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Everything posted by Kalahari

  1. Actually I believe Terry will try and support all forms of sporting shooting, and that would include wildfowling, surely if you become a council member that is your remit. I am afraid that I appear to be the only "wildfowler" standing this time round and I do understand many of the problems and frustrations felt by wildfowlers. Regrettably you can't vote for me. Best wishes, David.
  2. If you are in Wales you get to vote for us both. (If that is what you want) Many thanks, David.
  3. Thanks for that Zapp. I would prefer the message not to be buried under a lot of other stuff. David.
  4. I have voted for Terry. Known him for several years, when he has shot in North Wales. One of the good guys. David.
  5. Hello again, Well the ballot papers are out. Please read the addresses and I would be very grateful for your vote. I have voted for Terry and myself. Many thanks, David.
  6. I am a wildfowler, walk one stand one shooter, and a deer stalker, the BASC covers them all. David.
  7. Reports on both the BBC and the North Wales Daily Post. Started yesterday. David.
  8. Well, I guess we should wait for the case to run its course before we comment a lot. I am still standing for election though. David.
  9. Diolch. David. (Not a saint I am afraid)
  10. Only shot the 226, in Switzerland, very nice solid accurate pistol. David.
  11. Try this one for another police cover up. The police have rather too much form in these sorts of matters. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_James_Ashley David.
  12. It seems pretty weird to say Ian Blair "carried the can", he was rewarded with a peerage and a seat in the House of Lords! That must be a really heavy can to carry. David.
  13. I am afraid that if you and I behaved in the way that the Met did we would be facing charges of attempting to pervert the course of justice. Funny that they weren't isn't it. David.
  14. It isn't really that a mistake was made, but the string of lies told to try and cover it all up. It was complete Cressida up. David.
  15. Gosh Terry, do you think they are ready for us!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, very best of luck. David
  16. No not a dig, just a statement of fact. Thanks, for the good wishes. Thanks for your good wishes too John. David.
  17. From my current position I am no wiser than you are. David.
  18. I have decided to put my head above the parapet and stand for the Welsh seat in the forthcoming BASC Council Elections. If you are entitled to vote (BASC member living in Wales I think) I would be very grateful if you would read my pitch which appears under my real name of David Seager. I would like your vote as well but that is your choice. Voting papers will appear in the next "Shooting and Conservation" or you will be able to vote on-line, when voting opens, if you are registered for access to the members area of the BASC.org site. Registration isn't too onerous and is worthwhile for the other information that is accessible there. Many thanks, David.
  19. A lot of older tools turn up at auctions, and fetch very little money. David.
  20. Probably get lubed and indexed on arrival at a US airport! David.
  21. Last time I looked, being an illegal immigrant wasn't a capital offence. Some people on hear seem to be all over anybody who criticizes the police, but they blindly refuse to see that the police are not always right and at times the law needs to step in. David.
  22. Well, the fix was in, the jury were told at the beginning of the inquest that they could not bring in a verdict of unlawful killing. That being the case they were away scot free. David.
  23. Kalahari


    Open Office is free and will do pretty well everything you need for software instead of Windows 365. David.
  24. The opinion I had on burden of proof was a QC who specialised in the criminal bench, so I suppose he knew nothing. Always nice to know the experts know nothing. David.
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