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Everything posted by Bagsy

  1. Looking good so far. Bagsy Mungler Evil Elvis Dangerous Dave Markio MC Bob300w Philr Bigweed Sorry Mike, thought you were in Markio's team last year Do you want to jump in with us or are you forming a third team?
  2. Runners so far (not worried about squads just yet) Markio Bagsy Mungler MC Bob300w
  3. Gents, The Essex Team shoot will be taking place on Bank Holiday Monday, 30th May. As in previous years it's two teams of five shooting 100 birds back to back over 13 stands. £30 per gun, I'll pay the deposit and team members can pay on the day. This is always an excellent shoot so it'll be good to have two full teams as we did last year.... Markio and myself will be entering the teams so let us know if interested. Cheers Runners so far (not worried about squads just yet) Markio Bagsy Mungler MC Bob300w
  4. And a cracking night it was too Whilst there have often been seemingly harsh words said on here I have been to a good number of forum meets and have to say I am yet to encounter any ill feeling. Hands are shaken, presents exchanged, differences forgotten and a laugh is had in a very friendly manner. That's what being grown ups is all about, heck, none of us would ever meet up otherwise I hope to make the shoot and look forward to having a drink and shooting with anyone who attends, northern, southern or Suffolkonian!
  5. Personally I struggle to watch any news on the Beeb, their coverage of Golf war 2 was so appalling the Navy were going to pull the plug on them on their ships though fear of demotivating the crew. Then there's Panorama, some of the worst investigative journalism I've seen in years
  6. This thread is chuckletastic I enjoyed the last Phil Moss shoot I attended and thought the targets and ground were spot on (and shot pretty poorly accordingly ). It was a shame about the first one but he came good on the next and deserves a chance. Let's face it, us shooters are a bloody hard bunch to keep happy and anyone brave enough to put on a shoot on for us lot gets my vote
  7. Blimey, fantastic write up and pictures Raja, well done to you all
  8. A similar topic was recently discussed >HERE< Where in Essex do you usually shoot?
  9. Agreed, it's a worry. I have no time for uninsured drivers but the key word there is 'drivers'. We're hardly bothered by those with a taxed car sat in a garage while the owner waits for his ad to work its magic on Auto trader. The offence of 'driving' without insurance should surely be 'found committing', ie they should be caught in the act. It now seems we risk being criminalised regardless of whether the car's being driven or not
  10. This is bad news. Many will buy a car, transfer the insurance to the new one and keep the old one taxed until sold - I wonder how many will inadvertently fall fail without even knowing?
  11. Some good ideas being suggested. One thing you'll struggle to arrange will be the weather so somewhere dry for everyone to stand during a downpour may be useful
  12. I'm in, dependant on the date and any commitments etc..
  13. Only if you smile and blow a wee kiss Quite ironic really, we've gone from a pair of over sized boots delivered in error to drug dealers being blown away in a quiet leafy farm track in Essex.....yet seemingly the gravity of the latter would appear to be acceptable because they couldn't 'walk the walk'.
  14. They've moved on since then. Bullet proof glass and meeting's in crowded, well lit areas (McDonald's)are now the in thing
  15. Chill Winston. And you say he's on a mission against you
  16. I thought the purpose of PMs was for the subject matter to remain confidential. Obviously not
  17. Bagsy

    iPhone clock

    Well blow me it only happened again this morning.....set my alarm for 7.45 and woke up at 9am when I should have been walking out the door. Two of us us on this morning's shoot experienced this. Not good enough Apple, once was bad enough but twice
  18. RM, Have a read through your 18 posts and maybe even you'll realise just about all of them are sarcastic condescending drivel aimed at provoking others - it didn't take long for the rest of us to realise. Another example of the 'elite' looking down their noses at the rest of us - pedigree chump style. You asked me what I'd put back into the sport, I answered and enquired as to what more you expected....you didn't answer. You stated if we weren't prepared to travel then we should find another sport. I answered and asked why we should.....you didn't answer. They really weren't that hard to find, you simply had to look for the little '?' located at the end. I have absolutely nothing against any shooter wishing to achieve their best within the sport and wish them all well, in the same way I respect a once a year shooter who pops down to his local with his friends on Boxing day. It's a shame that you clearly don't - wishing instead to put the local shooters down and tell us to find another sport if we're not prepared to travel. The reality is that's the attitude you're putting back into the sport - well I take my hat off to you, you're a true inspiration to grass-roots shooters and newbies alike, well done, take a big pat on the back Don't bother answering the questions, you've had your chance and, as I've already said, I've tired of you now. majordisorder - sorry for leading this thread off track, I'll bow out gracefully.
  19. Poontang, I really wouldn't bother mate. Another keyboard hero who slates everyone other than himself, the world's full of 'em.
  20. You didn't look very closely then. Really, I must learn not to feed the troll.
  21. In all probability we can all have too much of something good. I only caught the last 30 minutes and thought it was excellent but don't watch all the shows as they were becoming very samey but I hope they continue.
  22. Yeah I'm bored of you now....you're quick to make statements but conveniently fail to answer any questions. Go and troll another site.
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