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Everything posted by 39TDS

  1. It's a blue moon tonight too.
  2. I think I can probably live without then. Thanks
  3. I'd say more like 2,000 tonight. Where are they going to and from? Seems they fly from Chester (ish) and off over Kelsall hill every night. Presumably they fly out in the day but I don't see them go. I am guessing they are roosting on Frodsham marshes, but where are they going every day? I am not after them, they do me no harm and I like to see them. Some nights they are low enough to shoot but I have never shot at them. Sometimes wonder if i should because they are a pest to someone, for now I am not going to though.
  4. Are they worth having? What do they do, and how well do they do it? I have a Terrano but hasn't got any fitted.
  5. I set mine at 45yds and can hit anything out to 130yds (with a lot of holdover) I don't miss very often and that is at any range. Winchester subs in a 40 year old BRNO Model2 with 6x40 scope of same age.
  6. I string them up and make sure the others see me do it. It definitely works in keeping them away, although maybe not 100%.
  7. After a dozen or so shots you will get a heat haze on the centre rib. Then when you bring the gun up the clay disappears in the haze, and I do mean disappear. Baffled me the first time it happened. Not saying it isn't a decent gun, far from it. I only own SxS but do have to admit they are not best suited to clays.
  8. For performance and cost the military Goretex clothing takes some beating.
  9. I think the fact it is a smock won't have helped. If you are hot and sweating you need a jacket you can open. Then when you stop sweating, do it up again.
  10. 39TDS


    Anyway, besides all that. Try going to a decent garden centre and asking for a sodium chlorate replacement. You can't get sodium chlorate any more but there is a replacement. Never actually tried it myself but it should kill all the weeds and also prevent them coming back. Downside with sodium chlorate was it could wash around a bit and kill the edge of your lawn etc. I wouldn't be surprised if the new stuff did the same. Roundup will kill the weeds, you just have to keep doing it. Needs doing a lot less from now until spring as plants are winding down for the winter in general.
  11. 39TDS


    Headland make over 30 different selective herbicides, Polo is just one of them.
  12. 39TDS


    I googled it to check before I posted. You Google it and post the link when you find it. I have a sneaky feeling it is you that is wrong wrong wrong. ps. I am a farmer and do know a bit about such things Of course that doesn't mean I am always right.
  13. 39TDS


    Neither Grazon or Roundup (or any other formulations of it) will prevent weeds from coming back. They have no residual properties. To the best of my knowledge, Headland is a company name rather than a specific chemical product. Just asking for Headland won't get you very far, it could likely get you an insecticide as a herbicide.
  14. 2 for FAC and one for SGC. Does this mean 3 separate people or can one of them do SGC + FAC? (providing they satisfy requirements) Any help appreciated.
  15. I doubt the vitamin are going to be any lower than usual, quite possibly higher if anything. Vits in the water and greenery in the diet is always going to be a good thing. I would say the only thing likely to be lacking in the poor quality wheat is going to be carbs due to undeveloped grains.
  16. 39TDS

    Santa Ponca

    Is that a euphemism? I'm not familiar with these foreign parts but have heard the rumours.
  17. Send it insured post, you should be covered one way or another. There will always be a certain element of risk, you just have to minimise it. If you don't want any risk, insist on cash sent by special delivery.
  18. 39TDS

    Julian Assange

    Well I don't agree with you Robl but I am not going to come and extradite you to a foreign country and tie you up in a cage for no proven reason. Nor am I going to send an unmanned aircraft to blow up a house and those around it that I think you might be in. Lucky I'm not a terrorist. ps. I'm not sure about all the rights and wrongs of what USA does in the name of War on Terror but I am pretty confident there are some wrongs in there and their mission title is a bit of an oxymoron.
  19. 39TDS

    Julian Assange

    I think that is pretty much exactly what they are.
  20. Wasn't only you mate, most farmers would say the same, except American ones of course.
  21. Always thought it would be a good function to have on here.
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