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Everything posted by Bagsy

  1. The A Team are booked in a ready to rock pending any final place changes. When I hear back from them I'll let you all know....not likely to be just yet though. Respect innit
  2. London Bridge will be a good starting point for a 'head' start, then there's a bit of him in Berwick Upon Tweed, another bit in Perth, another bit.........poor old William Parliamentary voting rights such as the Scott's ability to vote on English issues is precisely the sort of thing which gets under the skin of voters and turns them off of politics. It's a hypocritical nonsense and one which governments are afraid of dealing with. We need a strong government with a strong courageous leader who's not afraid of sticking up for both British and English issues, both at home and abroad. Where's Maggie when you need her
  3. On a serious note you should do well this year, having had a half tidy score last year we expect great things from you
  4. First one I'll miss in a few years, got plans that weekend, damn shame
  5. Is his name Nick and does he have a beard? What's your point?
  6. This is part of the problem, where will it all end? 24g today, then 21g then where? Some are already advocating the use of subsonic loads (normally with vested interests), others 21g loads. Why don't we just throw in the towel now and have done, we'll end up regulating ourselves out of our own sport before long.
  7. It's alright Cat, we'll send you a few by text during the course of the night
  8. Things are shaping up nicely.....not sure if any of us will be in a fit state to shoot on Saturday though
  9. Bagsy


    You'll get worse down your local
  10. Good effort, I'd love to know how many clays they got through to do it. I'm envious. A day in Dubai trying to smack clays with a golf ball.....I can think of worse things to do.
  11. Bagsy

    One lucky woman

    Yep, just missed that car that was parked by the side of the road, that's one lucky owner!
  12. Did you spend the night with this woman?
  13. Don't use your own car either, it'll have a tracker attached. Steal a car and use that but you'll need a new one for each and every trip if you're to evade them properly. Either that or try one of these: They're invisible
  14. You are definitely being tapped and need to act quickly. Do not answer the phone or make any calls, close your curtains, bolt your doors and block the chimney. If you go out make sure you're wearing a hood and dark glasses and never use the same route twice. Use anti-surveillance measures and if you think you are being followed then take pictures of any subjects you suspect are part of the 'tail'. Do not, under any circumstances, inform the authorities. Trust no-one. You need to find out who's behind it yourself and terminate them all. Be careful :yp:
  15. Dogs danglies Team A Bagsy Mungler Evil Elvis Dangerous Dave Bigweed Pussies galore Team B Markio MC Bob300w Philr Poontang
  16. Excellent stuff, scores on the doors then: Bagsy Mungler Evil Elvis Dangerous Dave Poontang Markio MC Bob300w Philr Bigweed and RC's uber hetro team to bring up the rear
  17. He does Shaun, but he doesn't shoot comps
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