chap who takes time and puts in the effort to understand your quarry before you take your rifle out, this is basicly what the DSC courses are about. I hope you get what you want and still manage to keep your 222. All the best Frenchie
  6. Fitting a thermostat is reccomended, mine got melted by a blow torch whilst soldering and replaced, the manufactures quoted £150 plus p&p got one from the folk who make them for £49 + P&P just a tip for you all
  7. well being as were showing off our log burners i'll chuck a photo of ours in too. Runs 4 rads and the hot water
  8. Another quick tip is, dont build on a raft or you will allways get water or damp coming in. Footings,2 rows of blocks then the base on damp proof, that should stop the damp coming through I'm not a bricky but learnt from experience
  9. Dougy

    My eyeball aches

    Its possible it could be high blood pressure
  10. Yes a big drop in MPG for me. was 34MPG now down to about 27MPG Next purchase, a set of steel rims for the MT's and road tyres on the alloys.
  11. Having now seen it its definatly not through the reloading prosess, unless you have some rubbish rammed up the press, which i am sure you would have noticed before now. If its just the one dont worry about it, what i would worry about though is the amount of steel wool still stuck around the case mouth- rammed under the bullet, By all means use to to prep your cases but i would clean my cases before the next stage ie; priming
  12. Tut tut tut Mrs sweepy, I think your on about the other "cap" This post is about "CAPITAL LETTERS"
  13. Dougy


    I bought 1000 really loud bangers from RFD 7.5 32grm brilliant. They are the only bangers i would pay for nowadays. Each to there own i suppose, but paying that amount of money on fireworks when you could go and see a few thousand £'s worth for a tenner, I think Alton towers display some years ago cost over £60,000
  14. "Hors d' Age Andre Couprie". a bit different and around the £100 , but like most expensive bottles its abit of a waste if you drown it in lemonade Or you can get a couple of bottles of Remy champagne there around the £30 thats my normal winter warmer in front of the fire
  15. Just chuck them in if they get covered in poo !!! no powder , just water wash
  16. Is it possible it may of been caused by over lubing the cases,verticle dent appearence. I have done simalar with 30.06 cases, No problem firing them.
  17. Install it in your wardrobe, get a sticky lable on it saying Laird Lugton,s dirty underware recepticle,
  18. It has to be liver and onion and bacon caserole, Pigs or Ox liver, you can soak the Ox liver over night in milk and a teaspoon of BiCarb if you wish (a chefs cheat for making Calves liver) sliced tossed in seasoned plain flour(salt,pepper,mustard powder) seared in the pan chuck it in the casserole dish, fry some smoked streaky bacon and onions chuck that in the dish, with the remaining flour + more if required, make enough gravy in the frying pan to cover the liver bacon and onions chuck in the oven to slowly cook. Peel some spuds, boil, drain and cream with milk, salt, butter, black pepper and salt. plent of garden peas, the bestist dinner in the world and gravy to die for mopped up with the creamed spuds. Tip;- if your liver is hard and tuff like school liver then its over cooked it
  19. As i suggested, if you really need to go brighter, Get yourself another lamp that is designed to do the job in question, or as commented you will melt the reflector and possibly the cable, The Cluson 1/2 million is enough lamp for just about any situation whilst out lamping, If you really feel the need to check out whats in the next county get a "Light Force 170" (typing after you had posted) PS Treat youself to a spare lamp, it a bum when your out and it packs up for some reason miles from home, I always have a spare with me
  20. Be carefull i am sure one has a plastic reflector and the other metal of some type, putting a higher watt bulb will melt the reflector if its plastic. !!! I would buy the more powerful lamp if i were you, £45, and you will have a spare just in case,
  21. Oh dear not a happy bunny tonight
  22. being caught with a catty on a large estate just about to pick up a pheasant, pretending to have a wee against a tree. shooting holes in the next door neighbours best gardening hat with my air rifle, (not on his head at the time, left it on a cane down the garden) Poaching wild brown trout from a really good little brook with a 5" rod and worms whilst buncking off school. me and me dad loved them Been chased a few times and even had a shot gun blasted over my head, made me run a bit faster. snaring rabbits on the way back from school. being chased by the local bobby for not havin lights on my push bike, scrumping apples and being caught hanging in the tree by my wooly jumper, and getting a kick up the #*$@ knock and run Oh the memories
  23. having left 3 out in some field somewere in the middle of nowere in the dark, i have gone back to using cheapo's i aint going to cry if i loose a knife costing a fiver, but take out one costing £30 + and loose it well it would upset me too much. As MC say's cheap utility knife replaceable blades £2 from Wilko's
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