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  1. JDog


    It doesn't take long for Marshman to derail a thread.
  2. You underestimate your popularity on this forum and YouTube.
  3. JDog

    Home insurance

    There is no loyalty. Comparison websites every time.
  4. See this from Sept 2013 I believe.
  5. Penelope will be along shortly to put you right.
  6. It was ever thus. Having suffered a bit from it in Lincolnshire I know how it feels. Thankfully down here noone else is allowed on my farms and Estates.
  7. That in my humble opinion is a greater skill than shotgun shooting.
  8. Good. I have a few pigeons.
  9. The gun is for sale for £50 and you are looking for offers?
  10. Keen and successful. As for determining cause and effect, you will never achieve it. That surely is why we keep doing it.
  11. Good thread. Good skills. Thanks for posting.
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