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Everything posted by smokinggun

  1. I may be wrong but I think it was pw member Elliott that was selling a lot of them on here a while ago, I bought a 9mm adapter from him to use garden gun carts through my 12 bore.
  2. This one looks good, says it will be back in stock in a few days when they have moved premises http://www.escapade.co.uk/fancy-dress-accessories-sale/toy-guns-swords/shotgun-double-barrel-boxed.asp one of the reviews says it also takes caps
  3. Hello and welcome from another fenland hillbilly
  4. I was told by my feo if you still have the ruined one that needs replacing its free but if you've lost it its £8.
  5. I know that when I started my job at the secondary school I and everyone else working at the school was given a form to sign stating that we would not become involved with anyone below the age of 18 whether they are at that school or not, don't know if alls schools do this.
  6. i usually print the receipt at the end of the payment screen when renewing and leave it on my dash until the new one arrives, at least if anyone is looking in my windscreen they can see its done although as others have said i am sure a check on the car would flag up a valid tax disc anyway.
  7. Sold to Bri308 pending the usual Cheers
  8. Thats good to know, i have been thinking of taking my 125 out to the farm with my gun and was thinking of breaking it down in my backpack as i thought it would be the only way possible but sounds like you managed just fine the way you did it, Very jealous of your bike its a stunner
  9. Lovely bike mate, really nice picture as well, how did you manage to get the gear on the bike though was it not awkward?
  10. My Chair hide for sale, comes with a carry bag and is in good condition I used it a few times last winter but found it a bit awkward with my shotgun and think it would be better for a rifle shooter, it has magnetic window flaps and the windows are camo mesh. £40 Cash on collection from either Chatteris or my workplace in Cambridge, im afraid i cant post. Thanks guys
  11. Hey guys, Just wondering if anyone has a old co2 pistol laying around not being used anymore as looking for something cheap for bit of fun plinking some paper targets and tin cans, I live in cambridgeshire, anything considered, send me a pm if you have anything. cheers.
  12. Looks like very good condition mate doubt you'll have any trouble selling that, I like the cg's, I was looking around recently for a Yamaha ybr and couldn't find a good one for rusty rotten examples, ended up buying the honda cg's replacement cbf in bloody good nick and great looking bike, the honda's just seem to age better from what I've seen. Good luck with the sale buddy.
  13. Sounds daft to me mate, doesn't seem like a reason to stop selling it as its made for a legitimate purpose, I get mine from either poundland for my cheap lighters or I get genuine Zippo fluid from eBay.
  14. i use argos for a few things, the best one was a new vacuum cleaner that i got home and unpacked and the cylinder was full already of dust, pet hair etc, i took it back and said i wanted a new one not secondhand and i was looked at like i'd used it then brought it back.
  15. Thats absolutely terrible mate, my wife is also disabled and i cant imagine the rage you must feel getting grief like that when she is in her condition, as has been said im sure you would prefer to kick the hell out of the waste of skin but probably best to try the police first and see how you get on as you will be no good to her locked up. Really hope you get the idiot sorted though as no one thats got all that on your plate deserves a load of abuse from a idiot.
  16. My mum and dad always put some vinegar on some tissue and put that on the stings when i was a kid, that did the trick.
  17. My feo said it didn't need to be the respected member of society bit anymore and a friend doing any job is fine, I used my mate who is a groundsman who also holds a sgc and firearms cert.
  18. They are ridiculous prices already, if they have gone up its getting silly now. Mind you a cost of living increase at work would be nice seeing as the last one was five years ago.
  19. There is a cambridgeshire beekeepers association called cbka if you google that it will come up, they run a beekeepers course each year at the college I work at. They also have stalls etc come in to sell all the gear, its always very popular and normally packed.
  20. smokinggun


    I'm still learning to ride properly, got a Honda cbf125 riding on a cbt but getting there slowly, had it a couple of months, Take it out more when im working a late shift so roads are empty on my way home so I can take my time and practice.
  21. so disabled people don't deserve to be treated with respect then do they just because they are using the benefit to lease a car, you sir are a moron. My wife was treated like the op states at vindis Vauxhall in Cambridge but the best garage and by far the friendliest was VW. I bought a car years ago at Marshalls Cambridge and they are the worst for customer service I have ever seen. Also we had to put in a deposit of 300 on the wifes vw.
  22. As has already been said you lease the motability car for the cost of your higher rate disability benefit then after the leasing period it goes back and you can either lease another or have the benefit back, You have a choice of a few cars from most manufacturers, my wife has a 1.4 vw golf to get about in, She would give the car back in a heart beat if she didn't have POTS a heart problem and the inability to breathe without problems and walk upstairs without it taking so long and dropping for breaks. My wife would love a normal life and to work, in fact shr did try work first with this condition but gave it up as she kept passing out.
  23. I have to agree that if you are doing 70 it shouldn't matter, there is another lane for the morons to use if they have to come past, people bang on about how dangerous to use mobile phones but are more than happy to race past you speeding or if they are really idiots then flash the lights to try and get you to move when you are already doing the maximum speed limit. Sorry to hear about your crash but glad you are uninjured peskyfoxs.
  24. Just ordered a black size large, still wear my last two shirts they are great quality and still look perfect. Cheers for sorting them again teal.
  25. Walking dead comes back near Xmas as it did last year then after a few episodes they stop for Xmas break. I stream through 1channel.ch has been fine for me for couple of years.
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