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Everything posted by Kalahari

  1. Gosh, not always wrong then!!! David.
  2. Is that desparate for more members or desparate to ask you to rejoin? Sorry couldn't resist it. David.
  3. Yes, your local shop can order one from RUAG. Don't know how much they cost though. David.
  4. If they are different stocks the measurements might not work. Pistol grip vs straight hand stock, single tigger vs double trigger that sort of stuff. Even different ribs might effect the drop on the stock. Hope this helps, David.
  5. Well I have enormous respect for Andy Murray. His work ethic and support for Great Britain is fantastic. I am not a huge tennis fan but was lucky enough to be gifted a couple of Wimbledon tickets for number one court and enjoyed the experience. I will probably never be that lucky again but if you haven't tried it perhaps you shouldn't condemn it. David.
  6. I think my money would be on the pump. If it was really a blockage the thermostat removal shouldn't have that much effect, as the blockage would still be there whatever. I suppose it is possible to have a faulty 'stat from new though. Put the stat in a pan of water on the stove and heat it. You should be able to see it pop open as the water heats up. David.
  7. They are a bit like a 1950s car. Just one big crumple zone! David.
  8. There is a company in Yorkshire, http://www.kapsuzuki4x4.co.uk/suzuki/agri-utility.php which adapt a Jimny to suit you. They will do a pickup body for you. Might be worth a chat with them. David.
  9. Been a member of the GWCT for some time. Great deal of good work done. Please join. David.
  10. Does it mention police personnel leaving loaded pistols in toilets? If not why not? David.
  11. This is one of those things that you have to be careful about what you wish for. The left in the broad sense hope the police will be castigated, but the problem with a public enquiry is that the evidence might show that the NUM were most at fault and then what would these same people say? As was stated nobody was convicted and nobody died, perhaps it is best to let sleeping dogs lie in this case. David.
  12. It is to take a lug to help resist movement with recoil. I think a few people don't bother but a lot of mounts come with a removable pin that fits into the slot. David.
  13. Used to see a lot of them in Geneva, when I went over there resonably often. David.
  14. What was I shooting at? Snakes, dassies, spring hares. David.
  15. Funnily enough, when I lived in Africa nobody ever used sub sonic 22s. David.
  16. Always seems funny to me that people swear blind about the advantages of a moderator on a centrefire rifle, usually very supersonic, and then say don't bother on an HV 22. David.
  17. And often I was that "special tool" David.
  18. London already fails a lot of air pollution standards and it will only get worse with a lot more 'planes stooging around overhead. David.
  19. I sometimes think everybody should do a couple of years beating before they are allowed to join the shooting line. You learn so much on the beating line. It is fun too. David.
  20. Whatever else has happened to prices, diesel always climbs more at the start of the winter because of demand for heating oil. David.
  21. You could try this:- http://www.bristolcars.co.uk/Sales/1976-411S5-CR/ David.
  22. Sadly wherever you put these things it suits fewer people than it displeases. Nature of the beast. No point in complaining. David.
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