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Everything posted by Browning

  1. Forget the .270 if you want a foxing rifle. It took me ages to get fox as a seperate condition against my .270. What you may save in money on the actual rifle, you'll lose on the ammo costs. Also, I found that .270 ballistic tipped ammo is ver scarce, and the soft point .270 ammo won't expand very well on foxes, drilling them rather than exploding like a ballistic tip will do, with some foxes running up to 50 yards before falling over, even with a perfect heart shot. If you intend to shoot fox and Roe then go for the .243, in my opinion the most versatile rifle caliber out there.
  2. This is a crying shame. I used to do a lot of trapping when I was a lad, 35 years ago, at Holmfirth SS, and as payment Johns dad Brian gave me shooting lessons, and during the ensuing years I became good frends with all the family. It was a blow when we heard about Johns passing this year, but the closing of the shooting ground is the final straw. This is happening all too often these days, and mostly down (as Peter says) to the incoming townies looking for the 'country life'. Christ I wish they'd stay in the bloody towns!!!
  3. Sorry Bigthug, both cabinets were sold and collected this morning.
  4. Why on earth do you think it necessary to post stupid and worthless comments like that, when it is obvious that it adds absolutely nothing to the thread?
  5. Yes, no problem, I had two Tikkas with 50mm obj scopes on high mounts in there before I got the Brattensound.
  6. Mosa, was the rifle performing OK with this ammo before you had it threaded? Did they re-crown at all? Have you tried the ammo without the Mod in place?
  7. Due to house move I have 2 gun cabinets for sale:- 1 x Brattensound, approx 7 gun total capacity. The cabinet was built for rifles & pistols, so 1/3 of it has shelves, whilst the other 2/3rds comfortably holds 4 rifles complete with scopes. The shelves are useful for powder/primer/bullet etc storage, but could be removed to expand on gun capacity. Looking for £80. 1 x unnamed 5 gun cabinet with seperate locking top box. Currently comfortably holds 5 shotguns. Looking for £50. The sizes are:- Brattensound:- 1300 x 400 x 350 Other:- 1520 x 270 x 250 Both must be collected from North Oxfordshire/South Warwickshire/West Northants. (Unless you want to arrange a courier?) If anyone is interested please PM me with an email address and I will let you have some pics.
  8. Thank you Speedy, that is exactly response I was hoping for. B) I'm interested to know what powder/primer/bullet combinations work for you? I currently load the 120gn Nosler BT with fantastic results in my 6.5x47 and am hoping the same bullet will shoot well in the .260. That way with only one bullet I can afford to buy in bulk.
  9. I'm looking at a new stalking rifle, and am interested in the .260Rem. Do any of you guys own, or have experience of this caliber?
  10. Nothing wrong with Remmy's Steve, I have a SPS Varmint in .243, which has seen some serious work, and I've never had a problem with the floorplate. I also have a custom 6.5x47 built on a Rem 700 action, again keeping the original floorplate, and never had any problems. I also have a Tikka .270Win with detachable mag, and that's fine also. It's all down to personal choice.
  11. WRONG, please get your facts right before posting. And you. It's a recommendation from ACPO because the amount of variations needed to existing certs would be an admin nightmare haven't you been following the latest deer legislation? Have you? I'd be very interested to see where in the deer legislation it states that Muntjac are vermin???
  12. That's interesting Bob, we were doing some long range work on Saturday, steel plate at 735 yards with my 6.5 x 47. I was shooting 120gn Nosler ballistic tips and 123gn Lapua Scenars. Both loaded with 41gns RL15, CCI BR4 primers, and both just kissing the lands. The Scenars were doing noticably more damage to the plate than the Noslers. We put it down to the higher BC of the target rounds carrying more 'punch' to the target.
  13. In my opinion you already have the best caliber for the job in your Sako 6.5 x 55. The .243 is an excellent round but, again in my opinion, I prefer more punch than .243 on Fallow.
  14. Spot on Hod!!! I suggested recently to one of the younger generation on here, that if he took more care with his spelling and grammar then maybe more of the more experienced sportsmen would take an interest in his posts, and he would therefore gain more experienced views and advice. The PM that I received from said younger generation was rather derogatory towards me, and once again full of spelling and grammar mistakes, all apart from '*** head' which was the closest he got to correct spelling.....
  15. I totally agree with Jagerman here, I have two A-Tecs, one on the .243 and one on the 6.5 x 47. The .243 has done a LOT of work and the Mod is absolutely fine. It's too early to tell about longevity of the one on the 6.5 but sound reduction qualities are superb.
  16. You shouldn't lose any accuracy, as long as your gunsmith makes a good job of re-crowning. In theory you will lose some power, but the actual loss is negligable so nothing to worry about.
  17. Sidney, I got 3 lenses with the kit, 15%, 25%, 40% (if my memory serves me), I use the 25% most.
  18. Hi Sidney, Yep, I use HiDef Spex, not cheap but very very good. Very light and fit well, so very comfortable.
  19. A-Tec every time. It will add approximately 3.75" to the length of your rifle, is smaller and lighter than the T8, (In my opinion) quieter, and strippable. I have had both on the same rifle and have compared them directly.
  20. It sounds like the thread has been cut badly Scot. Did the mod ever come loose with the original thread? Also, check the shoulder behind the thread, does it look as though it's been cut square to the thread? This is quite important as the mod should tighten up against this shoulder. One final thing you could check, did the gunsmith bore out the Delrin bush on the mod after he re-cut the thread? It could be that the barrel taper is larger now so the Delrin bush is gripping the barrel rather than the thread butting up to the shoulder.
  21. Thanks for that Fister, I'll get hold of some and see if I can work up a suitable load at the weekend.
  22. So you would shoot a deer with a shotgun because it's "still good fun though" ? You don't deserve to own any firearm you stupid little boy.
  23. I'm looking for recommendations for a 6.5mm bullet to load up in my 6.5x47 for deer use. What are you 6.5x55 lads using? and have you any recommendations/scare stories based on your experiences? All help is much appreciated.
  24. For 'normal' reloading for hunting, RCBS and Lee are absolutely fine. If you want to push the boat out on cost and maybe (just maybe) get super accuracy in a custom rifle then I use Redding and Wilson.
  25. Russ91, try this link mate. Online spell checker
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