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Everything posted by Westley

  1. Then after all of the work and effort to get them to Court, they get suspended sentences because the prisons are full.
  2. We know absolutely nothing about this incident, other than, what has been 'reported'. At 5.30pm it would have been dark, what was the lighting in the park like ? It could well be an area where kids congregate and people are fed up with them. What we do know is that 13 year olds are perfectly capable of having and using weapons.
  3. Maybe the fact that some people have been justifiably shot by armed police, when waving a 'toy' gun around. I shall await, but will probably never see, the outcome of the body camera's videos of the Officers attending. I am not going down the road of 'at what point do pull the trigger '........it's been done to death. (Pun intended)
  4. ALL of these comments on the strength of a news report ?? I smell a claim for compensation and a month in the Bahamas coming up ? By the same score it is only last week a Police Officer was stabbed in the arm and a female Police Officer run down by a car. A 14 year old has just been charged with murder.........and so it goes on. Not surprising that the 'ello, ello, ello, what's going on ere then" ? approach no longer applies. I know nothing about these plastic guns, but a news report below the linked one, reported that a kids party was interrupted after someone rang the Police saying they could hear the sound of gunfire. That was a different setting, but 2 armed response vehicles were sent and RIGHTLY so. They ended up having photos taken with the kids involved.
  5. Stop and Search does work.......After all, it was the root cause of the riots in the 80’s. Of course it was quickly, but wrongly, renamed as racist. BUT, the outcome was the same, and achieved the desired effect. The Bobby on the street stopped doing stop/searches....it just was NOT worth the hassle. To a degree, the same applies to today. It has been made to become, once again, not worth the bother. Stop someone on the street now and the first thing is the mobile phone/ camera stuck in your face. That is followed by the barrack room lawyers, "I know my rights". The Bobbies are goaded into some sort of action, which often ends in no charges and substantial compensation payouts. Bobbies are being sacked now if they as much as send, what we would see as 'a joke', on their phone, EVEN when off duty. A lot that I know are 'keeping their heads down' and counting the days until retirement.
  6. You are lucky.........I don't even get asked 🙄
  7. How can you verify age on line ? Surely that it easily faked. As already stated, only genuine collectors will be affected by ANY legislation. Last week there were 3 males in Court for converting Turkish replica handguns into usable weapons. The banning of handguns, did absolutely nothing to prevent gun crime, BUT, to Joe Public, the Government were seen to act swiftly and robustly. A bit like the Doctors input towards current gun ownership.
  8. In the 80’s and 90's it was Stanley knives that were being carried. I was working at a football match and together with my colleagues, had cause to enter the crowd, to quell a fight. It was the usual push and shove that occurs in close crowd incidents. As we were forcing our way back out onto the pitch, one of my colleagues asked if someone had poured a drink down his back. When he turned around he had been slashed several times, across his back. He had multiple stitches to his wounds, but he survived.
  9. I think the honest one on our Council must be on leave ! 🙄
  10. My ProSport was 30" and balanced on the pin, with no weights fitted. I did use the barrel weights for a while, but it was the 9lbs overall weight that was too much. I had a 694 for around 6 months, just could not live with it. I had the offer of the CD, once I saw it's condition, and the fact it was still in its cardboard box, including the second set of woodwork, I grabbed it. I taught its owner to shoot and took him to buy the gun in 1992. He also bought 1000 cartridges at the time. I have 350 of them now. At nearly 80, I was feeling the weight of most modern guns. My Grandson's have them now.
  11. On a 100 bird sporting shoot, I was dropping more birds off the last 4/5 stands than the rest of the layout, using my ProSport. 1lb off the overall weight of a gun can make a lot of difference.
  12. My CG with its overbored, ported barrels, coupled with an Isis recoil pad means I do not feel any recoil. Others that have shot it also remark on its lack of recoil. My gun is a Classic Trap, which came with 2 series of woodwork, Trap and Sporting. I spoke to a guy recently who had a 32" version of the same gun. I think Matt knew of one for sale. He can be slow in answering mails.
  13. Go and look for an old Winchester or a Classic Doubles, speak to Mr Morgan at Eastfield Guns. I got rid of my ProSport for exactly the same reason, it's weight. I have been shooting my CD for 18 months now and love it. It is an ounce under 8lbs. 30" multi choke barrels, but balances perfectly. Glad I switched, oh, and I paid £500 for it.
  14. There are a few 'easy answers' though. Fit EVERY traffic light with both speed and red light camera's. More 'average speed' camera's on known high speed roads. Stiffer penalties for offenders. If you were to injure someone with your gun, you are likely lose your Certificate, PERMANENTLY. Flatten someone, or injure them with your car, and there is a good chance you will not even get a ban. Yet far more people are killed or severely injured by vehicles, every day. If you get caught over the limit on drugs or alcohol, then a permanent ban, because there is a high number of re offenders. I live near to what is described as an 'accident black spot'. There is at least 1 collision there EVERY day. There are a series of traffic lights where 2 motorways meet, coupled with 2 main A roads. I have counted on average at least 3, but often more, drivers jumping the red lights. The road safety idiots keep scratching their heads about how to make the junction safer. Less than a mile away there is another traffic light controlled junction, only strangers to the area jump those lights, they have both speed and red light camera's fitted. It is not really rocket science.........people will not break the law if they know they WILL be caught.
  15. I know of at least 2 lots of 'Parents' ? who have taken points on THEIR licence, to keep little darlings on the road. Make it easier to lose their licence AND harder to get it back ?
  16. Or a compulsory 'Black box' fitted. They DO work, my 18 year old Grandson has one in his Corsa, his driving is certainly curtailed by it.
  17. I have said it before, but, how many of the grieving parents have helped put their offspring on the road in the first place. I know my 2 daughters have certainly helped my Grandkids with their first cars. One of my Grandson's has worked extremely hard and has now at 21 bought a BMW. He has not had any financial help from the family to achieve this, but that fact makes him more careful with his new toy. I have had to give too many parents the bad news regarding their children. I have been retired for 24 years, but I can still remember each one of them, vividly.
  18. I have just found those on the bay, Gordon. I shall do that. I have an Isis recoil pad which I want to keep. I have recently had the comb 'lifted' and the height is now spot on, but the toe is further out than I would like, hence adjustable pad.
  19. Has anyone experience of using an adjustable heel plate/recoil pad on a shotgun ? I believe the original was a 'Jones through the pad' heel plate. The through the pad made reference to the adjustment method. My stock needs a bit of a twist, to put the heel correctly in my shoulder. Before I get that done, I would like to experiment with an adjuster. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  20. Only last week I read of someone being convicted of carrying a bladed article in public. He was severely punished by being given a 6 months prison sentence......................suspended for 2 years ! Was all the work of getting him in Court worth it ?
  21. I believe that Churchill's ground near Ripon is well worth a visit. It is one I am hoping to visit and I live in Merseyside.
  22. It also cuts back on the constant appeals 😊
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