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Everything posted by smokinggun

  1. Happy new year to you all, hope 2013 is a fantastic one for all of us
  2. I have been desperate to get out with my shotgun but I don't fancy sitting there getting soaked, fingers crossed next weekend will be a better one.
  3. Just finished cabelas big game hunter 2012, I will probably go back on to fallout 3 now as I never did finish that one.
  4. I was very spoilt I got some books, a new bag, a really nice black wax jacket and Zippo lighter with leather pouch and money and lots of other nice bits.
  5. Merry Christmas everyone, hope all you guys have a great day with your families and really enjoy yourselves and hope the kids have a fantastic day. I'm already dying for the roast dinner it can't come soon enough
  6. Got two bottles of whisky and 2 bottles of white wine to drop off tomorrow morning, small price to pay to be able to go whenever i want.
  7. My wife uses morphine patches and changes them something like every fortnight, she is in intense pain and finds they help some as she really notices the difference when they wear off.
  8. your son sounds like a very level headed brave young man, as you say many would have just shot the attacker and ended it there and then. he deserves to be awarded for protecting his mother not put in a cell. I hope they come to there senses and give him his property back
  9. what's this like I was given a bottle for Xmas from a mate, I usually just drink aldi napoleon brandy or supermarket brand so I am looking forward to trying this.
  10. You know you can buy root beer in asda in a pack of 6 cans mate, Its on the fizzy soft drink aisle, love it myself Sorry just see that figgy had already beat me to it in the post above.
  11. I have had the hammer version for about a year as rigeons had them for a fiver then, it is useful for knocking in small pins such as on beading etc, Or for pulling small nails out if you have it on your belt and it saves you going back to your car or workshop to get a hammer.
  12. my dad bought my airguns when i was very young and kept them stored away only letting me use them when he got them out and always in a safe but fun way under his supervision, we didnt have a lot of money which i imagine is the same as most young families so bringing in a licence and further restrictions could stop a lot of people from getting that experiance and fun at a young age and thus getting a taste for shooting at a early age. I turned out fine and very safe using weapons because of being told how to use them properly and getting a clip round the ear if i didnt, i dont think the actions of a few morons and the fact that those peoples parents were useless should bring in changes for the rest of us.
  13. That's a cracking pair of foxes mate what a monster, shame you couldn't skin it that would of been a good size fur. Great write up to I enjoyed reading that.
  14. Looking forward to spending time at home with my wife and also spending some time with my family, hopefully go for a shoot or two with my dad depending on weather. Most looking forward to getting all the present shopping done and hope everyone likes what I chose them.
  15. That's not good that they don't have lockers, don't think I've known a school not to have any at all. Hopefully your lads will turn up at some point probably laying in one of the cleaners cupboards and they have forgot about it.
  16. Thats a shame seeing as he went to get it the next morning, usually here where i work at a secondary school the kids and parents cant be bothered to come and retrieve the lost items and usually the locked lost property cupboard is rammed full, the kids can check it with the receptionist everyday after 3pm, then we put it all out in the hall the last school day of every month and a letter and email goes to the parents telling them this, That night it all gets binned but you can bet your life some parent will come in the next day or two later asking were his kids property is, its these ones i take great pleasure in telling its been binned as they have had the whole month to come and get it back.
  17. Nice one mate well done, time to get shopping now. Enjoy yourself
  18. Have G4S taken over the firearms licensing in those areas? just wondered if it could possibly be down to leaked information!
  19. smokinggun

    fox tails

    I would love to have a trophy tail from a fox i shot myself but unfortunately havent came across any yet, I see it the same as buying heads etc from other people and hanging them on the wall i would love those to i just cant afford them, Its different things for different folk, i just love anything to do with hunting whether its what i have shot or someone else has and i just really fancy a couple of tails. Never thought you were knocking me pal
  20. smokinggun

    fox tails

    Hello mate cheers for the reply, i am in Chatteris in Cambridgeshire, i dont know whether perhaps it could be posted and i obviously cover the costs or whether it would be a bit to grim to spend time in the post? I would as i said get them myself but i never see any where i shoot. Thank you
  21. smokinggun

    fox tails

    Hi there, I am after a couple of fox tails to hang off my gun slips but as I haven't shot any let alone seen any on the land I shoot over I thought I would ask on here, I am more than willing to try to tan/preserve them myself as im willing to give most things a go. does anyone please have any they could cut off any shot foxes they would otherwise be getting rid of. Thanks guys
  22. Great pic mate, and really good shot, enjoy eating it
  23. Good luck for your op mate, i hope it all works out well for you and your back enjoying yourself quickly
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