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Everything posted by Kalahari

  1. Actually I don't think you can stand at the Menin gate waiting for the last post and fail to be moved. David.
  2. Back in the day, felt wads were usually thought to be the best, and they were cut out of wool felt. So maybe wool is the best of the easily bio-degradeable ones. David.
  3. Possibly the web builder is outsourced? David.
  4. I have a couple of Hauskens, 223 & 7 x 64 and am very pleased. I guess the Lawrence Titanium ones are about the lightest of all, but a bit pricey. David.
  5. I have a pair and they are fabulous. David.
  6. The steel has to be pretty high grade if it is to last. David.
  7. One of the problems of this what have they done question is that sometimes even no change in the situation requires quite a bit of effort and people look on and say well nothing has changed so they aren't doing much. This isn't always true. David.
  8. Well, the BASC is not a charity so comparisons are rather difficult. However I do think the last two Chief Executives weren't the best choices so I hope they do better next time. I rather hoped to be able to influence stuff like this but it wasn't to be. David.
  9. BASC can't organise something unless people are willing to turn out and do the work. You and your fellow coaches deserve a huge amount of the credit. David.
  10. I think the death of some game fairs has been the fall off in trade stands, I am sure this is partly driven by cost, but they hope to persuade the more interesting trade people to turn up by saying we are bringing in lots of people who are serious sportsmen not just tyre kickers. David. PS if you think the game fair admissions are overpriced you haven't been to the theatre, a big sporting event or a concert lately.
  11. The people running the Game Fair at Hatfield house are giving BASC members free entry. This is not a BASC freebie, rather I suspect an attempt to bring in lots of people so they can attract exhibitors by saying we will have lots of people looking at your stands. I can only imagine the howls of complaint if the BASC actually subsidised one show above another. Join the GWCT they do really good work and you would get a discount for Scone. I get a discount but it is a bit far. David.
  12. I went there, it was pretty controlled, but if we want to change these things we must turn up and ask questions. I can't remember the number of votes cast in the national seat but in the Welsh seat just over 200 votes were cast and I got 88. David.
  13. Many clubs get round this problem. They will pair you up with a mentor who has a dog and knows their way around. Get in touch with your nearest club and explain the situation, Mostly these people are really helpful. David.
  14. Yeah, but if it was easy anybody could do it and then where would the challenge be? David..
  15. For peoples information, Paul Shaw was elected to the National seat and Peter Watson to the Wales seat. David.
  16. Some of you may know that I was not successful in the BASC Council Elections. I would like to take the opportunity to thank the people who supported me and I am sorry I did not do bettter for you. I am also told, and as a result have had a number of my posts deleted before the closing date of the elections that I had upset some BASC members by posting too much and they thought I was "calling in favours" actually I don't know a person on here who owes me anything favour or otherwise! However if you were upset please accept my apology. Many thanks, David.
  17. You are so right, it isn't a numbers game and pretty difficult at times (I am not as fit and strong as I was 30 odd years ago) but it is amazingly close to nature and generally very reasonably priced. David.
  18. Yes, I am a bit far away as well and I already belong to a wildfowling club, but best of luck to Langstone. David.
  19. Well it would be nice to see you up out way again, to say nothing of working my socks off for you SIR! David.
  20. Want something more comfortable and faster for the run up for the snipe and woodcock???? David.
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