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Everything posted by smokinggun

  1. I asked Teal about these when i ordered a couple of pw cloth badges last year and he told me the following, Regarding the PW Polo Shirts- you will probably have to wait until the weather starts to warm up next Spring I'm afraid, as I can't see us doing a big order before then. So i'm sure he will probably do a order soon when it warms up a bit
  2. Hello mate and welcome, i'm not far from you just down the road in Chatteris
  3. its not everyone on benefits that get them free though its the wrong way around as my wife has incapacity benefit due to a lifelong heart and lung condition but she has to pay for prescriptions so she has a prepayment card to save a few quid, its weird and wrong how incapacity benefit which is for illness doesnt entitle you to free prescriptions but jobseekers does.
  4. So where do you stand if your certificate has run out and you still havent recieved the new one do you have to do as previously mentioned and store them with a RFD or can you still keep them in your own cabinet as its not really your fault that its ran out as long as you put in for the new cert in plenty of time.
  5. Cheers guys we had a great day out, went to castles and left with a few bits to say the least, got myself a u.s m65 jacket i have been after for ages, reminded me of being a kid when my dad always took me to the surplus shops to kit me out in the camo gear
  6. Cheers guys i'll maybe have a look into both if i get time but R&K sounds good
  7. smokinggun

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    www.molevalleyfarmers.com are offering free delivery with code GCF012FD, They have some shooting accessories and other bits on there that might interest some people, i have placed a small order myself.
  8. Cheers for that, it'll be nice to have a look around a different gun shop, i googled the Pink Punters although i could have guessed what it was gonna be, think i'll give that one a miss, reminds me of the Blue Oyster bar from Police Academy Ah right okay i'll put my gimp suit back in the wardrobe then
  9. I am having a day in Milton Keynes with the wife on Saturday and wondered if anyone could point me towards a good friendly gun shop close to centre selling carts at decent prices, i'm not looking to buy in bulk just top up some clay carts and get a few boxes of fibre ones to, also just to have a look around. Cheers guys
  10. the Outer Limits, Urban Gothic, Married with Children.
  11. Short but sweet it was Hare coursers in Humberside, looked a great area for whoever has the permission to go shooting though!
  12. As title on now, supposedly catching poachers and Hare coarsers tonight! maybe worth a watch
  13. not to far from me then, seems to be a lot more members in my area than i first realised, although i am concentrating my attention on trying to find permission closer to cambridge as i spend most of my time in that area and grew up there so hopefully it will pay off soon!
  14. I found them great to,i live in chatteris and it took something like around 5 weeks to get my first certificate in october, they were very friendly and efficient.
  15. I dont know how much he buys them for but the butcher in cambridge close to my wife's appointments i take her to sell pigeons oven ready for a whopping £4.50.
  16. SNAP its my anniversary on valentines day to, 3 years married but 9 years together
  17. Me and the missus are thinking of going, i'll keep an eye out for the PW badges.
  18. I had a email from this person on my pest control ad on Farmingads, just deleted it as it had nothing to do with shooting, they must be doing the rounds looking for idiots.
  19. At my local clay club you can as long as you just let them know when you get there, i take my Dad and he hasnt had a license for years but its a great way for us to spend a day together.
  20. It must be common to most police forces now to contact your doctor as i just had a appointment today and i asked if he was contacted by them, he said he was and showed me the letter on the computer attached to my file, It pretty much said if he knows any medical reason why i should not be granted a shotgun certificate can he please contact them with his reasons, he had wrote "no action neccesary" and put it on my file. If i was the OP i would talk to my doctor and find out what was said, hope it all works out for you!
  21. For me its a case of as i have a disabled wife and only one full time income i have to have a car to get to work as i work 40 mins away from home as wages close to home are a pittance but i simply cannot afford to put full price parts on, hence why i spend £60 on 4 tyres rather than £160 which would also just be cheap low budget brands only they are new which part worn practically are where i buy anyway, I also dont pay inflated garage prices so i get a mechanic friend to sort my car for cash when needed to save a few quid and i use universal parts to, i think the reason most of the people that use them are the ones that cant afford to shell out on name brand luxuries, the ones i have always bought have been excellent quality usually still have the new nodules on the edges and the fitter always gives you them to check first to see that the quality is good, they also still come with a guarantee and will be sorted if your not satisfied.
  22. I must admit i always buy part worn for both my car and the wife's car, the guy i use in guyhirn is great and i have never had a problem with any of them, costs me 15 quid each balanced and fitted for my car and 20 quid each for the wife's and they always last at least a year usually more with me doing about 45-50 miles a day, He said he gets a lot of his from company cars who change them more often than needed.
  23. Fair enough mate we all like different things, i am not big into paintball having only ever been once but i did have a go on my stag do and really enjoyed it, we all wore the regulation masks etc and played the set games it was great fun throwing paint and smoke grenades into the bunkers etc, all comparing bruises afterwards from getting shot in the neck and hands. That said i will probably only go again if invited by someone for a occasion as its a lot of money for what it is.
  24. Strange isnt it, probably would wow peoples kids for a birthday bash though, i dont know what my mate will think of it he's not had his day there yet. Maybe one for the Addicted rambo's of the paintball scene.
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