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Everything posted by smokinggun

  1. Nice to meet you Enzo, thanks for the carts, hopefully bump into you again some time
  2. 1967 Chevrolet impala for best & a Nissan navara for shooting.
  3. Nice gun mate i have one in mossy oak i bought from a member here hardly used and its improved my shooting no end, i just seem to shoot much better with it.
  4. i have sent you a pm, cheers.
  5. Nice one mate, sounds like a nice shot and fast reaction
  6. To right mate, I knew there was some about round there but that was the first time i had seen them, they were in some overgrown wooded dip area in the middle of the field and came running out right in front of me as I walked past, wish I had my camera ready but never mind it was a beautiful sight
  7. I was out in the field saturday all set up with my hide and decoys from first light until about 11am and i didn't even see one pigeon although the farmer told me there were loads the day before so think I missed the boat, I gave up freezing and came home in the end, on the way back to the car two deer ran straight out past me but by the time I got my camera out they were long gone, lovely sight in the snow though.
  8. I haven't used the other makes but I have a Nokia lumia but a slightly older model and mine is the best phone I have ever had, so easy to use and never goes wrong i love it.
  9. I use the mole valley farmers budget cleaning rod kit and 3 in one oil for my shotguns, brings mine up a treat.
  10. Thats cool i like watching his programs, like the yellow gun in the third picture wonder what he uses that for?
  11. Great wallet I have the same one myself, great price to.
  12. Not another load of exams for me to set up the desks and chairs for at work, seems never ending most of the year already haha
  13. smokinggun

    Bad Keebab!!

    I love doner pizza, cheese underneath and on top, bloody lovely.
  14. Completely agree with this bloke i bought my first two shotguns at the same time here and they were very friendly and helpful and even opened up so i could pick them up on a sunday and even gave me a nice deal on two guns a slip and some carts, i would use them a lot more often if i was closer but fenland rural is nearer to me and i have had nothing but good experiences here either.
  15. everytime i get back from shooting even if i have only fired one cartridge it gets the 3in1 and rods job followed by a light rub over all the metal outside with oil, Maybe im just ocd but i just want to keep my guns in the best condition possible.
  16. Hello mate and welcome from another cambridge bloke
  17. I'm not aware of one mate, i use fenland rural sports in warboys as far as i know that's the nearest one in that area but i could be wrong. Great shop though they have always been very friendly and helpful everytime i have been in.
  18. Electra, made in UK, it was in the house when I moved in seven years ago and I've only had to change the brushes once.
  19. Looks great to me I wish I could afford to go big game hunting every six weeks, or even once.
  20. I share mine with one other guy but he is only interested in shooting something to eat so not bothered with any vermin control so has worked so far, and there are plenty of fields so if he is on one I can just head to another.
  21. me and the wife got married in 2009 and we had a week at her aunts lovely holiday house in Broadway in the cotswolds, not exotic but we spent most of it in the bedroom then to a restaurant then back to the bedroom and repeated each day
  22. Nice pics and write up Andy, i bet that pie was tasty it definitely looks it
  23. smokinggun

    Harris bipod

    I think one has just been listed in the other sales section.
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