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Everything posted by aister

  1. I managed to christen my new to me Midland double hammer gun this morning on a barley stubble. We waited a while before we saw the first birds, I think they must have been feeding under the moon last night. The first that came in was a small flock of greylags and I managed to connect with the first shot and bagged a goose. I was old school this morning using a hammer gun and paper shells, I was firing paper cased fiocchi 36gr no3 which are so gentle to shoot but seem to hit hard all the same. I then bagged a mallard and finished off with a right and left of geese which made my morning. The hound was delighted to be out but he is showing his age, he slept like a log when we got home ha ha. Glad to see that others on here have had successful mornings.
  2. Excellent, well done Conor, he wont forget today in a hurry
  3. Ages ago here on PW someone put up a link to a website that had maps which showed individual field boundaries, can anyone remember what the website was?
  4. Just heading out the door to have a look around for tomorrow morning, can't wait.
  5. I bought it for 200 bucks. It is very tightly choked, the few rabbits I have shot with so far have been either cleanly missed or very dead ha ha. I will see how I get on with it through the season then next summer I plan to get the barrels 're blued and the woodwork done up. Mechanically the gun is sound, with the forend off there is no play in the barrels at all. I will get some pics up when I put something in the bag with her.
  6. I am looking forward to christening my latest purchase, a midland gun company double hammer gun with 3" chambers and like fenboy, I would love to bag a pintail, only ever had two come over me in range but the gun was in the hide and I was out moving decoys
  7. I don't think I have missed a 1st since I started shooting unless it was on a Sunday. Always a great feeling to be out with the hound and gun again and a bird in the bag is a bonus, I am trying not to think about the 1st too much don't want the goose fever getting too much of a grip ha ha
  8. Is there anyone on here that would be interested in coming to Shetland for some shooting in return for some deer stalking? Up here in Shetland we have no deer however there is plenty of other shooting I can provide. Walked up rabbit and snipe with a chance of woodcock, rabbit shooting with the rifle through the day and lamping at night, duck and goose flights in the morning and night we could also try a walk through the hills for white mountain hares and the chance of a grouse. I have paid for deer stalking down on the mainland quite a few times but I would quite like to try a sporting swap where both parties would get to do something that is not readily available to them. Here is a few pictures of some of the sport I enjoy. Any questions or queries just ask. Thanks for taking a look. ATB. Aister. After a successful night flight. A good bag after a good walk. Morning flight with my eldest. Walked up rabbit shooting. A nice walk with my eldest and the hound. Another successful flight. 5 mountain hares. Another daytime walk with the hound and rifle.
  9. We started to get mackerel around our salmon cages about a fortnight ago but the small boats are struggling to land any quantity.
  10. Well done. That's the same combo I use, BRNO mod2 and CCI subs.
  11. I just found the Scott Rea videos on you tube and think they are very clear and well done, I made his rabbit with mustard and cream sauce and it was one of the tastiest dishes I have made, the kids scoffed it.
  12. Thanks for the feed back. It's a rifle on guntrader I have seen in 30-06, it's a nice looking gun with a silver oval in the stock which I have never seen before unless in very expensive rifles. My RFD is going to get it up to have a shot of, hopefully it's a keeper. Thanks again.
  13. Hi folks, just wondering if anyone on here has had any experience with the sauer 200? I have seen a second hand one for sale that has taken my fancy but I have zero experience with sauer. Any info or input greatly received. Cheers.
  14. Always good to end the season with something in the bag.
  15. Well done Conor, sounds like he has had a great start with the 12 bore.
  16. On the last night flight of the season for me, Max retrieved a bird that I never knew had fallen. The only chance I had was at a pack of mallard that came over, I swung up and managed to down a right and left which both fell right in front of me. I sent Max out in front but he set off in another direction and I couldn't turn him, as I was muttering some bad words under my breath he appeared out of the gloom clutching a fat mallard. I had knocked down 2 mallard with one of the shots but hadn't seen one of them, thank goodness Max was paying attention.
  17. I have never come across it before.
  18. My first right and left of woodcock is the most memorable of the season. I was walking up snipe and had a couple in the bag when a pair of woodcock got up just a few yards in front of me. The first one dropped going away from me then I turned and dropped the other one as it went to the left and behind me. The hound retrieved the second one but neither of us could find the first one, max couldnt pick up a scent at all and I was beginning to think I had missed!! There was a burn along side me but I was sure the bird couldn't have been near it but sure enough I found it about 30 yards down the burn.
  19. Excellent, sounds like a nice flight, nice looking birds too :-)
  20. So far this fowling season the night flights have been poor in general. A lot of no shows where I would usually see plenty and the couple of times I could have put a few in the bag, I have shot like a numpty. But last night I had a cracking night flight. I had spotted a bit of flood water in the links at the back of a beach so I thought I would give it a go. Its a fairly big area of water so I just sat in the middle thinking I would move if the birds took to one area. I didn't have to wait long before the first duck came in right over the top of me, I was expecting mallard but it was a pair of wigeon.....which I missed :( . A nice flight formed right where I was sitting, I missed a couple of silly shots to begin with then managed to start connecting. I had two singles then managed 3 rights and lefts. Delighted with my shooting and the bag, I unloaded the gun and watched wigeon pour in over the top of me for the last half hour.
  21. Happy new year pigeon watching fowlers, hope you all have a good night and a cracking 2015
  22. Yes they are very tasty, one of my favourite birds to eat
  23. Had a fantastic walk about today with the gun and dog today made even better because I finally managed to bag a right and a left of woodcock wooop wooop ha ha. I was after snipe and really wasn't expecting woodcock in such a wet boggy place but two got up and managed to bag them both. I also had 4 snipe, a plover, 8 rabbits and a goose. I bumped the goose up from the edge of the loch and judging by its actions and condition I reckon it had been pricked before so I think I did it a favour. Lots of ducks around but with water levels being so high and not a lot of cover everything got up out of range.
  24. I had plans of a morning flight then a good walk but it was absolutely flat calm. I bagged a right and a left of geese on the morning flight then tried a walk but with ground frozen and crunchy and flat calm I couldn't get near a thing but the 2 geese was good.
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