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About Remimax

  • Birthday 28/02/1968

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  • Interests
    shooting & diving

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  1. You can be sure this Gov will sell out on the fishing rights when the time comes.
  2. None of them want it sorting,big money being made for the plums and chums .any form of accomodation on 10year contracts ,security and human rights lawyers creaming off the system.nothing is going too change any time soon.the worse bit if giving the French millions to escort em in the right direction *** oh and the govement admitting they have 5000 empty rooms available and paid for at any one time." Just in case of a mad rush on".you can't make this **** up.
  3. see the EU are up to the usual mafia tactics , demanding we hand over our fishing rights along with taking on go knows how many 18-30 year old "students".so that's a done deal then with the current clowns we have in the driving seat.
  4. Have you tried a 20G hushpower pump ? Sold mine as I couldn't get on with it.not a nice gun too shoot
  5. Wise words sir.people bust a gut working too buy **** they don't need too impress people they don't like
  6. 😂😂😂 😂😂😂 prob has a pair of ********
  7. stabbing each other on the dingy crossings now ,you can't make this **** up.
  8. there's no problem with freedom of movement as long as it involves a rubber dingy ,seem to recall "old" labour use to deport at least 40 thousand freeloaders a year ,you like to explain why that isn't happening or going to happen now they are back in the driving seat.
  9. bit of a cheap shot considering its in name only.
  10. yep game set and match ,just watched a press clip meeting of those two thugs who beat up them armed police @ the airport playing the victim with a new lawyer. you can't make this **** up.
  11. The Eric slim copper thing is all bull**** the guys been competing and winning comps for years.
  12. well that full vid shows the whole thing in a different light .
  13. funny i have a WPC friend that has tazered 3 dogs so far in her career and has worked a treat every time .had a bit of a ticking off the first time paper work and all that but like she says i dont get paid enough to be chomped by some scrotes hound.
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