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Everything posted by Kalahari

  1. Kalahari

    BASC Chairman

    Peter Glenser was junior counsel so we don't know if his opinions were over-ruled? The other problem I have and it has nothing to do with this case as it is sub-judice but we have to accept that we have to have certain standards in our military if we are not to descend to the level of ISIL, This was shown in todays verdict in Israel. David.
  2. It is a schlepp for me but when a date is sorted I might try and bring the BPS down. David.
  3. Been up fo sale for a long time. It would be a problem for me if it closed. My closest ground. David.
  4. I used the Browning SA22 in Africa for years and it was pretty reliable. (Never had a jam or failure to feed in spite of all the dust) David. PS. Did use HV though.
  5. National service wouldn't have to be the armed forces, but we would have to, because of equality laws, find something for young women to do and they would certainly complain and go to the courts in droves! David.
  6. A word with BASC or one of the other organisations (it might involve joining I guess) might be worthwhile. David.
  7. If you go on driven days I see why you might want an O/U. Many shoots don't like semi autos. If the Silver Pigeon fitted properly you should do fine with it as well. David.
  8. When I look back I realise that even nostalgia ain't what it used to be! David,
  9. Get a chamber brush and give it a good clean. David.
  10. My guy in North Wales stocks them. So not that difficult. David.
  11. Side plates off and a slim 10mm socket on a longish extension bar if my memory is correct. David.
  12. I did know someone who killed a lion with a single shot from a 22LR. I am sure it was HV so that is the difference. Not something I would advise though. David.
  13. I bet a lot of foxes are shot with modded 22 in non rural areas. David.
  14. I have some John Shooter stuff and it is pretty good, but no experience of gunslips. David.
  15. Look in your local auctions. Lots of cheap flatscreens there. Need to look round the back for the right sockets. David.
  16. It is pricey but I reckon the Huskie 2stroke oil is worth it. They seem to run cleaner and idle better. Less nasty fumes to breathe. Just 2p worth. David.
  17. Huskie for me, I have a 136 13" bar, which gets as much work as anything, a 55 with a 15" bar which is nearly 20 years old and and works very well, a 372 with a 24" bar for big stuff. The only thing any of them have had is plugs, filters, chains and bars but they are cleaned and checked regularly. Do a course and learn to maintain your kit and keep safe, it will pay for itself over a few years. David.
  18. Sometimes its a temporary glitch. Try again and stay calm. David.
  19. If you are starting out a 365 is a big beast if you haven't had proper training. Sorry to be a killjoy but you don't want a nasty injury, buy the protective kit and get trained. David.
  20. You should belong to one of the shooting organisations. Both for your sake and for the sake of out sport. David.
  21. Gosh, that's an oldie. David.
  22. The "head stamp" is at the blunt end of the cartridge! QED. David.
  23. Well if they are a rebadged CZ there won't be an awful lot wrong with them. David.
  24. +1 for Webber. John is one of the good guys. David.
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