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Everything posted by Kalahari

  1. I don't think we should be too rude about it. Any support of this type should be helpful It won't sway the extremists but the undecided might be affected to look a little more kindly on us. David.
  2. Put the coat on back to front!!! David.
  3. Velcro, match the fastenings on your slippers, a real sign of old age and decrepitude! David.
  4. Kalahari


    Just check that it hasn't risen in value since it was valued for probate. David.
  5. In my experience off Swedish Military kit it may not get cold enough to wear this! In other words the quality and the insulation will be fabulous. David.
  6. Kalahari


    Get some professional advice. The inheritance tax should have beeen paid by the estate before distribution of the residue. However even if free from IHT you may be liable to Capital Gains Tax. Get advice the penalties for tax evasion (unless you are apple or google) will make your eyes water. Talk to a tax lawyer, in this case it will be money well spent. David.
  7. A left wing, comprehensive supporting labout MP is one whose children have finished their education in a private school! David.
  8. Just to alarm some people even more, when I lived out in Africa I knew a PH who had his dangerous game doubles built without a safety catch as when he needed it he needed it in a hurry, and when tracking or working in close cover it would be closed and loaded. The trick is never to point it in the wrong direction. David.
  9. Old Citroens didn't have a cancelling mechanism at all. Old Andre Citroen thought that if you got into the habit of always checking you wouldm't be relying on something that didn't always work. Maybe a time to learn a new driving habit. Bit like an auto safety on a gun. I won't have one because I have taught myself to always put it on. Hope this helps. David.
  10. Actually there was a pretty big police prescence so I don't think there was as big a theft problem as in recent years. David.
  11. What age to sell a car? How old are you??? Sorry it is Monday morning and I am at my worst then!!! David.
  12. Kalahari


    Get some training. You will learn to maintain the saw, sharpen the chain and be safe. David.
  13. I have great admiration for him. Great sportsman, huge supporter of the Davis Cup team. Made believers of a lot of other British tennis players by his example of "work incredibly hard and then work a bit more" we see players moving up the rankings. And by the way in spite of someone's previous comment as a resident of England I very much doubt if he had a vote in the Scottish Referendum. David.
  14. Have to agree with this. I think Westminster should call the SNP on this. Scotland has to decide where it wants to be before the negotiations for Brexit get complicated. If they are with the rest of the UK (as I hope they would be) the negotiations would be stronger and Scotland would feel it was where it wanted to be. David.
  15. Nice ground, not too expensive compared to many. I find the staff helpful, and no I haven't spent a fortune there. David.
  16. Sorry this is mostly political. My wife worked her way up the system and sometimes worked 100 hours/week without any overtime at all. She is against the strike, seems that it is mostly political. The emails show this to be the case. David.
  17. We had a Trojan truck with a P3 Perkins in it back in about 1959. It went all over the Kalahari. (I know just irrelevant ramblings but I thought I would annoy a few people) I was a child at the time. David.
  18. A strong bungie threaded down the length of each side, so it was like one of these folding walking sticks? Probably cheap and non damaging to the coatings. David.
  19. Hello Mark, looking forward to seeing you. I've got the beating kit polished (and the banter/insults) sorry you won't be there Terry. David
  20. CAV were noted for diesel fuel injection systems many moons ago. David.
  21. Have you got a crime number. Important to ask for one as it then looks worse on their figures. No crime number then "it didn't happen" so they don't have to worry. David.
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