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Everything posted by Bagsy

  1. It's that dirty snigger that gets me laughing
  2. I thought there were five birds in that picture, then realised that three of them kept moving as I scrolled down! I really must clean my computer screen
  3. All right all right, keep your Alans on! Blimey already, there's no pleasing some people They've offered another method of paying which will make it much easier for many and now your on their case for the sake of £4? Stop flirting with each other and pay the man
  4. Bagsy

    Tattoo dilemma

    Maybe he wanted it worded this way?
  5. Personally I find white van man worse. Only yesterday while driving in Lincolnshire the brainless retarded driver of a LWB van decided it would be fun to force his way up the inside and force me into the oncoming lane. Complete muppet.
  6. Not wrong there, it's disgraceful.
  7. Excellent story. You have to question his wisdom when it was obvious his link to a 'banned person' through marriage was bound to come out at some stage Still, can't knock the guy, he had the opportunity and made the most of it. I'm slightly envious :yp:
  8. I can't speak from experience but I've heard varied reports about the GD club, some good, some bad. I've PM'd you with a couple of suggestions.
  9. It's a small step closer.... BBC News
  10. I think it would be excellent, more light in the evenings can only be a good thing surely?
  11. This would be a bitter pill to swallow for many, particularly for occasional shooters - and I'm sure there are a lot of them! What's to stop it becoming another 'road tax' with annual increases?? We're easy targets. Let's face it, it won't take much to convince the public it's a worthwhile price increase with funding being reduced/stopped in many other areas of policing. Guns? "Make 'em pay heavily for the privilege" will be the view of many - and let's not kid ourselves here, the vast majority of Joe public have no knowledge or understanding of what we do or why, much less do they care. It's worthwhile considering the new shooter here too. I know of people who have already been put off by initial set up costs (licence, gun, cabinet, slip/clothing, cleaning kit, carts). It's doesn't sound much but soon adds up if you don't have savings and another 150 quid on a licence will certainly put many off. BASC will doubtless be aware of these issues and argue the point on our behalf. Yes they are a business, but they're in the business of looking after our interests and on the whole they do a bloody good job - after all, fewer shooters means fewer members, and that's not good for business, so let's get behind them I'll pay it, but many wouldn't
  12. Actually I think it is you who has made clear your dislike of people from a certain county, but ho hum, we can't all be perfic Back on track......Libs, Egg Banjos are the way to go, we used to live on 'em when I was a squaddie, good solid food
  13. Ah, it must be your type who pull out the extra long ones and leave them in the urinal....get 'em trimmed man
  14. Judging by your FB pics you obviously don't spend anything on clothes either. Your flat mates must love you big time
  15. Dogs danglies Team A Bagsy Mungler Evil Elvis Broken Man Bigweed Pussies galore Team B Markio MC Bob300w Philr Poontang DD out, BM in.
  16. Bagsy


    Welcome aboard Neil, what do you do for a living?
  17. You really have no idea what the OP is on about do you
  18. Play it safe, the ten days will be up before you know it
  19. I'm sure Snotty could help, in fact he'll probably make you one
  20. Where does it say he is white? You may have been right the first time :lol:
  21. The A Team are booked in a ready to rock pending any final place changes. When I hear back from them I'll let you all know....not likely to be just yet though. Respect innit
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