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Everything posted by Westley

  1. You would if you ate sprouts ! 😂
  2. I don't suppose we would have the winds either 😁
  3. I was more 'ill conceived ' that winter. 😂😂
  4. I was busily trying to keep pigeons off the sprout fields ! 🙂
  5. It was a nightmare in the gasfitting and plumbing world too. Pipes in metric, would not join onto imperial sized piping, without adaptors. Back on thread, I was working in winter 1962/3. We walked from job to job, carrying an ex army rucksack as a tool bag. No public transport, or very little, due to the weather. Makes me smile when the Country stands still after an INCH of snow. 😂😂
  6. It wasn't just my Mom, it was ME too. Our first house in 1967 had coal fires. My job every morning, before going to work, clean out and relight the coal fires. It was like that for 12 months, until I fitted central heating and gas fires. We bought a radiator at a time as we could not afford the total outlay in one go. 😆
  7. Looks like a Turkish 'Gob Job' ! A lot of those around Liverpool at present ? 😄
  8. Thankfully I never taught my dogs to read ! 😊 You Guys HAVE to understand that without these exorbitant costs, the hierarchy of these magazines could NOT afford their days at Warter Priory every year.
  9. With all the comments regarding lack of resources and funds, put forwards as a possible cause for such child abuse atrocities. I would bet there will be ample funds and resources available for the 'Negligence' claims, against whoever it is that runs the Prisons nowadays ?? Just saying !
  10. Westley

    kemi badenok

    CAREFUL........he will threaten you with legal action next ! 😂
  11. I too would be wanting a walnut stock, however, my 2 Grandson's at 18 and 21, both think their grey laminates are 'cool' ! 😂
  12. To quote, "These are the ones we know about" 😂😂😂
  13. You have not said as to what standard you are shooting. IF, the answer to that is reasonably well to good, then forget about eye dominance and work on other things, like gun mounting, stance,hold point, and kill points. I was shooting with a couple of friends last Sunday. I noticed that one of them was calling pull, then immediately moving his gun towards the trap. This caused him to 'chase' after the clay, he then either never caught up with, or overshot the clay completely. He has had recently had eye surgery (cataract) and was blaming that for his loss in performance . I got him to 'pre mount' his gun more often. His score improved. So it is not always a master eye thing that can cause you to miss.
  14. We need to expand and improve 'Social Housing ' then we can spread the immigrants around, making them less noticeable! 🙄 Forgot to say "Going Forward" 😂😂
  15. Worry not ! Labour Party have the job in hand.......it's er 'work in progress ' !
  16. I had an exact same problem, but with the AA last Friday. We had been away for Christmas, and my Honda CRV had not been used. However, we had been out to it a few times, putting stuff in, taking stuff out etc. When I came to start the loaded car.........a flat batt. Unable to get a phone signal, the hotel reception tried the landline to the AA. This was around 10.30am. After all sorts of automated messages, telling her to go 'on line', she persisted with the landline. After quite a long wait, she informed us it was going to be at least 2 hours wait. Thankfully a Land Rover owner came to my assistance, using my jump leads. The car started straight away. The hotel receptionist told us to 'leave it with her' to make the cancellation. I plan on complaining to the AA about the idiotic system of 'doing it on line'. That is NOT always possible, but a phone line is.
  17. I was a plumber and gasfitter by trade and have used LS-X for some 20 years. I have used it for a wide variation of things. The fact that it remains flexible is part of its sealing capability. There is often movement of a shower tray during its use, especially if it is of the plastic variation, or is fitted onto a wooden floor. Fernox and Plumbers mait are the best flexible sealants that I have used to date. Of course things are improving all of the time, but sometimes the old things work better.
  18. Are you SURE that centre piece does not screw out ? The three flange pieces look like they form a 'grip' to enable it to be unscrewed for cleaning. Try using a pan scrub and some WD40 to clean it up, enabling you to see the thing clearly. It looks like it screws out. This would enable you to use some Plumbers Mait or better still Fernox LS-X jointing compound. Alternatively, you may be able to use the LS-X around the outside edge to form a seal. I have just used this stuff on a gutter joint that was dripping, it's now sealed. I also once used it to plug a stone hole in a Disco radiator. It was still there after 5 years ! Forgot to say, Screwfix or tool station sell it.........not cheap.....around £6 a tube. Follow the instructions and store it correctly, it will last and does a multitude of sealing jobs.
  19. The Defendants solicitor is already making noises about a 'fair trial' for his clients, backed by the family. I won't hold my breath over any custodial sentences.
  20. I started my 3 Grandson's with air rifles in my back garden when they were around 7 or 8. The drawbacks with the various single barrel guns are, the bolt action and the fully folding single barrels, can be a pig to carry for a youngster. This can lead to their inadvertently pointing the gun in the wrong direction when trying to carry it. I bought a used Yildiz 28 bore O/U with a standard stock. I then had that cut down, but kept the piece to replace later, as they developed. You can get light load 28 bore cartridges which equal the .410" load. The gun is not a lot heavier than a single barrel but they will get more use from it than a .410". Once they progressed to a 12 bore, I sold the Yildiz for the same price that I had paid for it.
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