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Everything posted by 12gauge82

  1. Well done for posting this it's a lovely read. As dogs primary sense is obviously their smell, they tend to do very well without their sight.
  2. If that is your dog and I'm not saying its not, I hope it a speedy recovery, I just find it amazing the amount of issues you seem to have with meeting aggressive dogs, you must be very unlucky is all I can assume. Your right my work is private and I keep a very low social media profile, but I make a good living as part of what I do, so don't need your approval. I certainly am not going to discuss dog training with someone as obviously clueless as you are either, it would be absolutely pointless.
  3. I literally have a dog with me 24hrs a day, 365days a year and I go all over the country and have very few problems. Considering it is one of your most posted about problems on this section of the forum Im really amazed you have so many issues, I don't suppose you have some photos of your dogs injuries as I've got to be honest, I'm sort of starting to doubt this even happened, you must be one of the most unlucky people on here.
  4. Chocolate isn't poisonous, the cocoa in it becomes toxic when too much is consumed. How much is too much, depends on several factors like what type of chocolate, white chocolate has far less cocoa than milk, which has less than dark or cooking chocolate and of course the size of dog has a huge impact to.
  5. This demonstrates the scale of the problem, bare in mind the UK has (last time I checked) approximately 80k spaces which are almost always full. The problem of how they investigate that number of people, never mind how we find space and money to lock them all up is obvious.
  6. Yeah I actually agree with most of that to be honest 👍
  7. Not hung up at all, I'm just amazed that all the people (and in no way do I include you in this) who accused me and others of being racist, xenophobic, thick, uneducated, quiting, little Englanders, who were far too stupid to understand the obvious advantage to being EU members and how they've all gone silent now their ridiculous claims and accusations have been exposed. Not even the decency to admit they were wrong, although I'm sure they're still lurking and reading. As for the rest who voted remain, I've no issue with them at all, I believe we had some good debates without getting nasty, everyone is entitled to their view and I'm a huge believer in democracy.
  8. I don't know, sending a leaflet worth more than the entire allowable budget for arguing we should remain to every household in the UK trying to scare people with idiotic doom mongering is pretty hardcore, so when it's part of a bigger picture of spinning lies then yes I'd call it remoaner narrative. For the record both sides lied like a cheap watch but I'm happy to view it all equally and SOME of the remain side took the biscuit imo.
  9. Unfortunately I think it's far simpler than a lot of answers so far, the fact is, if they acted or even locked up every pervert who gets their kicks from kids online, the criminal justice system would be completely overwhelmed. I've said it before, build more highly secure prisons and warehouse dangerous people like pedos cheaply so they never walk the streets again.
  10. Well, before brexit the experts declared that leaving the European medicines Agency was going to endanger the lives of UK citizens, so surely if leaving had no impact, in this case a very positive one, then why did they warn of potential problems if we left. The remoaners can't have their cake and eat it?
  11. I would disagree with that so ditto to you 👍
  12. Here's a YouTube video on how to fix
  13. Or a virus into our population, corona anyone 🤔
  14. I agree with this. We should be building our milatry up and at the end of the day, the only way to truly win a conventional war is good old boots on the ground unfortunately.
  15. So glad that she's on the mend. Fingers crossed for you both with the second jab, frightening stuff.
  16. Well it's clearly not helping them roll out a vaccine program is it. Thank god for thicko brexiteers hey! I believe brexit has saved our vaccine bacon. Look how the EU have behaved trying to block us receiving our vaccines. Do you seriously think if we were still in their gang of gangsters they'd have allowed us to roll our vaccine program out like we have without punishment?
  17. And that's the problem, in some dogs they could literally eat them all day with no problems. In others one grape could kill them.
  18. Arson is a very serious charge and even more serious if intent to endanger life. A good judge can impose a life sentence so fingers crossed.
  19. To the best of my knowledge this is correct although in my experience rare. Grapes can be deadly to dogs, in rare cases one can be enough, in other dogs they could eat bags and bags with no ill effect. They are not sure why this is. But one things for sure, they are best avoided at all costs for our dogs.
  20. I see both arguments. In the one hand efficient, we'll run charities that are genuinely trying to make a difference to the end user in their chosen cause should be commended. But I also think there are too bigger holes in the legislation governing charities that allow rouges and businesses maskerading as charities to thrive. Maybe part of the solution is better regulation.
  21. No I didn't know Covid was coming but like anything in life, if you try to micro mange people you won't get the best from them, if you create a protectionist organisation, that doesn't beat the competition with supirior or/and cheaper products, but by preventing anyone inside your trading block buying elsewhere, therefore using our taxes to shore up ineffective business,its obvious to me the EU is not a healthy organisation. So when a crisis comes along why would an organisation like the EU do any better at that?
  22. I totally get some of your points on this thread. Even if masks do help to prevent virus spread, as a "free" society risk of harm is always weighed against individual freedoms or we'd all be kept in doors, required to wear visible id cards, motor vehicles would be banned and so on. I personally don't mind wearing a mask in the short term for the chance it might help prevent the spread and am required by law to do so anyway which makes my thought on the subject a mute point. But, where will all this end, as it appears the vaccine alone will not defeat this virus and it appears it might be with us for ever more, which leads to the question, what measures is the government if any will they use/keep in the future, because I can't see people complying with mask wearing and enforced house arrest for evermore even if it does save lives.
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