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Everything posted by TbirdX

  1. #7 Top Extractor – part # 370007 #8 Bottom Extractor – part # 370008 #9 Bottom Extractor hinge pin – part # 370009 #10 Bottom Extractor Spring – part # 370010 #11 Top Extractor Spring – Part # 370011 #12 Top Extractor Cap – part # 370012 #20 Spring, Spring shell stop – part # 370020 #21 Screw, Spring shell stop – part 370021-scr-2 ¾ These are the parts I purchased, total inc shipping $133.50
  2. It was I who recently purchased parts direst from Ithaca. No problem obtaining the parts and no problems at all with customs. They were all small parts however, less than 100 dollars worth of springs, pins etc. Pivot pin for the shell stop lever broke, shell stop fell out and the spring was also lost. The replacement pivot pin has also sheared since being replaced, but it failed in such a way that I was able to reuse the part with the screw thread cut in it and just fashioned a pin that is held in place by it. I love my M37 and it has become the gun I reach for everytime.
  3. Malik, nice vid, what mount was you using?
  4. Terrible news. I've been there three times myself, I know its hard but you have to be strong for their sake. Give them all the love and support they need and use friends to lean on, its what they are for. Hang in there fella.
  5. Sorry, have you not heard of the IRA? If memory serves me correct they perpetrated a campaign of terror for decades from within our own borders, so we're a bit late to that particular party huh. On a separate but related note, I think I've come up with a multi faceted solution that kills at least three birds with the one proverbial stone. To wit.. Lets use every trident warhead we have on Syria, Iraq, and if we have any left over....Belgium perhaps. (we could run a lottery, winner gets to pick the target, raise a few quid) That way, we solve the Iraq / Syria problem and save ourselves the cost of dismantling and disposing of the Trident system. Then we simply buy some shiny new modern warheads. 3 problems 1 solution. I should start a consultancy.
  6. Kristen Johnston Mary McCormack and perhaps a Cheryl Cole for afters
  7. Don't wear pink, don't sing punk songs in churches and definitely don't insult Putins mother ;-)
  8. I use mine for clay shooting all the time. :-)
  9. Think I might get my renewal in now...my cert runs out in 2016 ;-)
  10. I've had stuff come into Eastern Sporting. Theres also Essex gun. I'm in Harlow on the Herts border myself so hello neighbour :-)
  11. The trouble with legislation is it is squarely aimed at the law abiding who don't really need it. Criminals of course won't take any notice anyway.
  12. We've had four cocker spaniels all of which had a penchant for the odd sock, although to be fair, they don't usually swallow them. Although the current one has eaten pop socks, (worked its way through), slate from the garden, (worked its way through) and various other household objects, (all of which worked their way through so far). Sooner or later the daft sod is going to eat something that won't though.
  13. I have a Norica 3 shot bolt action bought for my youngest girl. She's had a go at single clays with it ok and I've had a bash at on report doubles with it too, just for the crack. If you can get over not flinching when the bolt comes back a few mm from your eyes it's ok but it's only for fun now and again.
  14. ****** as it is, be thankful it was a small one and you got away with it. :-) Hope it all goes well and you'll be back shooting before you know it.
  15. We're on cocker number 4 and every single one of them has got them at some point. Evil vicious vile things for dogs those seeds. Just got our Ditto back from the vets for the latest one £265 later. Hopefully the insurance will cover it minus the excess.
  16. TbirdX

    MG TF

    Fiat Barchetta, MR2 Roadster might find a 350Z for a bit more than 5K, westfield, robin hood, boxster, s2000, alfa gtv spider, audi tt, Z3 or Z4 perhaps, lotus Elan, MX-5 (good as they are everyone and his dog has one), Smart Roadster. There are others of course. S2000 is the sensible choice, won't break down and don't cost a fortune but try to get the facelift model with traction control, or else be careful in the wet ;-)
  17. You enter the arena, trying to calm the surge or adrenalin and steady the nerves. Slowly you load your weapon, years of muscle memory coming into play as you run through the coming shots in your mind. Mount, swing, squeeze the trigger, not snap it, and watch those clays turn into dust. Listen to the bloke behind as he tells you how you did it all wrong, should've bought a Beretta and your feet are pointing in the wrong direction. In all his years and experience he's never seen a worse shot, despite you hitting them both. You depart and watch as he goes in and misses all 10. Smile. Walk away.
  18. Shoot, I'd love a BPS to go with my Ithaca, but I can only find Fac versions.....
  19. Tell them you found the receipt in the back of a cupboard and write one out yourself ;-)
  20. It's not just cars either. Caravans, boats and we know guns also. Anytime you can't view the item or the person is out of the country but can deliver it, walk away.
  21. Nailed on scam, its the classic 'out of the country but can deliver it to you' nonsense.
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