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Everything posted by matty*

  1. I found the fiochhi or how ever u spell to be good in my o/u .410 3" 18g 6 i used it all pheasant and partridge season last year and had some nice birds with it.
  2. Well done and time to thank your mate
  3. In one of the "hot spot" areas around me they cut around now and it gets left, we shoot manily in september october time on them. But every were is differnt and most stubbles are gone befor u no it.
  4. You boys are on top form!! Well done
  5. Yep thats them. Good friends of mine.
  6. I no of a game dealer in maney two of my good friends. Take most of mine there now days tend not to use fur and feather.
  7. I have witnessed shooting on game cover, shooting into a gang dropping too out of three shots fired the same gang including the third pigeon shot at (witch lost feathers) then go into a near identical pattern on a different game cover in view and decoy well? Happened a few times that day. So the immediate danger of a whirly/flapper cant be there?
  8. Well done lads a good bag in the end.
  9. U kept it jdog or game dealers? How did the rest of the session go?
  10. I have around 5 to choose from but only been cut around 2 days each. Checked last night birds are on there and numbers are building but looks like we have rain coming are way in a day or to so could put a hold on it for a few days.
  11. Welldone lads too good bags there.
  12. No complaints from me george. A good clean hard hitting and smooth cartridge for a good price.
  13. Had my first day of the year on rape stubble yesterday. Managed near 40. Was using the 30g 6s off of george. Now i ushally shoot rio 28g 7.5 and to be fair get on ok with them but for the money decided to try a 1000 of the 30g. Birds didnt decoy all that well yesterday. Most were long crossers or flighting. But the cartridges......... Man did they hit hard. Birds out to 45/50 yards still pillow cased. Ive used differnt 30g 6 befor but nothing that hits like these. I understand i must have been well on the birds but they did the job and well!!! 10 out of 10 from me and look farward to trying them out on a bigger day.
  14. Nice to have met u george ill keep in touch and be in touch again soon.
  15. Well done jdog a very good day. Did the birds decoy well?
  16. To be fair to you jdog if what you have made works and gives you the confidence to set up in the field then your sorted for your situation. When i first started using field hides i got the response from people " they wont come near you like that" to prove a point to a certain friend he had a pea field a few years back, they were a few on they but he hadnt shot it, i asked why he replied the peas are to high near the hedge so i cant. I asked could i have a go, he said yes. I set up in the middle in a low spot and killed 110. And picked around 108 from memory. He soon agreed field hides can work. If you way works for you then good stuff.
  17. Well done lads sounds a good weekend
  18. When u get a barrel "blacked" does it shine like a blued barrel or is it dull like a xtremas originsl finish?? Thanks for the replys Matty
  19. Ok so i put a topic up a week or so ago about xtrema vs maxus. Ive decided to keep the xtrema but would like to do the barrel up, by that i mean paint it. Its in good order but just looks a bit worn and tatty. What have others used to paint/cover there barrels. Dont wana send it away. Am looking to do the work myself. Anyideas please post Thanks Matty
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