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About Salmo9

  • Birthday 10/10/1959

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  • Gender
  • From
    Dumfries and Galloway
  • Interests
    Ardent fireside hunter and fisher. Getting back into the 'game' in a bid to tidy up my style..!!

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  1. If you’re into huntin’, shootin’ and fishin’ magazines.. Subscribe to Readly.. It’s all there and downloadable too, for £9.99 a month.
  2. A thoughtful and interesting thread, which had me dig out the vernier calipers and assortment of chokes supplied with my own Yildiz 410 O/U.. Having noted the bore diameter (10.2mm or 0.402”) stamped alongside the Birmingham proof marks I wrongly assumed choke constriction would be extrapolated from the choke exit diameter and barrel bore size, subsequently my chokes measured were off the scale.. It then occurred to me that both my barrels increased in tube diameter approximately 4” towards the muzzle, no doubt to accommodate the removable chokes. Therefore with this observation I decided to measure each end of the individual choke tubes which I’d hoped would settle some of the previous disparity.. It did to a degree. 5 notch choke - entry 0.422” Exit 0.408”. Constriction 0.014”. 4 notch choke - Entry 0.422”. Exit 0.405”. Constriction 0.017”. 3 notch choke - still in gun in cabinet and its late... 2 notch choke - Entry 0.422”. Exit 0.391”. Constriction 0.031”. 1 notch choke - Entry 0.421”. Exit 0.386”. Constriction 0.035”. Perhaps today’s manufacturers expects us to instruct our ‘Gunsmiths’ to regulate these chokes thereby leaving a bit of meat on the choke bores for the final ‘fettling’ Also, to add a bit of further confusion for yours truly, Teague and Briley appear to list 410 choke constrictions differently.. ie 1/4 = 0.004”. 1/2 = 0.008”. 3/4 = 0.012” and Full = 0.016”.. I need to sleep on this...
  3. Was shooting with a guest last week and he did exactly the same.. end of drive he broke and emptied his gun then closed it and pulled both triggers before slipping it.. he was both a good shot and ex military.. I don’t ‘dry fire’ unless snap caps are installed. I’m also now using ‘Turkish Delights’ (O/U’s with aluminium alloy actions) and would think unopposed steel firing pins meeting alloy breeches might not be too healthy in the long term.. Correct me if I’m wrong but using snap caps for guns in storage would not only relieve the main spring but also the sear spring plus the sears grip on the hammer..
  4. Should’ve mentioned too, that the works discussed be Castle and I was for ‘case hardening’ not re case hardening.. As gunman stated, no doubt your gun will need annealing to allow polishing etc prior to re case hardening. Prices will reflect this addition work I’m sure..
  5. Can’t really remember to be honest, it was some time ago but I do recall it was a telephone conversation with Castle Gunmakers in your neck of the woods.. For £600 plus I’d expect it to be ‘all inclusive’.. I’d reckon (hope) Castle would outsource the work to St Ledger for that kind of dosh..
  6. ... I should add that I believe the Steel FX Patina products are water based and applied at room temperature. What isn’t there to like..??
  7. Pondered this subject a few years ago myself and if I recall correctly, to get my gun case hardened (B25 Browning) would’ve been circa £600 North without any responsibilities if it all went South. At that time I shelved the notion.. However, I’ve just seen a product that might fit your requirements, assuming you gun is already case hardened but lacks the colours due to age, wear etc.. Steel FX Patinas might just fit the criteria (google it). Might even be able to dab it on in the shed, kitchen, gun room without risk..!! Downside is it’s an American product but they may ship. Hope this is helpful.. remember if you’ve already got the benefits of ‘case hardening’ but lack the distinctive colouring, this might be the way to go..
  8. Suggest some heavy duty footwell mats (preferably Dacia, if possible) plus a dash cam and you’re sorted.. Happy motoring..
  9. My son has a Belgium Browning B26 O/U game gun which exhibited similar symptoms.. Would either lockup solid or scoring of the cartridge case head from the lower firing pin.. Upon closer examination we found two rods within the action which were used to reset the hammers upon cocking and also as ejector trippers, two roles in one.. When miking up these rods we discovered a few thou difference between them which we concluded was due to wear. This was addressed and repaired rod reinstated to good effect.. Proper result and not a gunsmith in sight..
  10. Salmo9


    I think the term here is ‘equality of outcome’, a disastrous regime embraced by the woke, as opposed to ‘equality of opportunity’, a far healthier policy for honest progression. Messrs Peterson, Sowell and Murray keep me right with these facts..
  11. Currently using Hodgdon Lil’gun and H110 to good effect.. tend to be a bit ‘dirty’ in the barrels though.. Something I can live with..
  12. Alistair Croots me thinks...
  13. Thinking outside the box slightly, I see a potential money spinner for these guys and their entourage’s.. Namely a ‘rematch’ in Vegas.. 5 rounds to determine the winner, may the best actor win.. TV and merchandise rights will be phenomenal.. Watch this space..
  14. This fella talks a lot of sense.. The only way is negotiation..
  15. Well worth 37 minutes of anyone’s time.. (plus popcorn).
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